Give other anons things to do and post whether you want a truth or dare. No nonsensical things that they're most definitely not going to do anyway.
Truth or dare thread
truthy mctruth
are you an interesting person
truth for me. op, you didnt say truth or dare?
to an extent i guess.
Do 20 pushups
I choose dare as well
Give us your biggest autism moment.
when i was framed for touching my step sister in her sleep and decided to run away from home and got hit by a car
Dare: get off Jow Forums for a week
I choose truth originally
whats your biggest fear?
also dare. im feeling edgy today.
would you eat a shitcrusted asshole for $25k
Went to a 4th of July party. Felt so out of place, wasn't able to talk about anything because these people shared no common interest with me. I lied to one of the moms saying I had to get home before dark, but she saw through my lie. One of the moms gave me a ride to the bus stop. On the ride home I played Creep and felt like the song was written about me.
do 100 pushups, film it, convert it to webm, edit it to superspeed so that it fits the required file maximum, upload it here
If it was on a woman yes, a man no. I once did eat a shitty asshole because I was too timid to ask her to wipe after she was already sitting on my face.
Dare to post trim pubes and post results
Lol tried this could only do 32 without stalling, very disappointed in myself
100 pushups is unrealistic. And I have no editing skills. Can you alter the dare?
you want to see the shavings?
truth pwease
I chose truth. Bring it on
Ever had a gay experience?
A demon appears and offers you a deal:
All your porn searches will magically be fulfilled by women in your life but the caveat is that they're all women from your life that you don't find particularly attractive e.g. the smelly woman from the library or a fat cunt teacher you had in high school. Magical shit like giantess and soft vore can be accomplished with this magic deal
biggest fear is to die by a serial killer like BTK
someone else dared ya so I'll pass on that.
i choose truth!
> did you know some cicadas don't emerge as adults for 13+ years? there's scheduled waves of them, kind of like eclipses!
Truth. I'm an open book.
I came back to visit my high school after my first year in university and they thought I was there to shoot the place up.
bad timing. i shaved myself pretty much bare last week. i had A LOT before that though.
what did you have in mind? that was a really easy dare.
i went out with my sisters friends once and felt like that. she picked out the song for them all to sing when we were crammed in the car on the way home. i know they were thinking about me.
>assuming that im a man
I wouldnt take the deal as I have someone in my life who fulfills a lot of my fantasies.
tell your mom you had a sex dream about her (you can tell her you were dared to joke about it but only after her reaction)
Have you ever made a youtube video? if so, what about? Don't you dare fucking lie to me.
cut 2 of your toenails so that they're saw toothed/ serrated and upload a pic here
forgot pic. sorry
i dont know man. i'll have to sit on that for a bit. thats pretty gross could alter our relationship for a while
Can a brother get a dare? There's no one home though
the next time you're having sex with a woman you must recite the following, in no particular order, without laughing or explaining it.
>I am the chosen one
>This is my destiny
>I bestow the maiden with my holy seed
>I put my penis into the vagina
>Just like the simulations
>This will be a defining moment in the development of my character
>I am going to make this woman pregnant
give yourself a notch
At least I'm not the only one, who was a bad addittion.
Write your 3 main goals down on a piece of paper. Plan on how you will accomplish them.
>on r9k
>has sex
Pick one
done. that fucking hurt though. I had to psych myself up for it. There's a slice about two inches long on my arm but it's shallow
Truth now please
i have a picture of my face at just the right moment from that moment, when they were all having fun. too bad i can't share it on r9k
truth truth truth
NO I meant you have to make a notch in your eyebrow you fucking retard
How often do you consider death?
Would you let your mom sit on your face and eat her out to orgasm or 30 min whichever comes first for 200 dollars?
I waive that dare because my arm hurts
only when something goes extremely wrong in my life so like probably once or twice a week
truth me again faggots
truth please
my mom isn't even here. she went out with her friends. thank god for me.
a different dare?
Why didn't you like high school?
write on you face with a sharpie, whatever you choose.
Have you ever said something to your parents you never meant to, if so what was it
And truth for me
the work sucked
Give me a truth, boys.
Nice dubs. I was apathetic about high school. I threw myself into sports/band to try to cope with depression and got great results. Consistently placed at wrestling comps and state band. Had to quit wrestling my senior year to focus on getting a music scholarship to a decent university.
what is the grossest thing you've fapped to?
I don't feel like getting up or doing something really stupid, so truth please
Sperged out about how white people are going extinct once.
would you make a cake with poopy in it and serve it to someone you didn't like?
My first fap was to furry porn based off of a Star Fox character in a flash game from Newgrounds.
That's golden, what was their reaction?
Dios mio. Are white people going exticnt?
Honestly, the first that comes to mind is a video of a chick vomiting on a dude's cock during a blowjob and still powering through. I have pretty vanilla taste, but it had been a few days since my last nut at that point.
no I wound't
how tf this got past the algorithm
Mom nodded along and agreed with me dad told me I use the internet too much.
Dare for me.
Answering all truths because I'm an attention whore
I have some unique hobbies so I think so
Did a flash mob dance promposal and got rejected at a pep rally in HS
sounds kind of interesting so yes. Do they repeat? because I would just have years of bbw facesitting
I kade a couple reviews of fish that I caught but the channel never went anywhere so I dropped it
once a month
I liked it
I accidentally texted a white suicide statistic to my mom once in my group of Jow Forums friends
the shower scenes on my 600 pound life
I dare you to take a walk outside for 5 minutes, and breathe in the fresh air.
i dare you anons to go to your sister room and ask if you can lick her feet. post results.
if no sister ask a female cousin or female friend.
>walk in sister room
>shes on laptop in The Pose
>2 toe rings and an anklet, sky blue polish size 8, 16 years old
>never really thought about her feet like that but got a huge hard on
>"hey anonnette, can I lick your feet?"
>"what? why"
>she already knows I do "weird" things from playing truth and dare in the past with her when I told her it was a dare she wasnt too shocked and agreed
>fuck yes
>I sat on her thighs so her soles were eye level to me while she continued doing her business
>I felt the heat of her feet as I grabbed her ankles together and knew I shouldnt waste more time and spread my tongue out so all my taste buds could enjoy this treat.
>my tongue met her heel as my nose inhaled her soles
>I slowly made my way her arch when she started spreading and wiggling her toes spontaneously and drool dripped from my wide open mouth
>"eeeeeeeek that tickles!"
>I payed no attention and made my way to her toes and did the same to the other foot
>after the deed was done I looked and her soaked soles.
>saliva filled all her wrinkles and drool was dripping down her dangerously delicious arches
>"alright get off weirdo"
>I couldnt. I had to do more. I still her feet to my disposal
>i know grabbed her soles like I would a sandwich and went in for a "bite"
>I tried shoving as many sexy lil piggies as I could and I just sucked everything i could
>"alright weirdo fuck off" she flipped over and freeing her saliva coated feet
>"yuk that was OD"
>"haha sorry your feet tasted like the cocoa butter lotion you use so I got carried away"
>"whatever just get me a towel to wipe your spit off"
>I did and left with one of her toe rings in my mouth as a trophy
One time I opened Google on my phone to show my deeply christian mom a painting from an artist i liked and it immediately opened to a video of Lena Paul getting fucked in the ass
dare me fags
i dare you to live a happy and fulfilling life bitchfaggot