Hey bots, it's me - a full-time programmer bored with life. I spent 11 years in a dark room learning to code so you don't have to!
Feel free to ask me any CS / coding questions you feel like, I'm happy to help.
Also, I've written image downloading scripts for all kinds of gallery sites and boorus and I'm willing to write one for your site of choice upon request.

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How do I learn holy c?

You need a bible and schizophrenia

whats the best way to learn to code? I want to learn Python but no idea where to start or how to do it. H EL P

Best way to start, or at least the way I started, is to find things that interest me and tinker with them. Start with something simple, but always choose something out of your reach.
If you can do "Hello World" then do "99 Bottles of Beer"
If you can do "99 Bottles of Beer" then do "FizzBuzz"
If you can do "FizzBuzz" then try a small text-based adventure

No shame in googling and modifying other people's code. Tinker existing examples until you understand how they work, or until you can make them work for you.

I want to freelance from the third world, should I learn html css and javascript or java? I went for the former but haven'ts started javascript yet

How do I get started building my own libraries & functions with raw C? I already know stuff like loops, arrays, if/elses, and i/o from my uni CS1 course.

If you have a function you want to make into a library for use in other programs, you need to create a header file and a c file with the implementation of the code.

If you already know CSS and HTML, JavaScript will probably be your best option. Especially since it's becoming the most popular language in the world right now.

When do you use smart pointers over old fashioned raw pointers?

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this is probably a very broad question OP, and i'm sorry it's so long but i need some advice.
i've been fucking around with C# for the past 3 years or so and i've gotten pretty comfortable with it and don't really know how to branch off from here. probably the most complex project i've done yet is a web application that i made for language learning that lets you highlight and add translations/audio to sentences on a local web page. it's more of a system of little command line programs that runs on a local server including some jquery and PHP. so i have sort of a clue of what i'm doing but i still rely heavily on google/stackoverflow. i'm just wondering what's the next step. C++?
what i really want to do is learn how to make nice looking UIs with colorful graphics and animations and all that. i guess i'd also like to learn how to make/improve emulators for old PCs/consoles, but i honestly don't know if that will ever be within my reach.

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can you drop your discord or add me on mine? I have a question about a project that I'm doing.


I don't do a lot of C++, so I wouldn't be able to answer that question with much authority.

That's really good, user, and I'd say you definitely have the mindset that one needs to succeed in programming. If you're self-starting enough to create an app like that you're on the right track.
I wouldn't worry too much about "what's next." Find something that interests you and do that. If you want to learn C++, go for it. It's been a minute since I worked on it and there may be a better option now, but SFML for C++ is a good way to get into games and UI design.

My path of learning went
C/C++ -> PHP -> BASIC -> JavaScript -> Python -> Java -> Haskell -> Shell Scripting, with a lot of other languages investigated on the way.
There's no one true path to follow to CS.

Sorry, I don't use discord. Feel free to email me at [email protected]

tell me everything about making money as a front-end developer in the next 10 years

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How do you think like a programmer? They have a problem solving kind of thought process.

Learn JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Maybe mess around with one of the big SPA frameworks like Angular, React, or Vue.

I think the biggest two things are A - noticing patterns, and B - hating doing menial tasks.
The programming mindset is often
>I'm doing this thing over and over again that sucks
>I'll automate it so I don't have to do it anymore

Would you recommend a coding boot camp?

I've never done one, so I can't say. I think you can learn everything you need to know by teaching yourself, but who knows, an employer might like to see that on your resume.

What's your position and education?

Software Developer, Bachelor's degree in CS.

What language do you use and what do you do on a daily basis?

what is your opinion on coding bootcamps?

I use a variety of languages at my job, including Java, JavaScript, Python, Dart, Kotlin, and Shell. I work on an agile team and pretty much do whatever needs doing at that time.

I never needed one, but you might find it helpful. Coding bootcamps existing doesn't bother me, what bothers me is the culture around them.

>what bothers me is the culture around them
what do you mean? i'm really just trying to gage how established people feel about people that come out of bootcamps. are they unworthy? but tell me more about the culture around them that you have heard about.

The culture I'm talking about that I often conflate with code bootcamps is the self-aggrandizing, "I am awesome, I know everything" mentality. It's like when someone takes Psychology 101 and they start diagnosing everyone around them.
Basically, just stay humble and know that 6 months does not an expert make. The more I learn about programming, the more I realize how much left there is to learn.

>"I am awesome, I know everything" mentality
i would not be in danger of that at all haha. thanks for the response.

>try a small text-based adventure
Don't do this, it's a complete waste of time and teaches you nothing besides how to write a story

1: What can I do to make reading documentation make more sense why does it seem like gibberish to me most of the time?
2: do you recommend learning a framework to do network programming?
3: what do you recommend or have any advice for networking programming?

It teaches you the following (if you do it right)
>how to store a map of rooms / states in memory (multidimensional array, linked list)
>how to parse and handle user input (REPL loop)
>how to keep track of state and/or an inventory (arrays)
So no, I wouldn't say that. Again though, do something you find interesting. If you're not interested in the work you won't want to do it.

1. Documentation often just sucks. It's usually better to find a working example and go from there, only reading the docs when absolutely necessary.
2. Depends on what you're trying to do, and which language.
3. Depends on what you're trying to do, and which language. I might have a suggestion if you want to let me know what you're working on.

What has never been done before?

Programming my dick into your father's anus.

Currently no main project in mind, just want to be able to create my own network connections to transfer information... Like let's say I wanted to make a networked game.
I've just been messing around with c# .net framework to make w/e simple project I can think of and figure out networking that way because books and resources for the subject seems extremely limited... or maybe I just don't even know what to search.

