why don't you have a girlfriend, Jow Forums? whatever the reason it can't be that bad
Why don't you have a girlfriend, Jow Forums? whatever the reason it can't be that bad
My group of friends was really small. Now in my 20 I don't even talk to them anymore. Just some uni friends
Never really made a good effort
I dont have any friends nor the ability to acquire any.
I'm an ugly shut in neet
I don't know why, and it's getting more and more on my nerves. Every time I try to improve on my mistakes, but it seems all vain, it's like I don't exist.
I think my boyfriend would probably get upset.
my gf is amazing! you can make it bros - inceldom is retarded- there is light at the end of the tunnel
I was very unattractive as a teenager, which ruined my self esteem.
Now I'm too old to start dating, no woman wants a 28 year old man with no relationship or sexual experience.
I never approach girls romantically for some reason :(
I dont want to have to talk to someone. Sure it would be nice to have someone to talk to, but to have to talk to them all the time would be a pain. I only talk to people when I am around them too so she would probably dump me for never texting her.
means ur ugly user
have a good mix of hobbies interests etc, lots of friends, get along w people well, getting an education, work, take care of appearance and be a good person
do all this and no gf, what else could it be? hey ho shit sucks
I'm a neet drug dealer with no future. I'm the butt of most jokes at the few parties that I go to, and even then im mostly on acid or Molly so I'm just known as the junkie that sells drugs. My self esteem ist bad and I'm dirt poor, I look pretty good but it's wasted on an autist like me. Had a few "girlfriends" but it never held over 3 months and I'm still a virgin. Also pic related was my last relationship over 2 years ago
To get a girlfriend, I need to put up an act of confidence and a certain degree of neurotypical-ness. If I were to get a girlfriend and she really got to know me, my true self would be exposed: a depressed, insecure misanthrope who is only a load of problems instead of a fulfilling partner.
I've been told I don't look bad, I'm healthy and care about my body, but I guess you're right and they were just trying to be nice, since I do everything else you said.
Yeah same, but it's always been family members or friends saying it when the topic of me never having had a gf comes up and I allude to my face.
Guess it's the same for you?
Out of my teens now, and still 0 sign of any interest from anyone, I really cannot think of another explanation.
Well, to be honest I got girlfriends already, who told me the same thing, with the old timer "I'm sure you'll find someone who'll make you happy", but it take me litteraly half a decade each time to just meet a girl who deign to give me a chance.
such is nu-r9k
don't drink nor go to clubs, all women at work are taken
You'd be shocked how many guys your age have at most 1 ex.
Yes, but that's still a lot more than I have.
I don't have a personality anyone wants to date and I would rather be myself even if it means being lonely.
I don't have a job so I can't take a girl out to places or spend money on her. I'm ugly and short as well when looking at the men women prefer. I have diagnosed mental illnesses which make it harder to function so I stay at home. I'm too much of a child mentally, and women have described me as soft and gay before as I'm not assertive/aggressive or outwardly expressive about my attraction to females. I have a lot of mental hangups no sane woman would/should want to deal with in any capacity, and the non-sane ones want/need someone who isn't as messed up. I don't have a place in a woman's life, most either look past me or don't know I exist anywhere I go. I've always been and will always be a loser. not everyone can be a boss, not everyone can rise to the occasion and become someone.
im 86 kilograms...thats my fault
im hairy asf too but i canny change that.
im percieved as a wierdo because im different.
i'm a hebe and have minimal attraction to girls over 15
I have 500 tinder matches and have no compulsion to interact with any of them
Because expressing any kind of feelings or emotion is genuinely difficult for me since mom left when I was a kid. It took me 20 minutes to force myself to tell a girl I know that it was great to see her this weekend when I was texting her today. I'm just not capable right now, but I am trying to work through it.
