This thread is made for the purpose of campaigning for a sfw blue board without the trannies, gays, fembots, and borderline porn threads.
today we will be figuring how to get the staffs attention since they never look at the feedback
This thread is made for the purpose of campaigning for a sfw blue board without the trannies, gays, fembots, and borderline porn threads.
today we will be figuring how to get the staffs attention since they never look at the feedback
>sfw blue board without the trannies, gays, fembots, and borderline porn threads
If you browsed 4channel, you'd know the board being blue doesn't stop them and they STILL WILL come to the new r9k to post their degeneracy
Just look at /ck/ or Jow Forums bro
One day it could happen. As for now it exists as a thought until action is taken.
How will I get my bpd gf if we ban them desu
I havent seen any on /ck/ and I dont browse Jow Forums, but simply getting new mods for a new board could help dilute their posting, theyve already conquered this place so I guess its time to move
This is a campaign to make a new board, we arent banning people on this board
>I havent seen any on /ck/
you're not a regular poster then
Both boards are infested with btards and trannies posting gay shit and porn
Thats why I want a new board to dilute the trannies, hopefully we can get some new mods that start removing the tranny posters
> noooo I don't like trannies and girls give me a new board!!!!!
are you retarded? could you imagine the drama banning women/trannies/gays from a board would cause?
just wait for the summerfags to leave like the rest of us you miserable twat. the bitching about board quality is just as bad as tranny/femanon shit. grow the fuck up.
What drama would be caused? All they would do is fuck off.
Also, dilate.
we just need a board for autism.
>growing up
>in a society where a tranny can complain and have the whole of Jow Forums shut down
We DONT want to talk to them because they're psychotic delusional fucks that crave attention. They're overtaking the board.
This board is dead. I left a few months ago and came back today to see what state it's in now. Its a cesspool of negativity and unironic degeneracy. just an infected wound that fuckers keep rubbing poison and filth into, not trying to heal.
for months people used to tell femanons and normalfags to fuck off and right when they stop the board turns into fetlife/facebook/lgbt red board/discord hook up lite
Solve whatever mental problems you can and leave this board.
its far beyond the point of saving.
deletion is the only way
you're a retard if you think summerfag's are the only people posting tranny threads, its been a problem for quite a fucking while now
Thats why I want a new board
Those anti pepe/wojak posters are a blessing
Im fucking sick of seeing white green red and blue all fucking day long
We should get a new board which would flush out the pepe and wojak posters
Can't you make a new board on 8ch anytime you want?
Traffic is an issue as well as 8ch having a shit interface imo
Someone should make Jow Forumschan.
>fucking retards still want Jow Forums to be blue
>and not making /lgbt/ red
Theyve already colonized here, they arent going to leave now, its a robot exodus
Fuck that. Drive the invaders out you fucking pussy.
Have you seen how many people have tried to get the trannies off of this board? The most recent attempt was back in May/June, it hasnt worked a single time, we just have to accept that we have been exiled from our own board, its time to find a new home
Bumping for blue
>he wants a special board for himself that aligns with his personal beliefs and bans people who post conflicting that
adding a superficial rule like that to a board for meant for general discussion is stupid, and doesn't fit with how this forum operates.
besides, it would be bad for the site and probably not take hold at all; splitting up conversation into two groups pointlessly is just going to divide people's attention.
>he wants to follow the rules
>he wants to talk about off topic shit
Hows it feel knowing you're shit?
When I used to browse /b/ I always imagined the blue boards to be civil and organized like reddit. But when I actually started using the blue boards I realized that people act pretty much the same way on every board kek The only difference is the topic of discussion, and even then it seems like everyone on Jow Forums is talking about tfw no gf and how theyre going to kill themselves soon
If you want to see sfw Jow Forums then just visit Jow Forums
A new website may be in order.
>Jow Forums where you can talk about feelings for extended periods of time instead of wafting through fetish shit and watching all your threads get killed by dumb, ten-word meme threads that don't survive beyond 10-20 replies anyways
Sounds good to me