bigger dick and perfect teeth dont even have to think about it
Easton Lewis
>fix hairline >fix chin/jawline >change eye color to blue
rn im a 3 or 4/10 depending on the day. these changes would probably bump me up to a 6/10.
Christopher Cook
Can i spend all my points to become a catgirl? And just relax and feel loved and cared for by someone, feel them stroking my hair and giving me affection...
Nathan Morgan
How do I change my ethnicity?
Owen Kelly
>change eye color I want green eyes.
>other minor physical changes Fix my fucking jew nose.
>get ripped instantly
Jace Stewart
10 points.
Logan Morales
>Get ripped instantly-8 >Minor physical x 2- 2 I'm like 250 pounds getting ripped instantly would be amazing. Other than that the way my lips and cheeks are structured looks completely off so if I could I'd fix those. I have a small dick and bad teeth, and I've been autistically cutting my hair since last year after cutting after a part of my hair I should have kept, now nothing feels right on my head but I know I want my old High fade back.
change eye and hair color minor physical change x 2 bigger dick
David Russell
Fix hairline, taller
Jason Stewart
>Fix Hairline >Bigger dick need more points but that would be top on my list
Chase Lopez
>hairline My hairline is receeding a bit, but it still isn't noticeable, especially with the right hair style. If it gets worse with age, I can always get a transplant.
>bigger dick Definitely. Having a 5.5 inch dick is my biggest insecurity at the moment.
>taller Would be nice, but at 5"11, it's not a priority. I know it gets memed a lot that that's short but nobody has ever mentioned my height negatively before. In fact, it has always been in a positive context
>jawline Would also be nice, but got no points
>ripped No need. Been going to the gym for a year and although not ripped by any means, I'm making good progress
>hair color Hair is light brown, might as well make it blonde
>eye color Might as well make it blue
>teeth My teeth are slightly yellow but otherwise perfect
>2 points left Let's see, I've got an unaligned spine, so fix that and I've also got eyesight problems so not using glasses would be nice
Carter Long
>jaw >nose >dick
Henry Reed
All I want is to have good teeth instead of these rotten meth-mouth teeth that I have. The worst part is, I can't blame anyone but myself. Yes, I could try to pin it on being a depressed schizo but that depressed schizo is still me. So, 4 points for teeth, 6 on more dick inches or height inches
Christian Reyes
>get ripped >more facial hair for 2 if main hairline is 4
Elijah Morales
kek how long did you take to type that you fucking autist. no one cares.
>fix chin/jawline >change hair color: brown >change eye color: green I will use the remaining 3 points to fix my nose. I'm a skinny 6' 18 yo boi, but this will make me a 6-7/10
Bentley Murphy
Get ripped instantly
Does a crows foot hairline count as a minor physical change? Also get rid of my birth mark on my neck, it messes with my hair line.
Jayden Lopez
Taller Fix vitiligo that is not noticeable in general Get rid of stretch marks Possibly change hair color to more blonde/red like it was when I was young
Nolan Jones
>fix hairline was born a NW2, I have cute bangs so nearly nobody even knows, but it'd be cool to be able to try some different hairstyles >bigger dick average lenght but quite thick, would like to make it way longer because it's aesthetic
Cameron Davis
>have good facial structure >its all fucking ruined by jew nose jesus christ why i dont even have jewish ancestors
Alexander Ward
I get constant compliments on my eyes and smile. The only thing I get messed with about is my height so probably just that.
John Thomas
All points in height. I'd be an 7.8 easy
Luke Lee
Can I trade bigger dick for foreskin renewal and then grab perfect teeth?
Jaxson Mitchell
I use fix hairline as a preventative measure against baldness. Also gimme an 8+ inch willy.
