These kind ladies have offered their services to take your virginity. Who will you get?
These kind ladies have offered their services to take your virginity. Who will you get?
I don't exactly want super aids from these abominations. my virginity puts me at a plane these std ridden mortals could never fathom. I will offer a quick and painless death dealt via face kicking and eviscerate the last woman standing so I may eat her entrails for a power-up (they don't call me based for no reason) as for you OP, you know what you did. you better get ready madarchod
c99l I got dubs. forgot the disclaimer about the post being obviously satire and based in fantasy. also based
ro;; it
Enjoy your dubs queen.
Dubs and trips in the same thread and roll
People should have really let hitler do his thing with eugenics.
im scared lord give me dubs
Oops i forgot to answer the question.
Number 8 i suppose.
You lucky bastard
Ayy looky what i got
What is going on in this thread? This poor woman is going to be stretched.
>#2's sad deflated breast area
That's just depressing man. They're all awful beasts, but at least most of them have SOMETHING on their chest.
>captain foot fungus
No, i'll only take Jubilee.
not a virgin
number nine
7, 8 and 9 seen the most fuckable. Not saying much tho
Just my luck to get the shit tier girl
Captain Roastie
Powers ... Infinite abortions
looks like it will be death by snu snu
rollin rollin and not gettin shit
fuccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccking shit lowest chick no reroll i ain't no pussy
Rolling away very originally indeed.
verry lucky
Roll i fuckin guess
This is one of those few times I'd actually physically resist losing my virginity to a female.
Cool, had my sights on that one anyway.
hopefully one that isnt a dude
5 and dubs are the laziest sacks of shit, with their casual/interpretive cosplay that's just color-coordinated wardrobes.
>captain marvel
>0 and 1 are obese
>5 is pulling a really shitty cosplay and doesn't really have a nice appearance anyway
>don't really know what i'm getting with 3 and 7, still not as bad as 0, 1, or 5
At this point I'd rather just die a virgin. Roll anyway because why not.
Give me seven and I pray to god that the shitty helmet stays on. Or dubs. I'll take this thread's sloppy fifth's if it's dubs.
Can I get a number 8 please with some dubs
>no Ms. Marvel
Fine fuck it gimme 3 or 9, at least they have the sash, that's the coolest part of her costume
rolling lololol
Rolling original of course
rolling for 8
Just get it over with, don't get pregnant for fucks sake
Give me a number 9 just like my shoe
>This is originality
Gimme 6 of them la
dubs is supposed to be her in her pilot outfit before she was captain marvel. 5...uh, I haven't got a clue what she was going for