Ex E-gf lied about me trying to get her to kill herself to help a guy i knew IRL get revenge on me for something i didn't even do to him. Because of that people have been fucking with me and sabotaging my social life ever since. It's been almost over 5 years now, so i can never have a gf so long as the people who worship this girl continue to fuck with me. She never bothered to admit the truth, she'll lie about her brother beating the shit out of her, she'll say it didn't happen, she'll lie about being raped, she'll say it didn't happen, and she'll lie about me trying to get her to kill herself. It's so dumb too, why would i want a girl i'm obsessed with and loved to kill herself, it makes no fucking sense. People are so retarded man.
My parents sexualized every time I played with a girl
>"is she your girlfriend now? Tihihi"
I can honestly remember it got into my head enough that at 5 or something I had sexual fantasies and convinced my female friends to lie in bed with me with pants down as "Sex".
Then I was mobbed basically from first class where (my father told me, I can't remember) guys would crew up around me and pinch my penis.
I grew fat and my parents divorced because my mom fucked a different guy she ended up in a relationship with after (the cheating part I found out years later when my father had one of his drunk pseudo philosophical rambling sessions again).
I stayed with Mom and she and the guy split up when I was 12. After that I didn't see any adult close to me have a relationship ever again. By that time I'm not even sure if I was still being mobbed, or I was just afraid of being mobbed and that's why I became a recluse. I didn't meet people outside school and felt so distanced from what "normal kids" did already, that I'd given up on ever having a normal life.
Anyways, by that time my confidence was so low, even if people were nice to me, or literally told me they had a crush on me, I didn't believe them.
Admitting attraction to anybody was unfathomable, and honestly I was ashamed of feeling attracted to anyone at all.
At 19 I met a perfect girl with an equally fucked up youth. I literally didn't sleep all night thinking about her regularly.
After a lot of time we dated for a month and I was in fucking heaven. Then it stopped really abruptly, no explanation given. We lived in neighbouring houses, so I heard how she met with other guys at night and drove away, only returning 10 mins before work. I still get a knot in my throat everytime I hear a car door slammed shut.
Anyways, that left me fucked up for another 2 years.
>hairy as fuck
>can't change that
You can always shave yourself. It's not a big hassle if you keep a regular routine and it's usually seen more as "taking care of yourself" instead of gay by now in society.
It's pointless for me to pursue any woman. Even if she accepts my advances, it would mean that she's not the type of woman I'd be interested in having a relationship with. I just need to wait and hope one of the few women who prefers to take on the active pursuer's role picks me as her prey.
You're probably still ugly too, so that's not helping your case.
For me I think it's habituation. My teenage years weren't particularly rough but I had nerdy friends and didn't meet many girls. Ultimately this was the last chance I had to get habituated to romance, and I did manage to have some GFs and dates in this time. But then things got rough. My early and mid 20s were a very difficult time when life slid off the rails. For almost all of it I had little money, few prospects, a terrible personality, a skinnyfat body...just a total lack of anything a woman might be interested in. Accordingly I got very little action in this time, almost none, and I spent most of my time alone. My late 20s, which I spent recovering from the earlier part, was much the same.
Now I do all the things you're supposed to. I work out, I have a decent job, I have a pleasant personality and some interesting bits of character. I have some things a woman would find appealing. But I spent a decade alone, without any significant romance in it, and now...
I don't really understand how to transition flirting into a relationship. I do meet some women nowadays but there's slim pickings for unoccupied women that aren't obvious minefields and even when I meet them it's kind of useless, like finding a sandwich but not having a mouth.
And speaking of minefields, despite my lack of experience I do have standards, which makes things harder. Not necessarily based on what I think I deserve, I don't think what you "deserve" really matters. The problem is primarily that I know I can make it alone and so being with a woman seems like a hassle, and it's a hassle I have no taste for when I know I can survive alone. Men who had lots of romance in their youth have a real need for a GF, it's part of their life. It's never been part of mine.
Which is another thing, I don't even know what I'd do with one if I had her. My state is such that sex is all that pops to mind, and orgasms don't really seem worth it.
I'm used to it I guess. And I get more so every year.
