Masc edition
Femboys and twinks out. Real boys only.
Last bread
Masc edition
Femboys and twinks out. Real boys only.
Last bread
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw no autistic linux bf
>tfw no qt dom bf
>tfw no bf to almost get hit by a car with
>tfw no suicide pact bf
why live
why do you want to almost get hit by a car user
Sodomy is ritual death worship and has nothing to do with love or sexual attraction.
The church loves sodomy. Politicians love sodomy. Corporations love sodomy. You are conforming to the world which has become Sodom instead of living a virtuous life.
I'm a twink and i will post here anyways, can't stop me
It feels like a bungie jump or zip line and since the nearest bungie is on the other side of the country and zip lines get boring i came to a conclusion that todays encounter with a car will suffice.
Yeah but if I like a guy and am monogamous it isn't though.
Just like... prove in n shit, yeah?
Figures the HIV positive tripfag would be the first to respond to obvious bait.
>You are conforming to the world which has become Sodom instead of living a virtuous life.
sounds pretty metal
I'm HIV negative and regularly donate blood thanks to my virginity. Like... just prove it's bait though, yeah? Like, just fknn do it.
>tfw no bumble bf to donate blood and then meditatefuck me lovingly in his dizzy, low-blood state
>tfw no Douglas AC-47 Spooky bf
i almost got hit by a car once and it gives me anxiety when i think about it desu
I don't understand. Monogamous sodomy is still sodomy. You can't like someone if you are a sodomite with them. Sodomy is a violent act of hate. Yet I get called a hater for advocating against the vile act.
Age: 21
Sex: male
Hobbies: video games, browsing the internet and listening to music
Occupation: neet
Country: UK
likes: video games, browsing the internet and listening to music
dislikes: being bad at video games and being bored
Political alignment (if Any): some degree of leftoid
Religious beliefs (if Any): atheist
Top or Bottom: mostly bottom although penetrative sex is not something I ever really think about
Fem or masc: just ugly
not all of us schizos are assholes who doxx people, please dont think that
I get anxiety when i do things like go grill something cause those little shits running around in the summer annoy me. Especially that little black girl from whateverthefuck she came from.
Why cant i grill in peace but i can be the most talkative faggot in the group.
>Sodomy is a violent act of hate
Prove it is though. Prooooooove it.
Consensual monogamous sex is kamic and dharmic. The natural drive to experinece love and share it with a chosen partner you are drawn to and the family you create with that partner is the universe screaming your dharma at you. That transcends the flawed logic of Kike 2: Crucifix Boogaloo.
>If something makes you feel happy, safe, and stable, it must be bad for you
Holy fuck just fuck off you dumb shit.
>Leftist faggot bottom neet
Explains a lot you pozzed summer child.
Instead of socposting, let's personalitypost!
Let's see how many actual robots we have in here.
No, get out with this bullshittery. You have a contanment pseudoscience thread or /gaygen/ for this garbage
t. normalfag in denial
This one is good and fun
>Misinterpreted my tendency to get into heated public debates and throw things around my house in fits of rage as "extraversion"
Nah, it's shit mate
wtf i originally hate myself now
See, just like I said.
Looks dumb
Why would i do this chart instead of watching gachi?
>Explains a lot you pozzed summer child.
What does it explain
Is this r9gay-typical
Age: 20
Sex: male (duh)
Hobbies: vidya and making youtube videos
Occupation: Part time wage slave working at a large engineering company
Country: US (MN to be specific)
likes: vidya, history, old movies, some paleontology, wholesome gay shit
dislikes: promiscuity, normies, the goberment
Political alignment (if Any): Probably right/libertarian leaning
Religious beliefs (if Any): Atheist and agnostic, but raised catholic
Top or Bottom: Top
Fem or masc: Masc
Drug abuser logic. Something that feels good isn't always good. Sodomy is death, symbolically and in the sense that it leads to disease and disfigurement.
wtf is wrong with my personality?
Drugs don't make you feel safe and stable though. All pleasure and authentic emotion is bad to you. That is pure indoctrination.
Meditate more. Realise your dharma. Escape samsara.
>Leftist homosexual bottom NEET
>Looking for attention by posting stats after the thread ended
Like pottery. doesn't make any sense though.
Round three of no actual proof. Something that feels good isn't always good, but it isn't always bad either.
Sharing this type of intimacy with a loved chosen partner doesn't lead to disease and disfigurement.
