>Jow Forums hates trannies
>but also wants to fuck them
You would steep this low robots?
>Jow Forums hates trannies
>but also wants to fuck them
You would steep this low robots?
Same with Jow Forums. They talk about killing trannies but 50% of their userbase masturbate to tranny porn
>hate trannies
>disgusted even by thought of masturbating to them
Masturbating to something and wanting to fuck it are two completely different things. I know damn well the ruse won't hold up in real life, so porn of "women who happen to have penises" is as good as its going to get. In real life the ideal partner is a woman who likes pegging. But I don't masturbate to strapon porn much because most of it sucks. Basically, it's just too hard to make porn stuff into real life and real life stuff into porn.
Incels are less logically consistent than women. That's why.
trannies/traps are utterly disgusting, tomboys are the way to go
Yeah, that way it won't be gay when she fucks your ass.
Keep telling yourself that so you can sleep at night.
I constantly fap to tranny porn, although most of it digusts me in a way and most trannies I actually met so far were total retards.
Wouldn't mind throwing some estrogen pills myself though, with any luck I win the fucking tomboy lotto.
Who is this "Anonymous", and how does he type so fast to make so many posts?
If you think about it as a cultural phenomenon moreso than and invasion it becomes much, much more interesting.
Real trannies are insufferable, demonic, predatory, degerate pieces of shit.
Porn trannies though are fantasy creatures giving a performance. No turds or NUTHIN.
Huge difference.
>tfw you will never be fucked because you're unpassable/ugly
it posted anime.
>transitioning from m to f
>never being fucked
You really don't know how desperate people are. I would fuck one myself in a heart beat.
Yeah but anyone interested in me is just a gay man that's interested in my masculine appearance!
literally this, user. everyone on this board bullies me but they secretly want to fuck me. i can't blame them though, i am pretty cute!
Ha, I'm bi, spread, user-kun.
Cancer. Everyt ime you post you make this board worse off for it.
We pity the trannies. Society is fueling their mental illness for profit. That doesn't however mean we wouldn't fuck them.
Bi, but interested in me as a man, because I'm manly!
hehe uwu
Sure, show yourself first, no pic, no way.
Manly? People call me a man too, truth is though my body is as feminine as it gets for only having testosterone flowing through my veins. For example I have not really anything remotly resembling hair on my body except on my head. So be more precise.
hmu with your discord and i'll send one anone :^)
I'm built like a linebacker, my shoulders and ribcage are both huge, I'm 6' tall, hairy as a gorilla literally all over (but at least I can take care of this one), my browbone protrudes a lot, my chin is big, and my skull is literally 90 times the size of the sun
i'm very masculinely built and i wanna die
sexualizing trans people is a gaslighting operation being done by the radical left just like how Queer Eye for the Straight guy proceeded gay marriage.
Hmm, would still do potentially.
>i wanna die
Weird but ok, why though?
Because I'm so hideous I can't stand looking at myself and I'll never be able to live the life as a woman like I want or wear cute clothes or go shopping for said clothes or have normal girl friend relationships or attract (straight) boys or be able to use the bathroom that would make me more comfortable, etc.!!! My life is so restricted I hate it.
I see, you should at least try hormone pills forst though, will change your body a lot already, and you can still shop for cute clothes, I wanna order some new skirt myself on the 1st.
I've been on them for 17 months and nothing!!!
I can't wear skirts or girl clothes because I just look like an ugly man crossdressing and it feels even worse!!!!!
Congratulaciones OP. You got 2 namefag trannies in your thread. Personally, I am disgusted by these people and the way they act
>you actually want to fuck me
Terrible people, terrible personalities, terrible posts. These people are irredeemable.
Uff, ok, could be that the dosage has to be higher or aditional surpressants are necessary. Did you notice anything about your nipples being more sensitive? It is normally one of the first changes.
If some ugly fat chick can wear a skirt so can you. Or start lower how about some cute socks and shoes I myself really enjoy loose socks or whatever they are called.
They were at the 2 month mark but then they stopped being sensitive after a couple more months and it never returned. And I never grew bobs AT ALL
LITERALLY kill myself
>If some ugly fat chick can wear a skirt so can you.
No, cuz she looks like an ugly fat chick, I just look like a man in a skirt.
Also i cannot afford these things. I have no income.
I do hate trannies but ir would be fucking funny to dick one done and ruin them hahaha
Oh ok, what exactly do you take and which dosage?
>Ugly fat chicks still looking in any way feminine
No way in hell.
Ok, no income is a problem though, I can't help you with that but there is enough inexpensive clothing and many websites where you can get stuff second hand.
I'm switching to injections in a week from now so I'm hoping that will help. But I switched from (ineffective) spiro to cypro about 5 months ago now. I was hoping I would see signs of stuff happening again, because my T is now properly lowered unlike before, but nope...
You take no other medication though, right?
Otherwise, of course as always, possibly just the wrong dosage or just ineffective for you. But in any case wait and see how the injections turn out they are normaly so highl dosed that they shouldn't in any way be ineffective.
I take progesterone too because they said it's common for tranners to start after a year but it has done nothing. It's supposed to help with bobs but yeah... no bobs.
Injections bypass the kidneys unlike pills which I think might be the problem. It would explain why I've had no breast growth, because if the hormones get sucked up by the kidneys, the growth hormones don't kick in, and those are what cause breast growth. My hopes are slightly raised but not too high...
Hmm, progesterone shouldn't be anything problematic and if anything support you in your effort.
Right, didn't think of the kidneys just filtering it out, just wait and see and don't kill yourself beforehand.
I'm giving it 2 years MAXIMUM.
Sounds reasonable, though you should really start believing in yourself too, and this also means not always thinking you just look like a retard in womans clothing.
t. doesn't look like a retard in women's clothes
you don't know what it's like
go to wizchan.org/b/
is full to the brim with trannies
Oh but I do, I may not be able to perfectly understand your emotional situation but it's not like I wouldn't understand what you are going through.
Are you fat? Have you tried diet and exercising? Something's weird with your body having no reaction to hormones.
Ye I'm fat. I'm losing weight now that I'm less depressed thanks to my new meds though!
Then stop dragging yourself down so much.
Then mystery fucking solved. Seriously you people think just getting hormones is enough to make you look like a girl are crazy. Having a good feminine body takes fucking work, more so than getting jacked since you are fighting against your body. Cut the carbs and sugar and do cardio.
There was this trap who used to post on some chan site. He said that everyday he run 10KM on his home bike, he never eats sugar, really low carbs and tons of veggies, besides all the skin / hair care. He really looked like a girl. The efford he was putting on his lifestyle would be enough for a dude to get ripped. It takes efford to look good. Don't give up because you didn't even try.
Losing weight won't make me small or feminine, though. My ribcage and shoulders are massive. I will still look like a man, which is why I haven't been motivated.
Bro, you're gay as fuck. You know that right?
Bro, I think he's aware, Bro.
You are fat. You don't know what's fat, muscle or bones yet. Don't just give up yet you idiot. At least give a honest try. That goes for any loser here about anything in life.
Nah bro, I would never do anything with a dude. I just want to be buttfucked by women. Tranny porn is just fun because you can pretend like it's a real girl who has a dick.
Not quite. Jow Forums hates the trannyshills who have made a sizeable minority of Jow Forums users want to fuck them.
the only who say about fucking trannies are the trannies falseflagging and samefagging
they are gay after all
I dont wanna fuck trannies. I jaut wanna fuck guys who wear girls clothes.