I have had a taste of the NEET life for over a year

I was a NEET for 15 months.
waking up at noon, eating only twice per day(noon and evening) and constantly watching movies or playing some dumb vidya
Also no online friends, didnt message or talk to anybody but sometimes watched streamers
I've been working at my job for 2 weeks now and have never been happier.
The lack of purpose and doing nothing every day all day really got to me, when you work or go to school you constantly wish you had more time to play vidya or just chill at home until you actually become a NEET and do absolutely nothing.
You distract yourself with nonsense to not become really depressed.
I dont like my job but it helps distract me and I actually talk to people now everyday, im also saving money so I can buy cool stuff and maybe go on a holiday

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My problem with depression is everything I could do will be vain and futile because I'm not great and I don't deserve to be happy so I might as well rot.

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The only good thing about slaving at a job you don't even like is the money so you can actually get a more comfy life and not having to deal with whatever fuck authorities and government to get your autismbux. But yah...

Were you scared of being too depressed to work like being suicidal and end up giving up?

we're you exhausted?
how did you overcome the thoughts?

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I can relate to you a lot. A long time I didn't want to admit it because muh NEET pride but work isn't constant hell once you adapt to it. There's a lot of bad to be said about it and I wouldn't do it for free of course, but I've come to realize some positive aspects more and more lately. Knowing you can do something. Having a place to feel like you belong. Feeling incentive to do things like vidya or anime because work takes some available time away. The daily positive social interactions with both coworkers and customers. Not being confronted with the feeling of apathetic boredom as much. Being busy with thoughts related about work. Not being subjected to going in circles with aspirations and boredom all the time.

Of course it still hits like a truck when you realize your life is wasting away the same as if you were a NEET, but at least it doesn't show its ugly head as often.

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if working of studying makes you feel better you're just a failed norman. I'm a neet for years because everytime I try to get a job or study I have a complete mental breakdown. neetdom is my only pathway to sanity in this world.

Nice for you I guess. You could've just gotten a hobby

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>my purpose is to be a wage slave
>I'm so happy
>Believe me

The neet life at first is nice and relaxing but after I while you feel like shit and useless and everything just feels shitty and dark glad you got outta that user

You have to structure your day as a NEET or you'll get depressed very easily

>15 months

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the NEET existence is a spectrum, faggot

You could be some 25yo who wins the lottery or inherits millions and just fucks off and plays video games in their own comfy quiet apartment forever, or you could be the 30yo with medical conditions but no money to treat them living in an overcrowded multi-generational household with like 7 other people including grandparents and your abusive drunk dad and your neighbor's screaming niglets and barking dogs outside all day

I'm not a NEET (am ITcuck) but would love to be and derive absolutely 0 meaning, purpose, or joy from my somewhat cerebral and impactful profession so fuck off

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YOu guys are pathetic, during my time as a neet i studied chemistry, picked up a new language, hit new fitness goals, and built some cool shit. Some people were meant to be wagies, and others... superior

I was really scared at first and working everyday gets fucking hard but when i'm at my breaking point I tell myself that working and saving up money is better than doing absolutely nothing and being a shut in.
I hope to build a solid career and hopefully meet a girlfriend along the way, I try not to think about other stuff

>when you work or go to school you constantly wish you had more time to play vidya or just chill at home until you actually become a NEET and do absolutely nothing.
You're just a normalfag. I've been a NEET. I've been a wagie. I'm a NEET again and its the best thing in life.

Again you're just a normalfag.

t. normalfag who doesn't belong on this board.

If working for some rich jew is the only purpose you have in life, then you're even more pathetic than NEETs.

I'm 28 and I've been a NEET for six years. I don't think I'll ever escape it.

You try and play videogames everyday for years not talking to a single person, I think being a neet can be fucking great and sustainable if you have a social circle and maybe hobbys or travel or stuff to do.
Playing just videogames by yourself for so long fucks with your mind
What is your daily schedule like?

>wake up around 8:30
>have coffee and check e-mails
>start writing by 10
>try to finish 2k by 3pm
>eat with my father
>read with more coffee
>go over that day's words and ideas for other stories

I've written 11 books so far, but they all keep getting rejected.

Had a job for 2 weeks lol.
give it a few months user and you will feel your mental health deteriorate even faster than before. I was never happier when i was a neet for about 13 months, was forced into working by family. Attempted suicide 3 times, became a functioning closet druggie and drunk to cope with being a wagie. can now only work part time due to mental health being so bad as i just want to isolate myself away from society. Family knows about my issues but then rather see my mental deteriorate to the point i kill myself than be jobless.

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Being NEET is only that great if your family is rich.

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