Charles Phillips
An FUE, tracheal shave and forcing my self to eat 3 meals a day is all i need boys
>fix jawline: 5 points >better nose: 1 point >get rid of scars: 1 point >less fat distributed in stomach: 1 point >no more red bumps anywhere on skin: 1 point >something else for better skin I guess: 1 point
Angel Smith
Every single point into a bigger dick. It's my only flaw, and the root cause for everything wrong in my life. I wish I was kidding. t. micropenis
Mason Edwards
>Fix hairline I'd do this despite only having a standard widow's peak. >Other minor physical changes Mine would be all of these >Lose a little weight >Shorter (From 6ft to maybe 5ft 7) >More feminine body shape >Less hairy >Remove stretch marks >Remove hand scars from kitchen work
However, I'm happy with my body aside from the weight which I'm currently losing. I'd just rather be a femboy.
Joshua Cook
spend all my points on growing a second dick so I can frot with myself
Evan Torres
Bigger dick and fixed teeth no questions asked
Cooper Turner
>8 points to get ripped >1 point for blonde hair >1 point to fix my large jew nose Now I'm literally Chad.
Christian Foster
>get ripped instantly >other minor changes: >no more acne/oily skin >bigger wrists I'm not that bad looking I'm just a real beta
Get ripped instantly and use one point to get 4skin back. Someone else can have my extra point.
Ayden Richardson
>fix hairline >fix jawline >change eye colour to anything but br*wn
Jacob Bailey
>4 points for perfect teeth >5 points to fix chin/jawline >1 last point to fix my bowlegs
There, fixed.
Michael Phillips
>1 point fix acne scars They annoy me >6 bigger dick I mean I'm alright in this department but I've always wondered what it would be like having a monster dong >1 point hair color Dark brown almost black >1 point eye color Even more blue then they already are >1 point fix my nose to make it look more Roman
Gavin Long
Why is getting ripped so expensive? Out of all of these, it and changing your hair color are the ones that you could achieve that require neither chad points nor expensive and painful surgery.
Jonathan Jenkins
wtf is with all the retards choosing get ripped instantly you laizy fucks just roid and you could get that in 12 weeks
Jackson Wright
>taller >fix nails after a lifetime of nail biting >fix dermatitis >change eye color, and maybe hair too I'm not that upset with brown eye and hair but i have no idea on what to spend the rest of the two points, maybe full beard instead of the patchy one i have
Adam Taylor
im fine with how i look. id like to trade in those points for credit towards some ps4 games bls
Henry Lee
taller, eye color, thickness of hair. >would be perfect then: thick, red hair, blue eyes, rest is already peak
Nolan Miller
>needing points to fix unibrow Never heard of waxings? Nigga why do you want to be 5'7"?
Michael Ward
Get ripped instantly, then two points to get rid of acne.
Kayden Smith
tfw can't get laid in spite of >good hair >7" dick >6'1 tall >Decent jawline. Not great, but certainly not bad >pretty Jow Forums, have been gymcelling for almost a decade >blonde hair >blue eyes >excellent teeth >not really any other physical things wrong. Nothing really matters as long as you have autism and are not extremely rich or extremely good looking. Being above average is meaningless, you need to be upper 1% in looks to get anywhere with autism.
Christopher Martin
I would like to become rip, but I would rather get it through hard work. I'll pass. user below me can have my extra 10 points.
Joseph Robinson
just being in shape and rosacea and other skin stuff not being an issue would be good enough for me
Grayson Kelly
>fix teeth >jawline >minor physical change If I can pin my ears back a little bit (they stick out basically perpendicularly) with the minor physical change ill take that
Luis Morgan
I guess hairline. It's not bad now, but it probably will be later. I'm taking some steps to fix this though, or at least mitigate it. Balding isn't in my family, but my father and grandfather thinned. If it's just that, I should be able to manage. I think that's it. Despite other people having problems with aspects of my appearance, it doesn't bother me that much. I just want to be seen as human. Can I put my other 6 points into that, or is even 10 points not enough?
Justin Wright
Fix jawline, teeth, and thicker wrists.
Is it weird that I already have a big pp but I want it to be bigger?