No Job
Small dick
No car
Live with mom
Don't feel like trying
>why don't you have a girlfriend
I don't know how to actively be sexually overt of flirtatious with women, and since girls are all apparently machines running purely on autopilot, it makes them move on to a dude who is.
I wish I was asexual, or had one of those weird things where I was attracted to rocks or something
Objectively, a rock would be so much healthier to be around than a woman
>My parents sexualized every time I played with a girl
>>"is she your girlfriend now? Tihihi"
>I can honestly remember it got into my head
Fucking this. Why do adults do this?
because most people that get kids are fucking stupid.
im not shaving my back chest stomach,neck and shoulders every week
Girls I'm interested in pretty much don't exist
The existing ones usually have multiple things about them putting me off enough to ignore them completely
Women are repulsed by me.
I have autism and I'm not good looking. In other words, I am ugly in the inside and out. I live in my mother's basement at 25 and I can barely function as a human being. I have nothing to offer to a woman, and nothing about me could be conceived as attractive, unless they had some kind of fetish for tards or people with disabilities, which wouldn't make for a very healthy relationship anyway.
This used to make me really sad, but now I think I kind of understand it. From a biological point of view, I am essentially genetic trash. Women are right in wanting nothing to do with me.
>if only you knew how bad things really are
no personality left after depression, no money, academic failure. while i dont look so bad im starting to lose my hair so pretty soon it will be over for me
I broke up with my first girlfriend a couple weeks ago, we were together for about 9 months. I didn't really enjoy having to have daily contact with someone, was a bit too intense
I honestly dont know, I've even asked girls I know that I'm not compatible with, and they dont get it either
>being this naive
It's not that they don't know, they are just afraid of hurting you, or coming of as shallow. Normies would rather have a conforting lie than a painful truth.
If no girls are ever interested in you, chances are you either are ugly or a turbosperg.
Nah at least two of them were fine with hurting me if it meant helping me
I can't imagine how relationships even work. For most my classmates it always seemed to be just hanging out together in a room to either watch movies together or ignore each other while gaming/browsing social media which sounds horrible to me.
Every single hobby of mine doesn't lend itself to be done as an activity for s couple.
The fuck hobbies do you have? Most mine can be augmented to involve another person though they're primarily solo hobbies
i had a girlfriend until two months ago, i broke up with her after she became manipulative/abusive
but i hopped back onto online dating and got a tremendous response compared to my first try, also contacted seven female friends and all but one hit me back immediately
i think my main issue before this gf was confidence, if this summer was any indication of how it will go when i go back to university then i should have nothing to worry about
i'm sorry user, my last gf was my first as well.
it can be frightening to have someone that invested in you, especially when it's the first "someone" that is interested in you beyond just talking
it never gets "easier" but it does get easier to understand
I had one for 6 years she left me after i asked her to marry me. She said it was because I didnt have a future working at a grocery store. Now Im a depressed alcoholic neet that is way too heartbroken to even attempt to talk to a girl.
>Deals drugs
>Doesn't fuck bitches who want drugs
How the fuck can you flunk out of getting drug dealer pussy? Walking around with molly to spare and not getting laid is like playing in the NBA and not getting laid. In the 1970's.
>Yes, but that's still a lot more than I have.
Not the poster you're replying to, but the difference between you and another guy with 1 ex can be explained by dumb luck. Brownian motion.
I don't care about talking to or hooking up with random girls anymore unless I connect with them. Thats maybe 10% and it's kind of hard to just hit it off with someone when you are slightly awkward and only talk to new people when you are dunk.
Producing music and programming games. What do you do?
Because for most kids, that gentle teasing helps normalize the idea that one day you'll date and have a girlfriend. It only seems like a psychologically debilitating trauma to you because of your horrible life since then. How were they supposed to know you'd turn out to be a loser?
I don't like the manipulative nature that my romantic relationships have had in the past.
Something that matters imo is the statement that there is a distinction separating our character from the world around us. Everything we can see, hear, or touch is what is 'real', and everything inside our heads is isolated somehow and makes up a totally different world. Our actions bridge these worlds and consequently so many of them result from the need to prove that our character/personality/drives/ everything in our head is 'real' as well.