>doesn't make any sense though
why not? Have you got something to say, tripfag?
I feel good about myself.
Should i leave?
You seem like an alright guy, like the antithesis to these thirsty faggots, and yet you post attentionwhoring shit in hopes of a shit-tier bf.
>inb4 but u tripfag for leik 2% of ur posts tho
>If I acknowledge my hypocrisy "ironically" it doesn't count.
Dumb pakinigger.
post your yt channel
I can't, I've done it before and the jannies remove it
cmon man we all know they sleep now after eating their tendies
Post it off-site dummy.
Don't be mean to Bumpfle. He's the reason the thread doesn't die halfway through.
I posted this message in last thread replying to an user but the thread commited sudoku
thats not bad at all I was expecting you to say you were in your late 30's / early 40's I probably wouldn't date anyone older than 30
That streetshitter and his attention whoring ilk is killing the threads with their cancer.
Okay, my most popular video involves Steven Universe and Jow Forums, you can probably find me from that.
christ end yourself and your channel
>tfw no tall bf to hug and protect me
How tall user? Also
>*hugs and protects you*
Anything taller than me would be fine
I'm 163cm
Anime is raising expectations everywhere because nobody is this cute IRL.
You can imagine the person you like is that cute. I tend to do that involuntarily.
Hot damn that's short. Well is 190cm tall enough?
YES that's more than enough
Where do you live?
>Where do you live?
Burgerland. I'm guessing you live somewhere in europe
I also live in muttistan, the south east part of it
Oh, I live in the mid western part of it
ahh you're so close but so far
it was worth a shot at least
wtf is muttistan
>actually posting boys
This is a nice change of pace.
take it a step further
I want to have a pure relationship with a man where we rarely ever have sex. We can be romantic and pure, eat food together, watch stuff, talk about life and what we want.
I just want a pure bf to kick life's ass with, sex not mandatory. It would be so fucking nice.
the land of amerimutts
Ah, you want a friend.
Maybe I want a friend too. I don't think you cuddle with friends though idk. I'm a loser
You can if you're both lonely and desperate.
You could, especially if they're girls. If man just say "no homo". Straight guys can't handle loveylovey shit.
I want the whole package. Sex with the one you love must be great when he loves you back.
> masc edition
flamer genocide when?
I feel you. The love of a friend taken to it's logical extreme. I frequently have dreams about this kind of relationship, a few nights ago I dreamt about cuddling on the couch with him. I was holding him and had my chin on his head as we watched a movie under a blanket.
That's not enough, i need more, I need confirmation, i need a kiss
Yo I live in southeast Burgahland!
Is 178cm tall enough?
>Sex with the one you love must be great when he loves you back.
That scares me the most. A lot of gay guys nowadays seem to be looking for constant cheap fucks. It's horrible and I'm terrified to actually have sex with someone and then have them emotionally fuck me over.
>not that i ever had sex
Oops, tagged you because I really liked your post.
> I still don't have a masc bf
if you are from burgerland, why do you use centimeters
There's fucking and there's making love. Fucking always existed, it's nothing new and happens with straightfags too.
I want to have sex with a person because we love each other. Like, after dating for a while.
Sorry if i misread your post and failed to understand it.
Kissing is the best. My friend kissed me this one time and it was honestly like I had an electric shock.
>all these SE US posters
Where's my bf then?!
> not SE US
I'm from the midwest, if it matters
Fuck off. Everyone should be using centimeters and celsius.
Wrestling and then kissing mid-wrestling is peak pure good feels.
I'll take what I can get then.
yes i agree, but we assume that people who use feet are american and people who use cm are eu
Damn new relationship fantasy
Canada uses both in a strange mishmash of why
These threads make my heart warm
>have ingrown hair on my leg that's been bothering me for a while
>mom won't cut it out
>wants to go to dermatologist
>recently noticed my hairline receded slightly
I guess it's the perfect time.
I'll be your SE bf user!
What state?
Stinky state ofAlabama
fuck americans
t. european user
Are you fucking serious?
I live there
Central Alabama
Where are you from?
t.german user living in Guatemala
That's awesome!
I live closer to the east in Auburn
I agree. I want to move to EU.
Wait a minute.
Are you that one user in Auburn on the r9gay map?
based & redpilled
t. european user
why are you in guatemala?
would probably never happen, i heard it really hard, harder than immigrating to the US
Yeahbut if you've messaged me I have't seen it since I haven't been on the map in months