My thread was deleted im sorry

My thread was deleted im sorry
Im in the spot and ready to start prepping the charcoal and try to relax for a while
Sorry if it took too long

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm kinda a big deal on the other side, you can live in my part of paradise when you get there so you don't have to go to hell. which is what you deserve if you do it.

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What do you mean im sorry

I dont know if I can bump my own threads sorry

Stop dont go please seriously please dont

hi, pls do not do desu

Will paper fill my car with smoke or will it be ok

my psychotic breaks involve talking to dead people. also since I suffer from an illness (mental) I get space in the heavens from that too.

If its enjoyable for you and you know its not real its good right? Sorry

if you have a car all you need is a hose to go from your exhaust to a slightly cranked window. why bother with charcoal at all?

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That only works on older cars newer ones have some sort of filter

This is what I have I hope it works
Im not going to light it yet im still scared but I will get the paper ready soon

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Should I cut the paper I dont want to mess it up please help

Nice trips
I love you Moon. Let's play rust tomorrow - I can show you how. You still owe me calzones by the way.

What are you talking about sorry

cut it into strips and crumple it up. leave the window open until the coal is lit and the paper is burned up.

>literally dont do it OP

Thank you user I was thinking the same thing about the paper smoke

We haven't played the games that I got you for your birthday yet. I really want to do that with you.

Should I do it hotdog or hamburger style idk and how long should the strips be and should I put them under the charcoal or in between

Stop doing this please its dangerous and you have things to live for.

You must be thinking of someone else sorry
I dont have anything anymore
This is ok im trying to stay calm

Oh hey user, remember to give us a sign from the other side

If I can I will sorry

I love you and you're the best friend I could ask for. PLEASE stop! We were so happy together when I saw you, just wait until I see you again please!

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Good picture but I dont know who you are sorry

Don't apologize to me user, but remember that there may be no turning back, I love you, and I want the best for you. If you can, turn on my TV when you're on the other side, so I know you made it safely.

>I dont have anything anymore
No one believes this stop.

James, if you die then my life and others will be filled with misery until I die. You make me happy just by being yourself. You are good enough.

literally not worth, dying is a painful meme, better to just skip town and try your luck in another city

You know that this is Nick. I'm your friend and I'm real. I was with you for days in person, and we had the time of our lives. It was the best respite from this website that either of us could have asked for. Please wait on me to make it happen again.

OP, I am fucked as well but trying to escape my horrible life.
I will try one last time.
>please help
can you help by giving me some of the money you have?
Help a fellow loser out before you go my bro

I really need $ to move, anything will help

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Ok im sorry I will try to let you know somehow I just dont believe in that stuff Im sorry I want to show you im being serious I just dont want to livestream to strangers
I want my family to be left alone
I dont know who you are sorry
I spent all my money on drugs a long time ago and I only have a little over a thousand left
My family needs it more than you sorry

Good luck user-kun, we'll surely see each other soon enough.

>My family needs it more than you sorry
that is respectable, I just thought I would ask.
When you are desperate enough you will do anything to try make life better.. you know that feel.

Safe travels to the after life
You will finally be free from misery

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It is getting dark out so im going to cut the paper now but I need to pee really bad

Would it help if I posted pictures of us? Don't deny our friendship in what you want to be your final hours. You have much to live for. He is not worth dying over right now.

>I want to show you im being serious
Stop, you're just doing thks to prove a point and you're very afraid which is proof you don't want to. People care about you and you need to cut this out. You matter a lot and people like you, including myself.

>Ok im sorry I will try to let you know somehow I just dont believe in that stuff

No need to apologize polite user, I understand.

>I spent all my money on drugs a long time ago and I only have a little over a thousand left
My family needs it more than you sorry

user, I don't mean to make you feel guilty in your possible final hours, but how will your family take the news?

Dont try to dox me or post pictures of me its shameful and will make me hurt more
Im just scared of being stuck in a hospital bed for the rest of my life unable to die at my own time
But at this point its worth the risk
My family knows the kind of person I am and they hate me for it
But it is ok
They wont be surprised and they will get over it fast

He is family to me and I would be devastated. He's incredibly precious to me and I would give so much to keep him safe.

Hey thank you for the new manga to read
>Therughly enjoying it on

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Sorry it's come to this, friendo. I can only hope you are able to find peace.

