Any other militaryfags here? Why are you still here?

Any other militaryfags here? Why are you still here?

>tfw still alone af

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>wojak poster
Yikers a cringerydoo have sexily diddly dilatey seethery

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>your CO can see you posting on a subterranean basket weaving forum
user big dumb

>tfw every weekend alone in the barracks
>tfw no matter how high pt score is or how good at your job you are your leaders still call you 'that weird guy'
>tfw getting paid less than your classmates from high school who drank and partied through college
>tfw dont fit in with your peers
>tfw even more anxious and lonely than before
>tfw 0 friends outside or in
>tfw you chose this and have no one else to blame
t. 11b

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>be me
>work my ass off to get to sgt
>suffer daily because I'm used and abused because of my qualifications and expertise in my job
>other fucking retard sgts who cheated the shitty promotion system get paid the exact same as me to do 1/8th of the work
>everyone knows they're worthless so they don't even bother trying to get them to do anything
>they sit around all day while I have to run around sweating my ass off, don't even get the chance to go eat
>I'm constantly on the edge of wanting to kill myself

please tell me you didn't re enlist yet

Do americans soldiers do anything beyond glorified paperwork?

>make third
>get quald up
>acquire warfare device
>apply for TA
>denied with no answer
>friend commits suicide
>wife in hospital acutely suicidal
>in possession of a stolen vehicle because of desperation
I will drive to the sequoia national park and kill myself with a shotgun on a mountain. I plan to do this in around two months from now so it will be colder and the snow can cover my body.

>joining navy
>see this thread
it can't be that bad r-right?

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>be infantry
>everyone drinks the kool aid
>hearing dudes call themselves "professional killers" and "human weapons"
>seeing dudes act like the hardest ballas on the block because they have a blue cord
>unit has only ever "deployed" to korea and germany in the last decade
>unit's last combat deployment was in 2006
>nobody under e6 has a CIB
make it stop aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAA

Why would you join when there is no war? If my country has a war I will join but it must be boring as fuck when there is no wars going on.

no and I have no intentions of doing so. I'd rather be homeless in the streets than spend another four years wasting away

What is it like being stationed in Italy?

good, good. how much time do you have left as a government slave?
t. signed a 4.5 year contract and paying the price

>everybody told me it was a good idea
>counting down the days until i get to go home
>see friends on social media graduating, scoring careers, having parties, having fun in life

doesn't help that while here i've made myself a raging alcoholic


Join the air force my guy. I almost made the mistake of going navy. If you get an aircrew job life will be max comfy and bitches will come to you

hey lads i talked to air force recruiter, today i took asvab. She told me I got a 96. Any advice on how to proceed?

t. 22yr old college dropout depressed friendless loser failure weirdo faggot who wants to kms every waking moment

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>air force
>something worth green texting almost happens
>>fuck you, lightning within five


congrats you picked the right branch

9 months left on a 5 year contract. I've made it this far, I want to be done before I kms
peacetime grunts are just pogs with guns

well i havent done anything yet other than just the asvab today. she sent me list of all jobs i am qualified for its a lot of stuff pretty much everything since i scored so high. although i wonder if shes lying because i find it hard to believe i did that well and she didnt even show me the paperwork just told me i got a 96. but what even should i go for?

>5 year
Yikes, did you come in as 18x or something?

joining the military will only make you more miserable, but it's something you can get good at if you apply yourself. but the better you are at your job, the more miserable you will be. my suggestion is you do enough to stay off the radar, but don't do so much that you're expected to do everything

How are 30 year olds who join thought of by the younger recruits?

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I'm not army, so I don't know what an 18x is, but marine aviation is typically a 5 year contract

You'd be perfect for Security Forces user. You defend the planes from cyber spoofs.
Add 10 years to real age is the perception.

>You'd be perfect for Security Forces user
nice try user. no way.

>Add 10 years to real age is the perception.
What is this supposed to mean?

I've never met anyone dumb enough to join the military past 30. Oldest I had in boot camp was 25

>How are 30 year olds who join thought of by the younger recruits?

It really depends on how you carry yourself, and I'm sure the branch matters too. I enlisted in the Air Force in my late 20s and the worst attitude I've encountered is curiosity on why I joined so late. Another guy in my BMT flight was only a year older and got hazed endlessly because he spent most of his time crying and talking about anime.

>air force contracting
>pic related

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too late i swore in lololololol
but i'm going as IT! IT can't be that fucking bad man.
i also have a chance to get CTN which will look really good for me when i get back in the civilian world.
i'm a college fuck up and i lack so many things in myself. i dunno man, i just want to fucking do something different even if it means suffering for four years

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I'll never understand why people in your position don't just stop doing all the work.

