Reply with your favourite juices anons
Reply with your favourite juices anons
the only juice i would even consider drinking is cranberry juice. i hate everything else
Frozen OJ from concentrate
Does it make me look like an old man?
unsweetened ice tea is my fav juice
Yes you boomer
strawberry mango juice is the best
ill never have a shitty mucho mango again
I don't like how sweet most juices are. I've recently been drinking a lot of this.
Have been drinking this a lot but shit's expensive. I'd rather make my own
Carrots and mangos? Interesting flavour user
Do it make your own I trust you
I already make my own stuff but it's such a chore in the morning, so i just keep buying ready-to drink juices
Mostly this one desu
You can find it in germany
mango, mango, mango, mango, mango, daikazoku
Too lazy to find a picture of pussy juice
so dam expensive bros
Woah fancy ass
Just eat it from the can.
can only buy it once a month when it goes on sale
I hope one day you can afford it year round
Pussy juice. Duh
That is an absolutely amazing a rare juice
the very best rare juice. thanks for good thread OP
try this its a small step outside your comfort zone for a great reward :-)
No problem lad wanted to make a top kek thread bout some juice
Can't beat the classic
Cran-pineapple is most based juice
Knew someone would answer this
I like pineapple orange banana
minute maid is the best
Now last question before we part ways anons is lemonade a juice?
thanks fren thats the dream
No. It's all arbitrary and who ever made lemonaide decided to call it not a juice so it is not a juice.
i like bitter juice
The best dream
Cran-raspberry is too bitter for me but I like to every now and the
juice ganngggg
all my niggas drink juice
juice in this bitch juice in this bitch
Best itt so far org
juice ganngggg
all my niggas drink juice
juice in this bitch juice in this bitch
Nigga snitched saw the juice what a bitch fucked up a lil snitch.
orange grape cranberry
Very very scary when I pull up with dat cherry
Best juice t b h
My question is tho what flavour is it?
Cran-Raspberry is the perfect balance of sweet and bitter
I love combination drinks
Yo I have never heard of cran-cherry shit ima get some of that today thanks user
i like all variations of POM but this one is my favorite
lot of great immediate benefits from drinking this
yes it is. and its the best
Apple juice, or coconut water if it counts as a juice.
I like mixing it with orange juice.
Based but why Great Value brand? Fresh Florida grapefruit is the only go boyo
Yo that one looks good af too damn ima be trying so many juices lmao
does this count as juice? it goes from gross to good.
Because it's cheaper and only lasted me half a week, but I am going for the more bitter one with less sugar now.
Boyo? Do we have a fellow welshfag In here?
No offence user but fuk that health guru shit. It always taste sour and bitter
everyone in this thread has shit juice taste
except you you're based
Lol nop I just like saying boyo. How is it in Wales? Ive heard its a nice place
Its okay its a mix of gloomer and boomer types so its alright nothing ever happens are changes though
kombucha aint a juice mate
Doesn't sound too bad to be quite honest. I dont travel much you know i like the scenery
>everyone in this thread has shit juice taste
>tfw you picked watermelon
Bruh pick up some cran cherry or some shit
Eh Wales is not that kek it is just shitty hills and overgrown shrubs
yeah its pretty good. i bought a lot of different flavors. the lemonade one is good too but not as good. im going to try the peach white tea one tomorrow.
If this thread is still around by then lemme know how it is user
This stuff all the way. Very bold and robust like sweet dirt.
And it's more filling than other juices
Beetjuice I mean alright user kek
I also like Apple juice. Help, thanks. Pls protect me, I'm scared. See u tomorrow. I also like radiohead.
ok. i might make a new juice thread if its better
Newman's Own Grape Juice
I like the cran apple flavor myself OP, cranberry is too tart on its own for my tastes.
Ya sure make a new juice thread i will be on it lad :)
this looks delicious I hope I can find it in Canada
Ive always liked base cran berry because i thought it was already a good mix of the bitter and sweet
the most chad juice choice
Apple juice!! I swear it's like crack to me. I normally cut it with water a little bit so the sugar isn't *so* unhealthy. Pomegranate juice is also amazing and makes me feel like a vampire when I drink it; the way it stains my lips makes me want to go goth.
"Green" blended juice is also good. The kind with apples, spirulina, carrots, etc.
i only drink it fresh, fuck that bottled shit
Grape juice is great for dipping bread in. It was the best part of church when they brought out the grape juice and bread for communion. When I was in kindergarten I dipped pizza in it and it was actually pretty good.
pizza sounds yummy but bread sound so gross
fanta poms yuedi
best shit ive had recently
good but it was like $5 for a bottle
a friend stole it for me while we were questing for weed at the plaza
what did you do to make aiste mad at you?
patrician taste user this shit is so tart and tasty plus it fills you up
How could I forget about grape juice Welchs grape is the best of them all ima try it next time with the pizza cause why not.
Top juice kek
It needs to be the right kind of bread. I don't remember the kind they had in church, but I did recently dip Bauggete bread in wine and it tasted good. It's not the same but I guess it's close enough. Bauggete bread also goes really good with goat cheese.
Oh shit ya that sounds really good ima try it
I swear grapefruit was created by god just to spite me
>called grapefruit
>looks like a giant orange
>doesn't taste like orange, grape, or a fruit
Its super sour too right dont really Remember
Sour and bitter