How are my ugly fembots holding up? I think I give up finding a guy

How are my ugly fembots holding up? I think I give up finding a guy.

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>ywn be a real girl
>you will always be ugly AND a man

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i will be literally any ugly non-fat femanons bf

Hoy hoy hoy hoy hoy hoy

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>wojak poster
Absolutely cringe yikes incel seethe dilate have sex

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Being straight is easy. At least you're not a lesbian.

>tfw will never get cute lesbian or bi gf

I dont know who you are, but I really wish you luck in finding a bf (not here) someday

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Good joke user. Haha yeah, I get it ugly girls dont want to date me either, I know.

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giving up also, even if I did manage someone I'd still hate myself

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Can't you just use makeup?

>you will always be a cancerous newfag degrading the board with every post

i'm annoyed i have to write this again. honey boo boo has a mother.

I am not new you silly bakayaro

Same here. I think I'll just give up.
I have odd standards. I like awkward shorter guys that arent skelly.
At my cashier job the type of guys I like dont show interest in me. The quiet manlet at my work that never gets hit on doesnt show interest in me.
I had a cute customer today who was only a bit shorter than me, fat, and had a slightly downie face but wasnt retarded. He had a cute soft voice too.
I scanned his item and asked how he was and he wasnt rude but he didnt really smile.
The guys that do show interest in me are the confident type that work out and stuff. For some reason I'm just not sexually attracted to that.
Idk what to do. I dont want to be alone the rest of my youth. I'm way too shy to approach anyone irl. I'm considering trying a dating site to find "that" guy but I feel like the kind of people to use those are players no matter what their situation is.

No such thing as ugly, I fucking live for bowl haircuts hnnnggggg

>tfw no jbp bf

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Does the butch in a lesbian relationship even have to be attractive? There's always one uggo in every lesbian couple I've seen.

If you are a plain whitebread girl you cannot be a fembot. Plain white girls are literally fetishized by men of every race and all you have to do to go from a 4/10 to an 8 is to just slap some damn eyeliner on. Try looking like a female Adrien Brody Italian mutt.

>born a 0/10 girl
is there any other diceroll worse than this? life is hell

Do you read yuri manga? Have recommendations?

Not sure where exactly I fall but I'm probably a 4/10. It really sucks.
Some women are bitches to me because they're jealous that I'm younger and not fat. Or they're jealous because I'm white. Maybe if it's a legit prettier girl than me my age shes a bitch just to show dominance.
They have no reason to be rude to me because I'm very polite and I never get hit on or get laid anyway.
Because I'm lonely, I tend to take things personally and appreciate when people are kind to me so when someone is catty or something it runs my day.
Guys treat me like I'm invisible. Only other girls have told me that I'm "really pretty" or they're jealous.
I have heard guys say behind my back that they would not fuck me.
It's like no one is my friend. Do any other fembots have this problem?

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This is my life as a 6/10 guy.

Speak up. Look in the mirror and get good at making your voice pop like it's the sims 1 or some shit.

Stop baiting please we have this thread every-day but with different (you) seeking mongs.

Women can't be lonely unless they are literal mutants with horrible birth-defects or scars all over their faces.

Does being a smilelet count as a birth defect? My teeth dont show when I open my mouth or when I smile. I feel like everyone likes someone with a bright smile. I'm very lonely.

Dont worry, tinder is full of awkward dmbasses who is still unsure if you're into them after you send them nudes captioned "i'm into you".

>you are on a board with desperate guys
>cant get a guy

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>not fat
You probably look better than you think.

welcome to the life of every guy below a 8/10

I'm not even a butch lesbian, its not my style

Its proven when one party spill their beans too quickly the other loses interest and think they can do better. Datin irl leaves a lost of mystery, if the first date went well both should theoretically spend a lot of time wondering if the other likes them as much which makes them crush on eachother.
Desperation is only fun from a 9/10

>gonna dominate a tall chad later this week

Feels great being an above average looking female

>Strawberry panic
to name some

I certainly did. I posted this today. May be relevant to you:

>be me
>27 year old fembot and virgin
>get sad
>talk to friend
>try to laugh but basically say I gave up on relationships
>he asks me what would I do if I met a special person
>laugh and say it wouldn't happen but obviously I'd be happy
>he tells me I'm really funny and wuirky, that even if I'm not conventionally pretty some man might like me because I'm "not bland"
>he shows me baby photos of himself
>I jokingly say "I love you" the way friends do and he says it back
>we videochat often
>sometimes he falls asleep talking to me
>happened three or four times now
>actually start to think he likes me
>remember that, along with his best friend, I'm the only one he told his grossest masturbation habits to and that he's dated way hotter girls than me
Everytime I think I left the friendzone I get roped back in. Everytime I think I gave up hope, something makes me hurt.

