Why is there suddenly such a huge hatred towards Wojacks and Pepe image posting today?
Why is there suddenly such a huge hatred towards Wojacks and Pepe image posting today?
Because people finally snapped
Im not crazy enough to spam hate threads against pepe and wojak but pepe and wojak need to did
Okay, but why?
Because they are literally being used by everyone from Jow Forums users to instagram users
Mainstream shit needs to die
redditors don't like them because they don't have vast libraries to fit in.
Influx of summer normies. that or 10 to 20 buttblasted redditors who are trying to "change board culture" in some sort of targeted raid
What's the problem, OP? u mad?
>influx of summer normies
>using normies
>it's nearly august
Pepe and wojak are mainstream shit and need to die
I actually quite like the clown one he spooks the fuck out of me
why would I be mad? I've just been actively using Jow Forums for a while now and suddenly everyone hates these images so much. I just wanted to know why.
It's like two faggots who are mad because they aren't tranny avatars.
It's probably because of oversaturation
People tend to hate overused memes. We should just move on from pepe and wojak because they're mainstream now
When did the OC board become exclusively for frogposting? Delete your pepes and GTFO
he's coolface, faggot
I've been here since 2014 and it's been overdone to shit.
I remember looking at the frog memes and wojak stuff and wondering why the fuck you stupid faggots were so infatuated with it to the point where you'd absolutely flood the board wall-to-wall in that bullshit.
I don't hate the memes, but fuck, it's like you faggots have a language only you understand and anybody else looking at you will think you're retarded faggots for operating that way.
It's literally just one fag spamming it and hoping it'll catch on
this. It's literally the same fucking guy.
literally a discrod trannie raid
just ignore the attention whores
I've seen three poster though?
one person can make three posts. it's not hard.
One poster can make three threads and post in all of them incredibly fast?
Yeah if you pin threads and it's not hard to keep track of them.
There was a thread about it where a couple of oldfags bitched about it SB's now all the newfags are pretending to suddenly hate pepe because they're human cattle.
Hating pepe and wojak is very reddit in my opinion. They are Jow Forums staples and I'm pretty sure all the hate against them is just one or two guys sameposting
Not hating pepe and wojak is a very reddit opinion
Reddit parades around dead memes while Jow Forums discards memes quickly
Jow Forums is counter culture so supporting pepe and wojak is now mainstream
Wojak is just a coolface variant. Compare their noses.
Its because people like you use them constantly and destroy the original meaning of it until it becomes just another useless cliche. The message of it has been killed yet faggots still desecrate it. Its time to let it die honorably rather then see continue to be watered down by the masses.
They are not "Jow Forums staples". The whole idea of having our own le special meme face is reminds me of the old reddit ragecomics. People rarely use that shit outside of the cancer boards (r9k/b/pol)
You probably werent here before they existed so I forgive you for your ignorance
you care enough about what reddit and instagram do so much your going to let them decide what you want to post and talk about? If you care so much about shit being mainstream I've got bad news for you Jow Forums is extremely mainstream, so if you want to be "counter culture" you should look somewhere else.
Everything i do is in reaction to something
They shit in my food i let them have it and find better food
Pepe and wojak are the shit
Discord trannies. Just ignore them.
>everything is the trannies
Shut up you dumb zoomer nigger
Fuck off newfag. It supposed to be that way you stupid faggot. This isn't a inclusive social club
Shut up nigger memes can be overdone and pepe and wojak are dead kys
If you think they are staples you are a newfag and you should lurk more
pepe and wojak are soulless memes at this point, just let it go
ya, that's like, nothing
That's true but you are still a stupid newfag
Says the zoomer shitskin kys FAGGOT NORMAL FAGGOT
I've been here longer than you disgusting FAGGOTS.
This is a retarded social club. An autistic pit for people to come and rot. And sometimes be comfy and have fun. But still.
You don't really realize it because you're part of a subculture that uses these images, in the same way you can distinguish a redditor as someone different from a person on r9k you can also divide cultures such as ours into things like people who use anime avatars and pepe's
>calls others zoomers
How old are? 19?
>longer than you
No. Its not a social club its anonymous. Its not, never has and never should be inclusive.
Fucking hell lads I've solved it. We can use these instead
We don't even need frogs any more
my trainsona when
I use to be able to tell who is a reditor but these days reditors make up majority of most the boards
OK we just need like 20,000 more and it should be all set
>forcing memes
Stop nigger
Based train poster
I've been here longer you subhuman scumbag. I know it's anonymous you niggeretard.
