Any other alcoholics on Jow Forums rn? if not, feel free to ask an alcoholic anything

any other alcoholics on Jow Forums rn? if not, feel free to ask an alcoholic anything.

thread for discussing /alcofeels/

alcohol is the only thing that gets me through the day. i drink til i pass out at night then start drinking as soon as i wake up in the morning. being drunk at work is a fun feel.

Attached: alc.jpg (643x482, 34K)

What you work in that allows you to be shit faced, I'm a sport teach and maybe that made my alcoholism be keept in check. Getting out of a toxic relationship made it receed a lot and i'm practically clean and just drink socially rn.
My worst time was a whole year period of low employment and shoplifting expensive belguian craft beer at big supermarkets.

i dont wanna be too specific but i work in something tourism related. i tend to interact with a few hundred to a couple thousand people a day

How the fuck do you even get addicted to alcohol, it's absolutely disgusting no matter what sort of poison you drink, and the high it gives you (getting drunk is 100% just a high) is so fucking boring.

>shit situation
>drinking makes a shit situation not so shitty
>hangover is cured by more drinking
>never put down the bottle
>eventually develop a psychological addiction
>after a while that develops into physical addiction

also its less disgusting when its the only thing that makes you happy

When do you know you've hit alcoholism?
I haven't had a sober day since February and I always crave a drink, but it isn't debilitating.

It starts to show at aprox at a year, it also depends on the kind, quantity and quality of the booze you chug.

It can be anywhere between a couple of beers to a litre of spirit (usually gin) a day.

Then you are a high functioning alchie my dear fren. It's bereable but your liver will be fucked up within 3 to 6 years time.

>hangover is cured by more drinking

hair of the dog, my fren

Oh no
What do I do

Hangovers are not cured by more drinking. All you are doing at that point is prolonging the inevitable. Once your BAC falls back down to at or near zero, you'll have to face the hangover 100%.

I'm probably a stage 2 alcoholic, but ive recently realized there is no point in continuing this stupid path. I'm 4 days sober without any withdrawals and really no cravings

So far my thought process is
>I feel like drinking tonight
>I won't enjoy it
>I'll just get fatter
>I'll feel like shit in the morning
>I'll hate myself for drinking
>I think I won't drink tonight

I'd do hard drugs if I knew how to get them

what isnt happening to me right now isnt of any concern.

as far as i see it im going to drink until i die. the first thing i do after i open my eyes is take a swig out of the bottle i fell asleep next to. i'll never be hungover

Enjoy the ticket out of here, man. I hope to leave the same way.

I've been drinking every day for at least the past 2 months
I'm a 31 year old loser
I get drunk and embarrass myself\
Yesterday i drank 8 liters of beer
Today i'm at 3

>ctrl+f "pedialyte"
>Not Found
Amateurs. All of you. Literally every single one of you. Here's a legitimate protip from a former alcoholic. Give yourself an hour after drinking to let your BAC drop, eat something whenever between within that hour, ingest some pedialyte to preempt your hangover. Make sure you keep an extra on hand for when you wake up if you're still feeling rough. Also, if there was enough time between you waking up and your last drink, pop an excedrine with the extra pedialyte if you're still fucked up.

You're welcome niggers.

I drink exclusively when I'm sad, never socially. It isnt fun but it feels better

Do u smoke when drunk? Smoking and drinking go together well and here in the uk if your a non smoker u Will smoke at the pub or something

Gatorade/Powerade is enough for me.

I have a problem, but decided to finally quit this weekend. Wish me luck, anons. I'm going to kick this habit.

Good luck user, currently wrapping up day four. Getting pretty bored but this newfound fear about all the damage I'm doing/did to my body is helping me get through

So here's a question:
What if you're fat fuck but don't want to fuck up your stomach to get good and drunk?
I have to go through a sixpack and a half of beer to get a bit of a buzz that doesn't last very long.
Half to 3/4 (300-400ml) of a bottle of hard liquor will do the trick, half the time I'm just sitting there thinking "fuck, my stomach burns." and it's worse if it's spiced rum or whiskey.
The other day I tried to go down on a bottle of Chivas Regal and just about died after only smelling it.
I tried to throw down a gulp or two after a few beers, but the taste made me instantly puke and there was a lot of booze wasted. That being said, I didn't used to mind the taste of whiskey, but now my body seems to reject it.

Losing weight would help alot

Yes and my reistance is super high. I just drank 3 beers and I'm 100% sober.

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