People who are 6' and above

People who are 6' and above.
What was your diet during childhood/teen years?

I just want to know whether diet is related to height and bone structure or not.
I grew up eating candy, junk food and lots of carbs and barely ate any meat. I grew up to be 5'7 with thin bones.

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6ft 3
Ate a lot of corn bread and school lunch, broke as fuck
Wendys was like the best fucking luxury whenever my aunt would take me

If you are poor do not reproduce, went to bed hungry a lot and used to really think about stealing food out the store most every day. Mom got money for child support and food stamps but managed to squander it all consistently

I ate meat every day and at least 2 pints of milk in the morning and evening. I'm 6'4 now

I'm 6ft 6in. When I was still growing I ate nothing but junk food. By the end of 8th grade when I stopped growing I was 315+ pounds

drank lots of milk and ovaltine and vitamins
lots of juice too, until i was about 11, then i started mass consuming everything with sugar

can't think of any actual food that would be different from average diets

i doubt diet has much to do with how tall you get, maybe affecting you by a couple inches at most, you rarely see people these days shorter than their fathers

>I just want to know whether diet is related to height and bone structure or not.

Of course it is, user-kun. Why wouldn't it be if you are made of things you eat?

6ft 2
Have always drank lots of milk, and grew up eating lots of meat and hearty home-cooked meals.

Well people got taller as food became more accessible so it has to be playing some role in determining height.

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6ft 4.
We always ate home cooked meals. Fresh vegetables and stuff. We never ate fast food ever. I think I went to McDonald's around 5 times as a kid and that was birthday parties. I didn't eat pizza until I was in my teens. I did eat chocolate and stuff though, mostly given to me from my grandmother.

I have good genes though. My dad was over 6ft, my mother is tall and all of my uncles and cousins are as tall or even taller than me.

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doesn't make a difference fagtron. all i did as a child was eat all the processed garbage i wanted. i lived with my grandma most of the week, played WoW on the family computer and ate doritos chocolate, cake, pizza, all that good shit. i literally never saw a vegetable unless it was a mushroom on a pizza. guess what? i'm 6'3. my parents are 5'3 and 5'8. the tallest person in my family before me was 5'10. i was a fat autistic manlet until i was about 15, and then i went from 5'5 or so to 6'3 within a fucking year.
maybe i could've reached ultimate chad 6'5 if i ate well and did sports. i'd love to be 6'5, but who cares. 6'3 is great anyway.

I had poor nutrition growing up, rarely drank milk and didn't eat meat much, my height is genetic cause my dad is lanky as

milk, cheese, steak, chicken, wild fish (salmon, cod, lake trout, brook trout, rainbow trout, and splakes, sea bass), some of the better tasting veggies, pasta. I learned to cook, i can make some good Gorgonzola Alfredo, i can marinate meat to perfection, and i can bake without a recipe. Other than that i have been to the gym since i was in middle school, not super hardcore, but enough so that my core is strong and i can lift 100lbs over my head with very little effort, also my dad's side of the family are known to be tall, non of the guys are less than 6 foot.

God knows if it's relevant OP. Interesting though. 6'1, root vegetables, toast and minced beef mostly.

6ft 5in here.
I drank a lot of milk and ate veggies.

nothing out of the ordinary, burgers, steaks, pork chops, veggies, rice dishes, fish, cabbage rolls, and pizza.
Mines Genetic.
lots of tall people in my family.
couple even taller then me.

6ft 4

Tallest one in my family, more so than mom, dad, brother.

I drank a metric fuck ton of whole milk ever since i can remember. I really think it had something to do with it.

6' 5"Just ate normal kid food. Probably not particularly healthy to be honest. I think it my case it is strictly genetic. My grandfather was tall, and i was physically large at birth: 10 pounds.

But this growth relates to periods of hunger the people went through. If you're a first worlder and had food in your reach, even if it wasn't very nutritive, you have the height your genes point to.

I'm an inch shorter than my father. He's 5'9".

>19 posts
>7 mentioning milk

I drank alotta milk and played football growing up. Only that and genetics is what I attribute to my height.

Its all genetics man. Sorry.

im 6'5 and ate only tinas micowaveable burritos

this is the secret we cant tell you

6'2' lots of milk, meat, potatoes

what was your diet as a kid?


I attribute it to genetics and I was a 10 pound baby. But I drank ridiculous amount of milk as a kid. I'd say breakfast was normally milk and cereal. Lunch was usually peanut butter sandwich with chips and fruit. Parents were usually pretty good about me not snacking a ton when i got home. But I seriously would just drink milk when I got home after school/baseball. Before my parents got divorced at 12 I ate almost exclusively big home cooked dinners though. Lots of steak, burgers and chicken with either potatoes or pasta. Lots of seafood and corn in the summer. Always ate a huge dinner. I would play outside alot too. I'm fucking hungry now.

I'm only 6'0" but I'm broader than most 6'6"s, and I can say without a doubt, eat like a fucking bulldozer. If you get fat, shit happens, but without excess calories, you don't grow. You can always burn fat later on, but the height won't be gained late in life

I'm 6'1" and I drank a ton of milk too. Though I did everything else to sabotage my eating habits. In second grade I refused to eat anything except hot dogs for a solid year.