>Any other militaryfags here? Why are you still here?
Officer here. Shit is just as gay if not gayer on the dark side yall

Military fags cant be robots
you have accomplished 2 things that take away your robot status
>You got a full time job
>and you moved out

Shut the fuck up you filthy fucking newfag. All you do is parrot things you've heard others say as if it were fact.

deal with it reddit nigger
Ive been hear since 2003.
I'm the law around this shit hole so fuckin deal with ir

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It will be met with swift disciplinary action against me.

Jesus christ this is depressing.
What do you do in offtime to cope, anons?

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Too see you faggots complaining about joining in

play video games, drink alcohol, sleep for three hours in preparation for work tomorrow

Should I commission or just leave

>not wanting to be a gate chad
>will never get to shoot some tard that jumps over the french onto the flight line
your loss my guy

>employment status directly determines robot status
Okay, fair argument I suppose.

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Military are giant welfare queens and I mean that in a good way. Hop in to the af, do your 4 years and 2 in reserve. Save your cash. Get out, get GI bill etc, have free healthcare get discounts at chilis and go to school for free. Plus in amerikkka you'll get preferential hiring and muh hero status. What else are you going to do in your early 20s?
>if you're a jew do your birthright
>literally have hot idf girls pushed on you
>keep the nation alive

I feel really bad honestly.
There's literally nothing anyone can do. :(
I send you textual hugs, user, and hope you make it through.

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What rank are you?
Do you enjoy the military?
Is bureaucracy your favorite shit ever?

Do you just stand around all day or what

I want to enlist but I'm on social security disability.

Oh, my bad. Thought you were army for a sec. 18x is a special forces candidate contract, typically 5 years.
>marine aviation
Does that mean aircrew or actually flying? Not sure how the corps works.

I'm considering lying about my schizophrenia diagnosis, getting off meds to see if I could function, then enlisting as infantry in the army. 22.

How bad is it?
I'm thinking about joining the air force as a commissioned officer after I complete my bachelor's at 33.

military is slow to start but once we use our GI bill we can catch up. also, now is the time to save money
>weekend alone in the barracks
>no matter how high your PT score is or how good you are at your job you're still the "weird guy"
user I am right there with you. oddball and former varsity cross country/track. the best way to cope is to just fuck with them and not give a shit. today I fooled some of them into thinking our CO authorized PT gear in the office during black flag and they believed me until my friend called me on my bullshit. just find ways to torture them until your contract expires and you can get out

5 years as a grunt muhreen from 2008-13. I was deployed twice to Helmand province and also to Haiti for a month after the earthquake there in 2010. War fascinated me as a child. I always wanted to experience combat ever since I was a kid and I never even considered another path while growing up. I left for boot camp 9 days after graduating High School on an infantry contract when I was still 17 years old. I miss it terribly.

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nice larp
post rate, rank and duty station nigger
>sequoia park
or i can just look up bases near you sailor and find you tomorrow

>joined Air Force 2 years ago
>temporarily improved my life by showing me how to make friends easier
>failed tech school, got reclassed and sent to a different base than all the friends i made over the last year
>reclassed to job i dont like to a shit base in the middle of nowhere
>want to die and already tasked to deploy soon and havent done anything on the outprocessing checklist
>4 more years left of this shit if i can survive i think i'll either come out stronger or broken from this

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>tfw i stopped playing video games when i first joined and was going out with friends i made in bmt and tech school all the time
>got sent to a different base on other side of the country than them all
>tried to meet new friends but there's no bond in the air force when werent forced to spend months together with that person
>stay in my room all day when i have off now
trying to hold on to hope of going to school for neuroscience/cognitive science so i have something to look forward to, otherwise i cant do this for 4 more years

once you show people youre capable of doing things you're fucked and they will expect you to continue doing those things while continuing to pile more onto you.
t. completely fuckup who nobody finds reliable, so i dont get asked to do anything

officer life seems decent, if you enlist you'll kill yourself so you might wanna avoid that.

Im about to talk to an Air Force recruiter and enlist. I got a 91 on the practice ASVAB and I know I can do better. I want to work in financial technology, like software engineering or app development or possibly asset management or some shit.

I figured Contracting or Financial Management would be good AF jobs, but my recruiter is saying the DLI would want me. I do not know if my job choices are available. What do? Did I fucked up?

I left out that I am 19 years old, in average shape, and am purposefully leaving university after a successful first year. Single mother, no money for college, Ive always held a job ever since I turned 15, and working through school sucked. Economics major, Im constantly reading financial news articles and Ive already invested over a thousand dollars and have a couple hundred dollars in various cryptocurrencies. So I want finance experience if possible.