When I'm hanging out with the boys, drinking, fishing, driving, listening to music with them etc, its nice because there is that reassuring connection between the hidden worlds within ourselves that I just described. But its hard to have that same connection with a woman.
When I'm dating girls I have to institute a division between the inside and the outside, between mind and body, and that barrier serves to produce a false image of myself that they can fall in love with. Its a lie, but its also been totally necessary in every romantic relationship I've ever had. The modifications to my image would be stuff like pretending to care less about them than I actually do, that I'm secure with the way I'm living my life, that I don't hate jews, etc.
idk man
yeah so basically that lie is really shitty to maintain, also because it often requires extreme compromises, like dating an infertile chick, or pretending to be okay with her party stories or tattoos.
Another issue is that I've really found it harder to connect with someone after each time a previous relationship has ended in some disappointing way. As if after each disappointment my brain comes just a bit closer to giving up. Even sleeping with women I crave a romantic connection, and I think I'm subconsciously disappointed when that doesn't materialize and they put their clothes on and leave the next morning. I'm pretty young, statistically speaking I'm not set to meet my long term partner for some time. Is it worth setting myself up for continued disappointments, potentially even compromising my ability to ever be happy?
If the goal of all this is just some form of self preservation, the two blackpill options are to either secure the most valuable aspects of my identity through other people; manifesting some will on the universe in order to do so, or to just pay some fertile hooker to live in my house for 30 years.
dont like women enough for it to be worth pursuing them
takes too long to find a girl who will go out with you and she wont be special any way except being hard to get
Realised I had a small dick when I was almost out of HS which destroyed my confidence. Also my self-esteem was pretty shot from years of bullying so I went into my 20s very insecure, angry, and isolated. I finally came out of severe depression many years later and by that time I was in my late 20s with no romantic experience, essentially a virgin (had a couple of whores), and a personality that had been completely twisted by my own anger problems.
I tried to date people but I found myself completely confused as to what I was supposed to do. Sometimes I'd have this feeling that there was something I was supposed to say or do but my mind just went blank and I'd end up doing nothing. The idea of initiating sexual stuff is also confusing, not helped by the fact that I couldn't imagine someone wanting to actually fuck me, so I generally don't initiate because I assume the other party wouldn't want to and rejection is a given. Complicating that is that I'm terrified of the people around me finding out I've got a small dick so I won't date anyone connected to my social circle (women gossip after all). Ultimately this leaves me with the following stats
>small dick
>ruined personality
>absolutely clueless with dating
>effectively no sexual experience
>incapable of believing I could be loved (so expressions of affection or love would always be dismissed or ignored)
>below average face
Even if I got Jow Forums there's no way any woman would truly want me. Maybe if I got rich but then what's the point having a gold digger? I might as well just fuck high-class whores at that point.
Combination of self-loathing, lack of confidence, and bad social skills in every scenario. I know its all mental but I dont know how to counter my own mind
Does it though?
I can't imagine a single kid felt comfortable hearing that. I mean even in middle school you'd still be so ashamed to have a crush, you'd tell no one except maybe your best friend.
I feel like it's mostly awkward for all kids and when they grow older, that's how the legitimize doing it themselves because they just really like teasing their kids for their own fun.
that sort of teasing is just a weird hopeful envy that people mistake for being a mocking condescension.
like imagine someone in love. That's pretty pure and most of us have lost the ability to feel that way years ago. WE WANT TO BE THAT PERSON. But we're not. So we'll degrade them in order to build ourselves, comparatively, to make us feel better
i am very ugly, like a 3/10. i would date a 3/10 girl but i am simply not attracted to them. so i am trying to improve my looks to get to at least a 5/10 so i can date girls im attracted to.