It is a de facto social club of scum. Oh my god most of you are such scum.
Ah shit ok give me a minute
Frogs are either painfully and cluelessly mainstream or are associated with hate-filled white nigger stormfags
Pepe is done
Tie him to the tracks baby
This is brilliant
But only in the most original way
I'm fucking crying there are so many on google
I lol'd
shills and easily influenced zoomers who see the shills do something and like to be contrarian
Here's like, 35.
That or set disruptors to maximum
Zoomers don't know bout our cursed childhoods where people made things and Mum was just doing her best
Dear god they're multiplying
OK so far so good, this is progress
But Jow Forums itself has become mainstream.
At least they're not growingOH GOD
Jow Forums needs to die and Jow Forums needs to find a new home
You my friend need to hear the good news
>when something original is required
Branching this shit out into traincakes and also wholesome supportive brown brick
Pepe is good and still has good memes
Wojak is just pure garbage these days. Boomer/zoomer/doomer/etc (seriously why is there a oomer for every age range fuck off), s*yjak, and npc are all terrible.
Some Pepe posts are good to read, all Wojak posts are low quality
Wojak is obviously the mainstream crap for the normies. Pepe was saved by having it classified as a hate symbol (even though it isn't) to keep the tumors that are normalfags off the charts.
Oh shit, it isn't just trains, there are frog cakes too.
Been here since 2004, I don't see Pepe dying out for another 5-10 years. Something better to come along to replace it, that's the way the internet works.
Fuck cringeposters trying to shape the world in the way they like
I didn't even really get cakes before this but now I understand
they are memed as symbols of white supremacy on plebbit and plebbitors don't like this
Instanormies and twitter users love pepe and wojak though
Next: Childrens train symbol of grey supremecy
Because what was once lighthearted memes for sadposters are now tools for shitposters. Everyone using wojak and pepe outside of Jow Forums (and even within) are using it mainly to piss people off, which is why it's so hated now in addition to over-saturation.
Pretty much this.
I remember seeing pepe way back in 2011 when I first came here, started getting pretty popular around 2013-14 and thats when wojak started showing up alot more too. I remember first seeing that pepe vs wojak dbz style clip back around that same time I believe. The oomer suffix meme and npc meme are definitely redd*t tier cancer. Some of those artistic rendtions of wojak too fit certians memes is pretty cancer for the most part, but ive seen a few that made me chuckle. I feel like wojak has gone alot more mainstream than pepe and thats why its a lot more cancerous as of late, in addition to the amount of underagers on here.
Pepes and trains in the same thread, what is this a crossover episode!
The masters at work again.
i wonder if we can meme trannies into being symbols of white supremacy - a new and evolved uberfraumensch
shit would be funny as hell
It's possible
>maga tranny
We're at the point where we're meming our leaders into existence, so fuck it, why not?
>The white man is so superior that many white men become white girls because white males make superior girls because white males are better at everything
It's just one zoomer who wants to be cool and counterculture. He keeps spamming "mainstream mainstream mainstream" like a broken record and the moron continually posts images of roasties. He's a cumbrain with an exceptionally low and pitiful IQ.
>one zoomer who wants to be counter culture
>counter culture were the two words that most accurately described Jow Forums
the hippies were counter culture and nobody likes hippies because they were the shittiest degenerates to ever exist. Being counter culture isn't always a good thing. Not to mention not being mainstream and being a counter culture aren't necesarilly the same thing. Jow Forums doesn't exist to be the antithesis to reddit, it's just a comfy place for robots to hang out, not to try and be something.
I just relate to wojak stop bullying me
all i'm asking is that you don't bring avatars into this; as far as i know, we're not the ones behind those threads. i just attributed the influx of pepes to summer posters. there's also that little group of suit pepes that say "based" a lot and pretend to shoot avatar posters? let the kids have their fun. classes start soon and things will go back to """normal""".
the division i've noticed is coming from anime posters. i'm not going to point fingers though. my character creator doesn't have that option.
Fuck avatar fags. Fuck avatar gags. Fuck avatar hags.
>"muh newfag"
I started using Jow Forums in 2018. Yes, I came here looking for le greentext after seeing some on insta and reddit. I probably didn't even hear about Jow Forums until a few years beforehand.
Eventually, everybody on here will be dead, and this site will be inhabited by nobody but newfags, who then will be replaced by even bigger newfags.
Stay mad faggot.