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same old same old, hoping i kill over this year.

We all know you're a male incel

Nah if a guy is dumb enough to use tinder and entertain dumb thots hes out. But I can for once sympathize with guys for the feeling of not wanting to be treated like another piece of meat. I dont blame them for having doubts. Some people just want to be someone's special one.

Out of curiosity what do you look like and what does he look like? Trying to gauge where I'll be at that age.

let me see a pic
ill be gentle promise

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Honestly pretty shitty, found out my only friend that was staying at my college decided to drop out and stay local. Cant wait to be alone for another two semesters.

No you wouldn't liar. This board is full of psychopathic sick violent fucks.

Nothing you said makes me think he doesn't like you.

D: whoa
overreacting no?

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Nice troll
Originalo pastaginalo

Yeah I doubt your 4/10.

Ill check those out but
Is that a joke?

No thats a perfectly reasonable reaction. Dont post selfies on here.

Kik: Alex42097
Have a good understanding of fashion and beauty. Will try to help you in an empathetic and respectful way.

can someone post a pic of what they think ugly fembots look like? doesnt have to be a real pic of anyone here, just need to know if my standards are too high

fembots dont exist
women CANNOT feel loneliness
kinda drunk, considering doxing a so called "fembot" that posts on here if you whores annoy me any more

have full name, address, phone, email, all social media, familys names and addresses and social media and places of employment, many pictures of you acting like a whore online

I am tired of men and I am going to destroy them for being bad existences

>Describes life as a 7/10 man

You cunts have it so easy.

What does her name begin with?

Hey, dont give up! Just recently met a bot that seems nice and cute, and I think it can possibly work out as a relationship. You can find a nice bf too, femanon!

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>implying you really have anything on me

im not ugly but my body is undesireable to anyone. still feels bad

No. No it's not, since you brought up your smile in particular i'll assume you're even average in other regards, to be real fembot you actually need like elephant'-man tier deformities.

>i am very lonely
Literally 100% your fault
, if you want some attention talk to literally any guy who isn't a 8/10 chad. If you don't want to talk to people just make a fucking reddit account and you'll get herds lf orbiters.

The response to this is usualy "but i want a good man!" Wich is fucking retarded, just get lower standards and settle like men have to do.

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>what do you look like
My BMI is overweight but not obese. I'm an average height (5'5-5'6?). I personally think my face is disgusting - yellow teeth, hooded eyes, a small facial scar, goofy cowlicks, crooked aquiline nose, frizzy blonde hair, long face, etc. However, one of those facerate apps said I'm 77/100.

Average height (5'6-5'8?). Long brown hair that reaches the middle of his back. I think he's super handsome, but my friend said his chin is very weak. Beautiful eyelashes. Very thin.

>that age
I look the same as when I was 12. Mind you, I looked 35 at 12.

Really? I didn't mind it, but it seems like how you would treat a bro.

You want a 100% successful method to get a boyfriend? Go to Games Workshop's website or Wizards of the Coast's website. Go to their store/event locator. Input your location, find the closest three or four stores. Go to those store's Facebook pages. Figure out which one's have events on days you have free time. Go to those events. Drop some hints that you're single. Bam, done. You'll have an SMV-equivalent mate within a few weeks.

Trying not to think about the fact that I am most definitely going to die alone

>Really? I didn't mind it, but it seems like how you would treat a bro.

>falling asleep from video chatting your bro casually for so long

>my body is undesireable to anyone
That makes you ugly

You just sound like your run of the mill girl with self-image problems. Videochatting in general isn't something that just friends do let alone til' someone falls asleep. Im thinking he liiikes yooooou

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my face isnt ugly, im just scrawny and flat

Bait, scrawny flat girls > titcows any-day.

Oh gosh? Really!? This is a huge self esteem boost.

However that's all gonna change tomorrow. my roommate informed me she has bedbugs and now going to have to tell him and he may decide to cancel our camping trip.

Look for equally as ugly guys. Although I think guys tend to have higher standards than they should, which explains why almost all incels are males.