>>small dick
>>ruined personality
>>absolutely clueless with dating
>>effectively no sexual experience
>>incapable of believing I could be loved (so expressions of affection or love would always be dismissed or ignored)
>>below average face
I am basically you, except instead of
>effectively no sexual experience
...I have:
>enough sexual experience to release that I have incurable PME
If a freak accident occurred and some girl actually wanted to be in relationship with me, I'd barricade myself in my house to hide from that shit like it was Night of the Living Dead. I'm just so fucking tired of being humiliated ALL the time, in everything I do, and in every context where I show up that isn't work.
the female versions of us are all doing just fine, huh guys? they're out there with good jobs in nice neighborhoods, fighting each other for who gets chad tonight
I had a gf 17-21
Cucked her outta a guy, and she left me in the same way for someone in her cs class when she graduated
I understand relationship dynamics, all our friends would always say how good i was to her and her family absolutely loved me, she cheated on me towards the end and i was desperately trying to keep it together because i wanted a family with her, but she wanted to move to another city for her career
She basically raped me the first time we hung out, and in my lizard brain i think thats an okay way to start a relationship
I then fucked a half dozen really cute girls on tinder over the next two years, trying to turn each one into a relationship and getting burnt
Now im 25, own my own house and am just too thoroughly understanding of females to want to placate their fucking egos when they should be the one trying to be apart of my life
I dunno, i fully understand what a relationship is more than any girl because i was in a ltr that i thought i was gonna marry, i understand im good at caring for another person but now im completely removed from all my friends because theyve moved away, and im absolutely done with online dating and im just working and playing videogames
Im an attractive guy, i feel like im wasting time but i literally do not even know how i will be able to meet girls, i tried volunteering for the big brothers organization for a year to get out of the house more and go to events but nothing came out
I ended up moving across the country for 6 months to pursue art, to rebrand me being miserably alone as something other than what it was. I got artistic fulfillment, now im just working and playing videogames while i piss away time because females are all genuinely useless tinder slags or insufferable instagram normie shitters
I just need a cute girl that knows Jow Forums, this wont ever happen though and im going to spend the rest of my life in gross decadance alone
Why does this cat look like jonathan blow?
Because I am heterosexual
Ew have you considered killing your self pedo?
I'm overweight, bipolar, obsessed with niche topics like the occult and National Socialism, I have no friends (LITERALLY no friends), I listen to niche music like black metal, usually National Socialist Black Metal, I have no job, my education is in a total joke field, I'm socially inept, I'm a sexual pervert, and I basically never leave the house.
I've never tried, and I'm very reclusive. Most my friends are getting married or already in relationships, so I don't meet new people. I also am afraid of trying online dating, and I'd rather get a career/education in order prior to even thinking about a relationship.
Spent years thinking I'd meet someone by chance where things would click. Never happened, and I've lost the naive hope it may happen in the future. My awkwardness and lack of social skills probably did not help in the past.
I want to obtain the level of manhood in which women will offer themselves to you sexually. Although this level really isn't that high,my enemies male it artificially high for me
I'm pornsexual. Real females do nothing for me.
>Had a few "girlfriends" but it never held over 3 months and I'm still a virgin
define girlfriend
Just say youre a nazi user. Nothing else matters from there, instant turn off, even if you were otherwise handsome and sociable
>im 86 kilograms...thats my fault
iktf brother. I plateau'd at 85 and can't fucking gain anymore.
>im hairy asf too but i canny change that.
use a clippler. Go the lowest number on your back, shoulders and upper arms and find the right length for chest, stomach and legs. It can look great.
Not hideous so some say i have no excuse but whenever an oppurtunity comes i throw it away with the worst conversation skills. Was approached by a girl at a party once, told her about stellaris for like 10 minutes before she left.
Cant drive yet so I dont even try
You know how there is always some prerequisite to complete in the eyes of the normans and everybody else who is in the inner circle never had to do any of them, like just get a job , get a hair cut , get a car , get money , work out , be out going , meet new people, just be yourself ect. You know this ever growing list? Yeah i know you do.
Well, it doesn't go anywhere, the light at the end of the tunnel is a dead end. If i could source out the reason why - the REAL reason why then i would know. I just dont know anymore, im a wierdo. It could be just about anything at this point now.