False, teledildonics is a thriving field. You can even go screwdriving and hack into strangers' buttplugs.

What has never been done before?

if u said "programming my dick into your ur bum" it would've been less serious and more funny

>False, teledildonics is a thriving field.
that's not what was said though.

look up socket programming my nigger

I've never used C# so I'm afraid I can't suggest a framework. However, if it's within your capability to create a game I'd say a networked game wouldn't be too much of a stretch.

Hey user, how interested are you in spare time game dev?

I'm sorry, but my dad is already in a committed homosexual relationship and would never cheat on his partner. I was just hoping that user would accept some other old man on the other end of a teledildo who I said was my dad.

If work didn't sap all my energy, maybe.

Is C a good first language to learn?

Doing problems on project Euler is good exercises.

Oh sorry then good luck on your job

Not OP but C and/or C++ are the best first languages to learn if you're at least half serious about programming.

Hell no. Learn something like Python first where there's a large community to help and you don't have to deal with memory management.

Could you recommend some books or websites for learning Python?

If you start with C you probably won't be doing anything fun for a while. String manipulation is much harder in C and libraries are far less easy to install and to get working out of the box. The benefit of C is that it will teach you about types.

I agree. I'd also add codewars and hackerrank as other good sites for code problems.

I don't really know it so I'm not much help here. My first real lang was Swift so I learned with that. Just look up some basic tutorials/courses online and then get into building your first project quickly. The main thing to learn is how to learn, e.g. asking questions correctly.

>The benefit of C is that it will teach you about types.
The benefit of learning C isn't just about the types though. It's about utilizing an incredibly terse language as a swiss army knife, understanding memory (de)allocation, semaphores, interprocess communication, networking, and addressing. Hell, you can even throw in cross-compiler design if you decide to take a peek at the code. The types definitely are important, but that is more or less manifest of C's categorical properties. C isn't as feature rich as other languages, there are an incredible number of pitfalls. Matter of fact, I would wager that most C programmers write bad, if not terrible, code. They never actually master the language because they learned it improperly out of the gate. I reckon that C is one of the harder languages to grok in its entirety for a beginner unless they're extremely vigilant.

If you niggers want to actually learn how to program, start with assembler and stop being a bitch.

>If you niggers want to actually learn how to program, start with assembler and stop being a bitch.
Better yet, let's all just write in machine code and kill ourselves

>he didn't grow up writing Z80 assembler on his TRS-80 to port software and utilize sweet homebrew devices

How to prorogram an AI for videogame?
Path following, autonomous decisions , what else? How to create life?

Best way to start coding and what made ya use a trap as thread pic? You trap?

>learning to code
>not just copypasting from SE and farming things out to that Indian guy that you met on Roblox

SE -> SO

>create life
Not possible currently. As far as game AI, search out the algorithm you want and implement it in your game. Like for pathfinding, A*

Traps and coding is a Jow Forums meme

What do you think they pay me to do all day?

Assembly is fun, shut your brainlet face.

>>What do you think they pay me to do all day?
>agreeing with me but still starting the thread with the angle of how you learned to code and how you can help others learn to code

Do you trap and how that start? Just lot of posting Bs?

Web developer working a boomer company with an old as fuck stack.

Im a kind of behind in my front end knowledge. Whats a good modern js framework to throw my time at?
Are React and Angular still the most popular? Its Vue a meme?

Asking this in Jow Forums is a recipe for disaster and shitposting.

that's p. much how I learned HTML a billion years ago when i was 10

just found a site i liked and modified it to make it better in my eyes

it's incredible how fast you learn with reverse-engineering

I need a friend to help teach me C. Need it for circuitry stuff but I hate programming so stuck in this middle ground. What do I do?

you practice reading skills first

I'll take "What is a joke" for 400, Alex

No, I don't trap or watch anime. I just like the anime girls holding programming books images.

I hear a lot about React and Vue these days, nothing but hate for Angular. I tried out Angular myself and hated it, tried Vue and it seemed pretty cool. That'd be my recommendation if you want to try one.

Agreed 100%. Reverse engineering working code and changing it until it works is the best way to learn.

Start small. Copy existing things that work. Find some microcontroller code that flashes LEDs and then change the flashing intervals yourself.

That is nice and all I can do that. But I am talking about applying it to PICs. Which goes above my head which is why I am asking here.

Is there a way to do sql on phone and are there any anything good apps or free programming like cmd for a phone since i only have a phone on me now.

you should've taken "Jokes" for 400, retard

Hmm, alright. Do you know how often a PIC can be flashed before it starts to fail?

Okay, I'll give you that. I blame the beer.

No idea, I haven't done much of that stuff myself.

Not sure about SQL on your phone, but if you have an android get Termux, it's a terminal environment for your phone that can run NodeJS, Python, Shell scripts, as well as compile C code and run unix utilities.

there also are online IDEs that you can use from any modern browser on any modern device

Lol i would of never found that out thanks.

how would you have not found this out? you could've asked a search engine instead of user and figured it out, probably in less time and with more information.
figure out how to figure things out before you try to figure out coding for a PIC.

That about does it for me for tonight, I gotta go to bed so I can get up early and wageslave tomorrow. I fully expect this thread to be dead in the morning, if not it's a pleasant surprise. Hope I was able to help someone.
You guys are way more fun to talk to about programming than Jow Forums, by the way. They can't have any sort of constructive discussion, it's just shitposts day in and day out.

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How the fuck do you figure out what personal projects are appropriate for your skill / knowledge level?

You arent that fucking weirdo who went to law school and does freelance coding are you

How do I get into a good CS uni? What skills should I focus on while there?