Lol thirsty fag

Not either of those two faggots the only time I've ever been on a call with a girl until we fell asleep was when I've been into them. I even got engaged to one of them. If he isn't into you (he is) then he's 100% a weirdo.

>Imagine being born both female and ugly
Fucking LOL that's worse then being a ma nlet. Attractive women have life on relatively easy mode, but nope, you're hideous and no man will ever truly want you.
>Imagine being denied what should've been your birthright
Ugly women aren't real women, they are basically proto men with inflated " self confidence" to compensate for their undersirablity. You'll have to compete with men now, you basically are one lol.

Yeh, go to /soc/ to post selfies...

Well, he said he didn't hate me over the bedbugs. So.... there's something.

Thanks user. You're giving me courage to escape inceldom. You're obviously a fucking normie (reee reeee etc.) but you're giving this old hag of a khv hope despite the humiliation conga line lead by God that is her life.

I don't compete with anyone, I don't leave my bed for fucks sake.

>ugly women are more confident
Unironically based uggos i constantly get approached by fatties but a cute girl has never even talked to me.

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Good luck user, nobody deserves to be lonely.

its pretty tough. I never leave the house because im so self conscious about my looks and the disgusted stares that ill get from people looking at me. I was thinking of job searching for one moment but then I realized that im too hideous and socially stunted for any place to hire me.
im honestly thinking of committing suicide when I hit 20 cause I doubt my situation will even change two years from now.

user, nobody wants a

I meant if you ever plan on elevating your life beyond mooching off of whoever you're mooching off of. No man will ever put in the long hours to provide for an ugly girlfriend/wife, he'll do the bare minimum. Once he's elevated himself to a certain point, he'll drop you faster than a bag of shit on fire for the first cutie that shows interest in him.

Would you consider being my girlfriend?

no such thing sweetie, sorry.

Well at this point im not looking for anyone or ever putting myself out there. plus, im not going to live for much longer so that wont be a problem of mine.

Have you considered therapy? You attack yourself and interpret negative attitudes into people.

Ugly bitches fall for the "just be confident bro) shtick as well. It's fucking pathetic, cringey, and insufferable. They also tend to be more pushy as they still have that "female entitlement complex" about them as well as violating ones boundaries and personal space. The only benefit I can think from dating an ugh I is that they tend to be more giving as they know they can't compensate for their looks and be a true women but I have too much self respect to whore myself out to a ugly bitch. I find them to be profoundly skin crawling.

I do. Lots of guys dig petite girls. Your head is just fucked with self image problems because you don't look like a make-up caked balloon-tit stacy.

Literally all you have to do is put yourself out there and someone will come-along could even get a bit pro-active if you're tired of waiting, ask some guy out. And if your ass bothers you that much, just fucking squat.

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>I was thinking of job searching for one moment but then I realized that im too hideous and socially stunted for any place to hire me
Nice excuse to justify your laziness. Many people who work are ugly and most wouldn't care how you look so as long as you do your job right and keep a respectable and professional attitude.

My point still stands for most ugly women though, I think you type of women might actually have it tougher than manlets lol

Ugly is all fine by me, i just couldn't get behind a dating a fat girl like ever, i'd rather be an incel. Just shit like sex and cuddling would feel so weird if she's broader and heavier than me. Not to mention that i'd probably end up getting fat too due to taking on her lifestyle.

>user, nobody wants a

I think you would be happier alone than dating someone like me.

i'm really not. i'm miserable all the time and my only friend just left me.

Get help or n hero. The self-pity is so tangible you could cut it with a razor

Do some of you honestly think appearing as pathetic as possible is a viable mating strategy?
>you don't want someone like me
>no, seriously, you don't understand how pathetic and undesirable I am and how low it has made my standards

I wish you the best user. I'm
sure you will run into a sweet girl elsewhere.
eh i don't need help. I have control over my own life so I will determine my own fate, whatever that may be.

You dont even control your own mind.

yes I do. Who else is?

Your illness, thats why you need therapy...and maybe meds.

Alright thanks anons, that was some lifefuel. I think I need to take a break from r9k desu.

Yeh, dont work on the underlying issues. Just get your attention and pampering fix and continue deteriorating

Wouldn't taking a break from this place make it easier to work on the underlying issues?

It's called self awareness. No amount of therapy will fix my appearance or make me content with myself.