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>My family knows the kind of person I am and they hate me for it

I feel for you user, I don't even know what you look like, but I feel for you. Safe travels to the other side user, godspeed to you.

>gunjy trying to get more suicide money, despite saying hes changed

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I don't intend to dox you, but having you hurt temporarily is better than having you be dead or brain damaged forever. Please just go home for me. Keep earning money and come visit me. It'll get better. I promise you.

I am sorry fren, but I fear your friend has stopped listening to reason, he is hellbent on doing this. Just remember that he doesn't mean to hurt you.

>>gunjy trying to get more suicide money, despite saying hes changed
I have changed.
I am not scammin people for money now..just asking is ok though.
I really need it :(

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Are you terminally or chronically Ill?

It is ok thank you
Thank you user
Leave me be it isnt your fault
Just leave me be
Just retarded and worthless

Is this enough paper or should I add more

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Please. Please don't. Really please dont no one wants this.

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I can't leave you be. I need you to be safe. You're my best friend, and you mean everything to me. Please go home. I'll order you pizza hut wings online. Go pick them up on your way.

I'm sure a little more wouldn't hurt, but don't burn yourself.

There's no going back once you do this user.

fuck off virtuefag, not everybody has a life worth living and trying to save lives just hurts them more

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Hey op how old are you?
Where are you from?
What lead you to this point?

Im dirty and unwashed
Doxxing me would only make this more cruel
Yea one sec

Exactly why I'm not attempting to fight this, but that doesn't mean I want him to do this. It's his decision, and I gain not lose anything from his doing this ot not doing this.

You're cute even if you haven't showered. The people at pizza hut won't care, just go in and out, they won't notice if you're greasy.

I mean to say I gain nor lose anything.
My bad. It's his decision.

Just think of those hot wings


Ordering them right now
You want the flavor we got last time? Or something milder?

He wants me to try if it was anyone else I wouldnt care. Seriously means too much to die and deserves to be happy.

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user, dont do it please, theres still a chance

> so many people trying to stop someone from killing himself
And I thought this was Jow Forums

Ok I added more
I hope you are just an user
I want someone to help me through it
It is scary
My one chance was lost

For time stamp user

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What have you done in life? Who do you love?

It wont work dont worry
It feels like I have done everything and nothing at the same time
I love someone who hates me

can you record a video saying goodbye??

Hey pick up my phone call

>I hope you are just an user
I am just an user, I know nothing about you other than what you've posted in this thread.

You can't go back once you do this, keep that in mind.

who hates you? is it a girl or a friend? family?

I dont really want to do that
Who is asking
I might consider vocaroo but I dont know about video
No one is calling me? I deleted all text apps anyways
I dont want to go back
A guy

Thats good then, user-kun. Walhalla awaits.

yes, do a vocaroo please user

What should I say for it

anything you want to say. Even if its just a goodbye.

My phone doesnt allow vocaroo I just noticed sorry

i wanted to hear your voice...

Is there another site that does the same thing

This is Nick. Can you tell me that you love me? Please don't die.

Its alright its almost time

Please stop im so worrie just dont go please

just record a video but dont show yourself in it

>inb4 op says "summerfags go to bed" in the vocaroo and the thread dies

I cant even do that Jow Forums only uploads webms without audio
I have a disgusting voice anyways you would be disappointed

yooooo sick barbecue thread what'd i miss????

Not this time user sorry
I just had ramen today

Are you a male user? Or female

It isnt alright at all. Please at least just tell me that you love me. Drive home and I'll order you pizza hut delivery

I don't think I would be disappointed user. I just want to be able to remember you.

It is ok
Please dont remember me

>Please dont remember me
Not going to happen

Im going to try lighting it and taking a pic at 10pm
Sorry im a disappointment

It's too late, I'll always remember you now. Is your name actually James?

What are you going to do to kill yourself?

My name is James yea its nice to meet you

It's not okay James. You are the only person outside of my family that I have ever truly loved or opened up to. You're a wonderful friend, even though you try to push away and have such deep self hatred. I would be very happy if you lived with me for a while.

sounds to me like you need to try AA or NA. its an ok program and it works, fren. don't do it.

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Are you gonna swallow it like in shakespeare

Sorry but I cant
He is the only person I want and he wants me to die
I dont know what that is sorry