Personally i think im just a piece of crap and now far too old and exhausted from playing these games for the past 3 decades, i cant socialize with people , i dont know what it is but every time i reach a new level in this mythical standards that have been set. I still get excluded from "their" party,but why did i want to become a part of this in the first place, i cant remember. Its an ever changing organism that slightly changes out of phase and everything i do it is never enough to stomp out the bugs. I dont want to blame other people and society. But im telling you from experience it is the fucking people and society not letting me join. I have all but given up. Thanks for reading.
It's pretty difficult. Often people are told to just be confident even when they have no reason to be just because it's useful to be confident. This ignores how belief works, or even what it is. You believe in some idea or proposition insofar as you think that the idea or proposition is true, that it has some correspondence with reality as it exists. So how could you ever really believe that you're confident if you don't have any reason to feel confident? If you know, insofar as you know anything, that you're not confident and have nothing to be confident about?
It's well noted that believing in yourself gives a detectable boost to your own abilities. What's not so clear is whether it's possible to use this knowledge to your own gain when you are the person both pulling the trick and theoretically benefiting from being fooled.
I say National Socialist because "Nazi" is derogatory
I'm making gains toward breaking this interest though. I no longer obsess over books looking for new details about Hitler, and the hundreds of dollars worth of National Socialist books I bought during a manic episode are being left alone in a box under my bed.
Had a shot, fucked it up, still love her. Has been five years tho.
trust issues and dont really know where to meet likeminded girls my age now that i graduated
my first crush crush rejected then ghosted me in my early 20s and that left me with a deep hurt for a very long time. I'm not gonna subject myself to that bullshit ever again. I'm not so stupid to make the same mistake twice. Fuck relationships and fuck women i'm just gonna focus on my career and hobbies and then kms when i can't take care of myself anymore. Fuck this gay earth and everyone in it. its all bullshit and its bad for you.
too much of a waste of my time. Playing the whole dating game is annoying.
I keep on getting these girl's number and then they ghost me.
Im a manlet, with a small dick and a 4/10 face.
Also my character has been ruined by loneliness and bad experiences, so Im a bitter asshole on top of that.
I have a higher chance to win the lottery than finding a girl willing to give me a shot.
i find it hard to talk to people plus im a lazy asshole
Im alone a neet im 23 and i posted this shit more than 100 times i spent most of my time in my room wasting my life instead of following the world rules and by the years past i have learned that women like money come to you by doing some shit to this loop of world in resume make things->get wet
difficulty approaching fembots
I dont try because there are many things I am still learning after spending my entire life as a shut in neet until recently. Like I dont know how things work, I couldnt take her anywhere to eat or something because I dont understand how to pay for things. Normal people just know this stuff but I dont. I wont subject a girl to that discomfort.
For all those who are in this thread, I love you
Thats fucking sad i my worst nightmare coming from this situation on getting a gf idc about it btw older i get i choose fap instead
roastie very much detected
I refuse to get one because trust issues, so I became a celibate
Because I'm a obese neet who only cares for himself
I dont go outside, and ive developed severe, deep rooted trust issues which make it difficult to open myself up to anyone in any meaningful way.
My last relationship was exactly one year ago.
Was with that girl for 6 years, we started feeling different suddenly,even tho i know nothing comes all of a sudden , couldnt work our shit up, ended it all. The aftermath was me feeling like i didnt want a girl for some time, not because i couldnt get over this last girl, i just didnt feel in a position to have a relationship, fast foward to this date, and i still dont feel like it , family says im traumatized lol , dunno how hard it is to understand that i dont feel like commiting , giving all my time and attention to someone new , not on the times am passing by. Seriously, remembering the two serious relationship ive had in my life, the process of dating, make her fall in love with me, keep in touch, do it all like it was a god damm strategy game, just, all of that, feels exhausting at this moment.
literally don't want one, nor a bf either. i have enough problems already, i don't need more.
shhhh you'll upset the crabs, put the lid back on