I think having some unusually tall relatives was more important though, my grandfather was like 6'4", which apparently was close to unheard of in the 1940s.

childhood years I didn't have a big appetite. had cereal for breakfast and pb&j sandwiches every day for lunch. I usually just ate whatever my parents made for dinner, like most kids do.

teenage years I ate a lot of fast food and drank a lot of soda. treated my body like absolute shit.

I'm almost 24 now and I'm 6'1" and I've never weighed more than 145lbs, so I guess it all boils down to genetics.

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6 ft 2 Kazakh-American
Spaghetti, Chef Boyardee food like beefaroni and ravioli, Hot Pockets, shit like that since my single mother did not cook. I am adopted and do not know my parents, so no height info, sorry. I also drank a fuck ton of milk when I was a kid. I also ate a lot, I usually finished my brothers plate and I usually ate two cans of Chef Boyardee instead of just one.

I would like to add that I drank milk at every meal and would refill my glass often. I would also come into the kitchen sometimes and just pour a glass of milk. I have no idea why I liked it, but mom would always joke with her adult friends about how often we went through gallons. Idk, I just liked it, it was there. throughout high school I drank a lot of Coke Zero though

my mom cared a lot about whole grains stuff when she went to buy bread/waffles/ things like this, I loved things like yogurt and cheese. Other than that I just ate school lunches, for breakfast cereal with cows milk, dinner normal stuff. I'm 6'0"

most asians are short due to their diet, which is mostly rice and stuff. North Koreans are shorter than South Koreans just due to their lack of nutrition. this is also why Asians seem to age better, its due to seafood. seafood is also linked to lack of depression, but thats probably a misreading of some study, idk. its mostly genetic, yes. but not all


drank lots of milk and ate lots of protein.

6'1'', parents are both 5'7'' and there's no one above 5'9'' on either side of the family apart from two cousins

quite literally ate only carbs - like 50% of my diet was just wafers, biscuits, croissants and I was under 130 lbs until I graduated from college

genetics trumps everything. healthmaxxing is huge cope.

Unironically, onions milk, no red meat,.only chicken.

*Onions milk

A new filter, wtf, can't write 50y

S0.y milk

While it's absolutely possible your diet affected your height
But it doesn't make much of a difference now unless you are completely malnourished
like says

That being said I am 6'3" and I've eaten very little my entire life. I am 120 lbs.
If I grew up short, my first idea would be that I am short because of my diet. But I am not.

Don't get too caught up in the past OP.

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Grew up poor. Senpai all on welfare and most of that went to booze, cigs and smack

Cereal every morning for breakfast in the week. Eggs and bacon on weekends.
Peanut butter and jam sandwich, fruit, crisps every day for lunch
Big meals of spag bog, chicken satay and frozen fish+veg for dinner. Maybe homemade fishcakes if my uncle caught something at the beach.
No fast food. No soft drink. Occasional sweets.

6'3", 95kg and lean enough to have a sixpack.

pb&j on whole weat bread
rice and beans

Im a manlet and my little brother is 6'. He used to be a fatfuck up till high school. I on the other hand was very insecure about being chubby at one point and I'd eat less or starve myself. My parents are both average height, but I'd wager that I'd be taller if I didn't fuck my body up as a kid

rice and lean meats for the most part as well as a serving of fruit and milk each night

Generational malnutrition factors in but if you're western and white no amount of milkies and eggies will help.

6' flat
Diet was kind of shit outside of dinner. Cereal/poptarts for breakfast, school lunch, followed by snacks at the corner store Mon-Fri. Mom's dinner were actually pretty balanced (meats veggies etc) but outside of that mostly ramen noodles, pb&j and general cheap stuff if she didn't make anything. My dad's tall so it's mostly genetics.

Almost nothing lol
6'4 skeleton

6'2" here
Parents made fish or chicken every night, usually had school lunch or fast food for lunch on weekends. Parents also made me drink a glass of milk daily until I moved out.

nothing special , i didnt eat shitty like you though, just normal food like meat and veg. i drank a bit of milk but nothing special.

my parents and drs always knew i would be tall from a young age so i dont think diet was a part of it for me

whats with the USA drop after the 70s?

I ate like shit as a kid. Fast food, pizza, fried chicken, whatever. Guzzled sugary drinks like crazy too. I'm 6'1 because my genes are all from tall people from northern/western Europe. A quarter of my DNA is dutch. I'm the shortest man in my family actually, even my little brother is an inch taller than I am. Hell most of the women in my family are at least 5'10, my own mother is 6'.

Genetics > nutrition

Tons of meat, tons of calcium, greens and shit, though I did have my fair share of junk foods

Immigrants from Asia and Mexico where the average height is much lower

>I grew up eating candy, junk food and lots of carbs and barely ate any meat.
There's your answer. I grew up eating a fuckton of meat (sausage, steak, borger, etc), with a little candy and junk food here and there.

Right now I'm 18 at about 6'2", maybe 3 inches. But i've always been a bigger kid anyway. I was 9 or 10 pounds at birth.