What would you buy if you only had 25$ to spend on food for a week?
What would you buy if you only had 25$ to spend on food for a week?
I would probably buy a case of beer
A lot of rice, veggies, and beans. And some coffee with filters.
Water and alcohol, i barely eat anyways.
Loaf of bread, butter, and cheese, maybe some cans of soup too. Grilled cheeses are filling and honestly pretty cheap to make as well as soup, can always get a rotisserie chicken too, Costco has em for 5 bucks, and they can be used for plenty of things and then made into soup stock
these bad boys are $.99 each. also comes in chicken.
Here's a real answer for you OP
Potatoes - 10lb bag for $3.50
Eggs - 24 for $1.69
Milk - 1 gallon for $2.49
Boneless skinless chicken breast - 2lbs @ $2/lb for $4
Rice - 10lb bag for $4.49
Broccoli - 2lbs @ $1.49lb for $3
Total is $19.17. This is all from an Aldi in Florida.
Good carbs in potatoes, good fats from milk and eggs, and good protein from chicken. Use the rice and broccoli as a filler. Spend the other $5 on a multivitamin or something
beans, rice, and tunafish
Bitch $25 is so much for one week. I'll spend $30 a month on food. Make your own bread, eat a lot of pasta, rice, potatoes, etc. Eggs can be super cheap. Multivitamin because a balanced diet is too expensive. Sometimes I'll buy some cheese or meat but it's a treat.
>no bread
>no iced tea
>no pork sausages
>no spagetti
>no tomatoes
big yikes
>if you only had 25$ to spend on food for a week?
I spend 20 a week on food normally.
I would buy 14 of these. When prepared each one of the boxes has around 1000 calories, which is enough to last me the week. That will leave me with 11 extra dollars which I would spend on a bit of alcohol.
>has around 1000 calories
you do know your diet shouldn't be simply calories right
You know kraft mac & cheese has that additive that gives men onions tits right?
Aldi is the fucking best. I'm not even poor but I still shop there because once you see their prices you feel like everyone else is fucking ripping you off, including Walmart.
A mix of McDoubles and McChickens from McWagie's to shove down my fat slovenly throat.
Of course I do, but that doesn't mean I won't do it.
A sack of russet potatoes, bread, cheese, and a whole chicken. That should be around 25 bucks. Maybe I would go with just a pork shoulder instead.
Eggs might be a good idea instead of bread or cheese.
Just by cheap shit that will power you. You don't need a full stomach, just something that will give you the energy to walk around.
yeah no thanks, I'd rather go hungry
>buying chicken breasts instead of a whole chicken you can later turn into stock
then just buy sugar, it's even cheaper
maybe he already has tits like me.
Well, I would rather eat something with actual flavor if you know what I'm talking about.
The post that was first happens also to be best
>I would rather eat something with actual flavor
if you did you wouldn't buy mac and cheese to begin with
Fuck off porch monkey. White men are having a discussion here.
Alright, I'll just be eating my mac & cheese over here. Enjoy your sugar retard.
chicken breast 8
lettuce x3 3
bread x 5 5
peppers 3
cereal x2 6
the cereal is for snacking
>white men
>75 IQ
looks like the Jow Forums memes are wrong after all ;^)
I'd buy rice, black beans, tortillas, bread and peanut butter. I'd eat pb sandwiches in the morning and a rice with bean burrito at night. I'd get some bananas too if I can afford it.
Cut the rice, milk, chicken and potatoes out.
Add buckwheat, beans, and B12.
Wait the full week, then hit the least salmonella-y Chinese buffet I can find. After seven days, anything tastes like the fuckin god particle.
Why are you stating your IQ? I'm not joking. You are a spear chucker but you are also a fag and namefag cancer. Hanging garbage like you from a tree would be doing you a favor.
That jiggaboo wouldn't even buy more than one package of mac and cheese. He needs the rest of the money to buy purple drank mix.
>Be "white" American
>Insecure NEETs with no future or life are always the most racist
Look who initiated the racism in this thread. Speaks volumes.
You'll call me a nigger next, and then refuse any proof I provide. That's how you win arguments after all, with FACTS and LOGIC.
strawberries (4$)
rice (2.50)
eggs (0.87)
cheese (1.33)
potatos (3.50)
Broccoli (1.50)
wheat bread (0.98)
garbanzo beans (0.50)
Penne rigate (0.82)
pasta sauce (0.88)
tofurky (2.88)
bananas (0.50)
greek yogurt (2.47)
3 avocados (2.64)
2 onions (1.42)
spinach (0.99)
24.28 from walmart I tried
Nah OP I got you. Lidl. Get the fuck down there and get a fresh loaf (49p) and a pot of humuos (even fuckin less I can't remember). Tear up this entire loaf and eat it dunked in the homous like you're a greek god. Rinse and repeat, off-brand weetabix clones for breakfast with cold or hot milk depending on what the sky's doing. Like an ascendant peasant.