How would your day have been different if you had a transpuppy in your life?

How would your day have been different if you had a transpuppy in your life?

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I would be jealous of my puppy because she passes!

hope you enjoy toenail torture, faggot

Lots of clean up and digging

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Grow up and chill with the bigotry

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Stop shitting up Isabelle you disgusting faggot.

I bet transbuppy would love to feel your arm muscles after all that work~

Two separate characters buddy

Leave Isabelle out of this.

How can it feel when it's 6 feet under in 3 different counties?

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Off topic


Corpses are its.

We should set our transpuppies up on a play date. If they like each other maybe they'll give us baby transpuppettes!

we stan an edgy 4channer

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That page sucks ass

Stop sexualizing Isabelle with your tranny bullshit and stop posting five hundred of the same thread every day. No one cares about your autistic fetish.

Your mom sucks (my) ass

>I love my transpuppy! Only based people are allowed to have one!

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>Stop sexualizing Isabelle with your tranny bullshit and stop posting five hundred of the same thread every day. No one cares about your autistic fetish
This is you rn

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Tramspuppy saved my life

Sleep tight, Transpupper.

twitter reaction meme time

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>tfw not quite based enough to get a transpuppy yet
I'll get there soon boys. I have to.

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Jailtime for murder, that's how.

>implying transpuppies don't conceal carry glocks in their puppy purses to fend off crazed incels like you

Uh guys? Hypothetically, if your transbuppy is in heat wat do?

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what do you mean in heat, user?

Like when shes boivulating

dogs can't consent to being transgender pls stop this is animal abuse

Hey man she was already like this when the government dropped her off

back to twitter you faggot scum

My mom doesn't let me go to twitter