Please serious people only

please serious people only
if any suicidal anons in east coast usa want to form a suicide pact and meet up irl lets please do it

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What is a suicide pact?

Lol dont do this shit, you are going to wind up getting your cock hacksawed off by a lunatic.

we kill ourselves together

this op, some creep is going to prey on you. watch out for yourself.

wouldnt that solve their problem though? dying?

Calm down and wait for your perspective to adjust. You are delusional. You are stuck in a paranoid negative feedback loop where you realize your own paranoid delusions through paranoid action. You crave fulfillment of your own worst paranoid outlooks because someone hurt you. You are too far stuck in your own head right now. You need to go outside and interact with the world. You are most likely too much of a coward to have done this recently, but you need to do this to realize that you've been telling yourself a fairy tail all this time, and that the real world is kinder than you believe it to be. It can be anything, but you are too afraid to see it like that. I can help you see this, so can others, but you have to see it for yourself.

OP is the cock cutting lunatic, retards

yeah but that would be a lot of unnecessary pain

hey, im sorry to hear youre in a bad place at the moment. If you feel like you need to talk to somebody who will listen you can add me on discord corbynms #0408
Things will get better for you.

There is a difference between going out via exit bag, shot gun, leaping from a high building, hanging, etc and being mutilated before excruciating death. I would assume most robots do not want to die a painful death if it can be avoided, they want to escape a painful life.

What part of the East coast?

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Livestream that shit pls

it wont happen and even if it did i wouldnt care
i dont think i am insane
if i can't find someone by tonight im going to leave and do it alone
im willing to give someone my info and address to make this happen
there isnt much i can do to harm someone
no thank you im sorry
im in west virginia right now im willing to meet half way if i have to

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>tfw wait for threads like these to add to my severed cock collection

Excuse me, but what the fuck?


Kys you cock cutting lunatic , you're not cutting my 5" dick, you creepy faggot

Aw sorry to hear that user I'm in Florida and don't want to kill myself. Get well soon.

You are insane right now. You will regret this later on.

Lol there are legitimately lunatics on r9k, like that vegan that cut his own nuts out due to his Christian beliefs. Do not do anything like this, OP probably cuts cocks

im sorry i'll do it alone i'm sorry
im not insane i promise im sorry

Pic or didn't happen, user-kun.

you should post your discord for SERIOUS inquires

keep thread alive and i'll post pics in an hour or 2
im leaving in about 10 minutes after i get things ready

>if i can't find someone by tonight im going to leave and do it alone

Please livestream if you're gonna do it, you shouldn't, but if you do, definitely livestream it

>im willing to give someone my info and address to make this happen
>pull up to the crib
>door unlocked, hear user yelling to come back
>open the door and notice the lack of furniture/clutter
>knocked out cold
>wake up cockless as a real estate agent screams for help
Not worth it

its too embarrassing to livestream but i'll post pics and maybe location for obituaries

how should i light the charcoal without lighting my car on fire

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You heard em boys keep the thread alive

Please dont do that user. Whatever you are going through right now, you can fight through it. Just reach out and people will be there to help you. Your life is valuable and i care deeply about you. Please dont do anything you cant undo.

what is that thing on her head orilglk

Understood, user-kun.
How are you going to do it though?
But in any case good luck and make us proud.

Okay user I understand and respect your decision, just remember to let us know you made it when you're on the other side, go flicker some lights or something or make my microwave beep

Castrated cock

im going to burn charcoal in my car but i dont know how to light it without lighter fluid without burning my car please help

and i need to be in public to do it or i wont have cell service but i know some private places

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im out of newspaper idk where to get it would regular paper work

Just steal it from some old persons drive way desu

You shouldn't do this. You and I are best friends. Things suck shit right now but they will get better, I promise. I'm going to come visit you yet again within a month, and we'll have a wonderful time together just like the past times. All of this internet stuff is bullshit and noise. Let's have a good time in real life as friends, and I promise that I will take good care of you like I have before. You can trust me to do that for you.

user dont do it. Reach out to the discord user. I dont believe that you want to die. You probably are hurting badly because of something and you think your death will end this pain. But you can get better. You dont have to die.

what the origfuck are you doing

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