someone in east coast usa please die with me
Someone in east coast usa please die with me
Yeah but have you heard of metro 2033? It's a pretty good game.
ok when we meetin up
i don't like video games anymore
anytime if you're serious
That game is pretty fun but the stealth wasnt as deep as I wished.
Where you at? I'm in Pittsburgh
i'm in wv do you have your own vehicle?
I do but I have no gas money!
What the fuck Bandage, stop trying to kill yourself. Just stop being so cocklusting and you'll find a nice bf.
The only boys that want me are gay boys and I don't want a gay boy who views me as a boy it feels bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh thats sad
would you be serious if i would come to you or something
i would just prefer if someone came here i have my own place
jumping in threadmetro 2033 IS a great game. a little too short but it was entertaining.
also OP, life is suffering just enjoy the misery. It could always be worse, but I know its pretty bad. Just smile through it because one day the bad times will end because you do die one day.
it's not worth the pain at all
How about I come down there and we cuddle instead
can't we just cuddle as we're dying
Bandage, I would make out with you until you couldn't stand it anymore
thats my fave game series and book series
What method are you thinking? Were you the charcoal user?
wtf why aren't you on your way to pennsylvania then!!!
i live in Philly, sadly we are on opposite sides of the state :(
Just give me some gas money and I'll come over
yea i was thinking charcoal in a closed room
would just be like falling asleep
and with another person with me its not as scary
not in the slightest my friend. just learn to enjoy the pain.
honestly i would, but i need to get money for my own gas..
It sounds very comfy but I have to get laid before I die uwu
It would only be like $70!!!
guess i'll find someone else sorry
i know it's a small amount to meet with you, but we're going to have to figure out some other way to get you the gas money. when you get it, maybe you could give me some too :)
I have literally no income it's probably not gonna happen
I would but I live in the west.
well until you scrounge up some change from your sofa, it looks like we'll be on distant opposites of PA.
it's too bad because my car is right outside
How about we split it 50/50
I could ask my family for gas money for the tank to your place, but you can pay for the tank back!
or you could refuse to give me money that way i couldn't leave and keep me captive in your basement that would be pretty interesting too
hmm.. i guess that is fair. well, once you get here, we can figure out a way to get money so we'll both be rich.
as fun as that sounds, i'm only interested in tying up girls as far as the bedroom.
ok now post discord so we can get this plan rolling
Robbie #7566
Larper coward nothing will happen