Sebastian Nguyen
Getting ripped. That's about it, i'm 6.5, 7inch dick with green eyes and long hair.
Wyatt Ross
I'll spend all my points to get out of jail after murdering women
8 points towards being instantly ripped, 1 point to fix posture, 1 point to have white eyes
Owen Jenkins
Perfect teeth Tweak nose a few times with the remaining 6 points. Honestly my nose is the biggest flaw on my face, but even with it I never seem to have bad luck with girls.
Hunter Foster
taller and fix hairline would be really great
Luis Mitchell
>fix hairline Its only NW1 right now but knowing my familys history, its going to get a lot worse >perfect teeth Nothing wrong with mine, just not white enough. Its also the biggest flex to have perfect teeth. Two points remaining >Other minor physical changes >Clear skin >Clear skin Acne, moles, dark spots, razor bumps, scars, wrinkles. Fuck all of that. Spending the last two points on how ever far this will get me.
Michael Moore
Where is perfect skin faggot
Julian Stewart
>bigger dick(6) >other minor physical changes: -smooth(1) eggshaped(1) lowhanging(1)balls -webbed fingers and toes(1)
Angel Martinez
fix hairline you can keep rest of the points
Chase Gonzalez
>hairline >implying everyone has the same pattern of baldness Some are going bald or thinning. Bad thread and stopped reading. People go bald at the crown very often slowly. That's thinning at first, not a receded thing.
Also, everyone is going to choose big dick and not have enough points for anything else but teeth. You don't even bring up race or changing sex. It's bad. Big dick is going to force people to choose between hair and teeth because the rest become irrelevant most likely (minor meaning???)
Big dick and teeth.
Liam Carter
53648488 >namefag wew
If big dick is all you can choose it really doesn't need to be that complicated user. There's only three left at that point, minor, teeth, and hair. The thread is too retarded.
Benjamin Collins
fix hairline and ger taller, my body and face arent too bad.
Angel Sanders
>bigger dick -6 >No chest diafragma -1 >A little less % fats in my body I weight 81kg and 185cm tall, so good to go
Brayden Kelly
>tfw friends think I get them done and my sister and mom are jealous of them that's nice atleast
Jayden Sanchez
>get ripped instantly >change eye color (mine are sort of green but have more of a brown tint, i want that nigger color gone) >change hair color entirely brown, my hair has a red tint and i just want pure brown
Nathan Cox
Get ripped instantly and two points into making my face subtly handsomer
Hunter Parker
you sound almost like chad you just need a perfect jawline
Cameron Brooks
>fix hairline and height I have a really fucked up hairline and I'm only 5'11 king of manlets
Owen Fisher
Get ripped instantly. Then use the last two points for whiter teeth and their crookedness.
Jeremiah Brown
>perfect hairline >7 inch dick >6 foot even >normal chin/jawline >normal BMI, slight chub >brown hair >blue eyes >straight, normal teeth
i'll take the instant-muscle and let some incel have my spare 2 points.
Jason Hall
>get ripped instantly
>Minor body change Get rid of acne
If that happens Im perfect
YI have blue eyes that have lines in them I don't know why they look like this they have ever since I was born but they look like the founding Titan but I like it because girls in my class ask to look at my eyes and my acne isn't that bad so they don't mind looking at me so I wouldn't even need I gone but if I was ripped I would the scariest kid in the school because I'm known for fucking up kids twice my size so this is the easiest choice for me and I could use my last point to >change hair color I would make it golden blonde then I would be a perfect Aryan
Christian Diaz
I will literally spend all my points to get rid of acne , acne scars, and straight teeth
Ryan Green
Fix jawline, perfect teeth, reduce body hair as much as possible. I am Chad now. Surrender your bitches.
Hunter Flores
>fix hairline: 4 points guessing this would fix balding aswell >change eye color: 1 point pic related >perfect teeth: 4 points since i dont know what else to waste it on >other changes 1 point bit bigger hands