I just want to serve and get that GI bill.

is being in the military better than wageslaving?

What was the absolute worst thing you saw?

A1C reporting in. I hate my life and I'm currently awaiting a medical evaluation board. I've been in a year and have been stuck in my technical training due to medical reasons. I just sit around watching a door at nights. I'm probably gonna get medically discharged. It was a good experience nontheless hooyah.

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>Single mother
Women are absolute cancer and have destroyed the military as a working entity.

If you care for your nation's military don't join. If you only want to leech while a harem of betas swarm you daily and do all your work while your reap all the rewards of broken, bullshit systems. Join. Then just claim a false sexual assault case on one of your orbiters, receive more benefits. Rinse and repeat.

That is what women actually do in the military.

I meant my mom was a single mother, hence the lack of money and always having to work and help out with bills and stuff. Lol my mistake

A guy in my basic training did this. He went insane about 6 weeks in and is now in prison

2 year A1C here, getting out isnt bad because things just get far worse depending on your first base after tech school

Im moving back in with my mom after my contract is up. Being in the military made me hate the world more. I just want that basement neet life back

>2 year
Lmao. How the fuck did you manage to stay A1C for two years my dude

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I was in chair force cyber security. Shit sucked. I told them I had psoriasis and got out. Fuck that been a neet ever since.

posting again what jobs are worth pursuing and which should so avoid?

pls reply me

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im not sure why you would want to do that

Air Force guy with 5 years of experience here. DO NOT go open general. If a job that you want has a wait list, WAIT FOR IT, trust me, DEP isn't all that bad compared to getting a job you hate. If you haven't been running, start fucking running now. When the MTI asks a question like "who here likes to bowl?", don't raise your hand. Once you are out of BMT, take every opportunity to lead, but try not to come off as a pompous asshole. Learn your job and do it well, live and breathe your job and you will thrive in the AF. Good luck.

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Be a loadmaster. It is not a job for robots and you are surrounded by nornalfags but you get to travel and shit

thank you, fren, that means a lot

Whats your job my dude?

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Army user in the field Roll Tide.

I'm definitely getting out in a year and a half.

SIGINT Analyst. The night is eternal.

I'm just a mechanic, I don't fly. flying has its perks but if I wanted to fly it would just be like picking up an entire new job that is have to balance on top of being a mechanic and taking charge of a bunch of retarded little crayon eaters and also developing my own career

If I get out I'm going home to Colorado and smoking myself out.

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At least you got to do what you actually trained for. Peace time is shit, we need another war

are you larping as someone who knows how long someone should be in each military rank right now because it really seems like it
you dont get e-4 in the air force until 3 years in, 2.5 years in at the earliest

Make 3rd? Lmao, either you havent done shit or you're in some dumb fuck nothing rate. I bet you're an engineer. Are you an engineer? A bm? Lol, you stupid nigger shut the fuck up. You're only a 3rd class whining about TA.

No for real though that sucks dude, make sure to document everything you can and get out and try to get some disability. Remember this shit is temporary, it cant last longer than 3-4 more years. Dont do something stupid and cop a 45-45.

You trying to be an officer?

Girls like a man in uniform is a meme

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thanks for risking your life for israel, goyim!

Im an E4 and I only enjoy the military when I have even the slightest shred of authority. I dislike bureaucracy but Im good at that kinda thing. Plus it would be nice to not be under senior enlisted anymore

I'm hoping to discipline myself, expose myself, and get enough job experience as to not need a degree. Hoping - again - as I'm a bit desperate and just looking for a simple option to advancing in the life that I want that doesn't involve grinding for college funds or moving back in with my parents for third-world schooling.

>i'm a college fuck up
Did you ever do anything along the lines of flunking a semester and dodging student loans for two years? I'm really wondering how the recruiter's going to take that, lol.

Based off what I've read, officer life is mostly administrative (read: social) and fairly competitive.

You had me in the first half.

joined the muhreens a little over a year ago, command treats me like shit and i'm always under the magnifying glass for god knows why

i want to get out

also, women don't like a man in uniform, especially near duty stations/military bases. said bases are hives of villainy and scum and enlistedmen trying to get out of the barracks by marrying any fat whale that'll let them.

i got 10000x more matches on tinder when i removed any trace of my military affiliation, go fucking figure

Lmao you dodnt get BTZ? what are you doing with your life kiddo

There are less autists in the navy as well as less anime lovers. Should've just joined the air force, you could've been playing ace combat and maintaining planes.