Why are alt-righters so violent and sociopathic???

Why are alt-righters so violent and sociopathic???

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people are evil and right wing is the current theme

R:434 I:120
Why are pee pee so poo poo?

Lmao what retard shithole website did you come from

>Killing blonde aryan looking aussies like that
This kid is fucking retarded, almost like a false-flag.

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>Canada makes it illegal to solicit prostitutes services
>Few years later pencil-necked nazi incels start gunning random people down
You're coming along nicely, Canada

He didn't kill them (((they))) want you to think he did. He is in fact the victim

this what poltards actually believe

It's almost like subverting institutions and continuing to push a very specific demographic over the edge in their own country isn't the safest move for you.

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>waahhhhh they are mean to us
Why do alt-righters always play the victim card?

You fundementally misunderstand, we refuse to be victims. While some aim to victimize themselves, we will murder to prevent such a thing happening to ourselves.

>I believe every event the elitist media shoves in my face excessively
>I believe people think shooters are victims
>I am a retarded robot.

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You insufferable white niggers go through more mental gymnastics than even women do. You do realize you are Social Justice Warriors, by definition, right? It's obvious to everyone with a 3-digit IQ.

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You've been baited like an utter baffoon, while I've been rewarded by sweet (you)s. Domo arigato and sayonara, loser.

You're building up your silly intellectual babble on a faulty premise. I will defend my culture to the death.

>two dudes claiming to be Nazis
>kill an old and two white people in love with each other

Fucking losers

>my culture
Hitlerious! What would "your culture" be, exactly?

white males these days are so deranged.

You really don't think it's odd that his father just outright declared his son was a Nazi and pictures of his nazi obsession just happened to emerge after the murder?
I don't know about you but if I was a Nazi I wouldn't be open about it since that gets you hanged these days.

Western civilization


>i was just pretending to be retarded
lmao what a fucknig dumb faggot, get cucked
>western civilization
isn't the whole world westernized in a way? i don't believe western culture is in danger of dissapearing tbqh

That's a bunch of different cultures filled with a bunch of different individuals with opposing views. The idea of the "west" is quite fuzzy itself. Is it about capitalism, communism or fascism? Democratic, totalitarian, or monarchical? Enlightenment or traditionalism? Which religion or which branch of one would be "western"? Can atheism be considered a part of it?

More useless babble from a retard. abstracting abstractions of abstractions of abstractions is for losers, I am the one who walks while others talk, i am the reaper.

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big cringe

Jow Forumstard conspiratorial thinking is an emotional problem directed at convenient boogeymen

jews are big on Jow Forumseddit not because they actually hate jews, but because the stereotypes associated with jewing remind them of a friend / parent tricking them, deceiving them, lying to them

so they're on a subconscious quest to always uncover the conspiracy they fell victim to in their childhood

they see suspicious things in the most benign stuff. things cannot just be the way they are portrayed. whenever they "research fishy stuff" and leave no stone unturned, it's therapy. they do this as a means of regaining control and never being hurt by "tricks" again and feeling like a fool

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>you don't find it odd that a sperg was a dumbass?

zoomers will post EVERYTHING online nowadays, including pictures of their murders and attempted suicides

People out here still defending etnic division. Life in this world has always been cultures integrating cultures, aspects of one being adopted by the other and vice versa, it's not a good or evil thing like you retards frame it to be. The "decay" of western civilization, as it is framed, is not caused by the other people coming in, it is ratter caused by the failings of the capitalist system. But you can go with the easy way out and blame it on random niggers.

Their biggest fear is people just stop listening to them, and acting on instinct once again, as people are meant to. The jew dies on this day. Logic in political theory is inherently fallacious as there is no logically objective ordering of society, there is only power and those who seek it.

They attack us because they fear us.

1000 antifa retards spend 1000s of hours shitting up their own rat infested cities, kill nobody.

A few white kids have killed like 200 total.

the delusion is real

Truth scares the deceiver.

Why are you presenting murder as a competition? It's not supposed to be like this. If they're white supremacists, they're the ones doing white genocide

your incel power fantasies will never come true, poltard

But they already are


Yes, I used to also be a conspiratard thinking everything was predetermined, the elite were all in on every single world event, but I changed my mind when I worked in the Jow Forums sector.

Everything is just one big mess and no one can know everything all the time, so it's good to read experts' opinions and not constantly think they're also in on the conspiracy and feeding you propaganda 100% of the time because the shapeshifting interdimentional pedophile lizards have corrupted or threatened them.

>A few white kids have killed like 200 total.
unarmed people. only to get completely buttfucked at the first instance of real conflict when the police arrive lmfao.

Tarrant was anything but an incel, and likely the most normal person of all the mass shootings we've seen since the 90s.

The worst thing about language is that most people are too dumb for it. Named concepts just confuse most people.

Former trump voter here, gotta admit it's funny watching him melt down, but seriously we can't let him get the nuclear codes.

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I don't know why you're bringing incels into this. Perhaps another case of a retard confusing himself with language.

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>your incel power fantasies

>why won't basedboys kill people
>why do autistic incel spergs kill people

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Confusing yourself. First you call us incels, but when we attack were not incels anymore?

Nobody has time to watch you go back and forth internally trying to sort things out, you're a fucking moron, learn to use your instincts, you aren't smart enough for language.

The right is doing really well in playing word games. While the left is trying to fit everything and everyone in neatly (and failing), the right is exploiting every gap there is between language and reality in order to create their simple us vs them society.

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>changes the meaning of gender, racism, hate, mentall illness 400 times each in the past 10 years

no comment needed, discarded

>gets presented with evidence
>shitposts on twitter for (You)s

literally the best baiter ever born. he upsets people just to have permanent exposure. it doesn't matter how messed up he's become, so long as the braindead normies see orange man on TV, all they think about is him. he's gaming the system in the simplest possible way.

i also see this in my country where normies are gamed the EXACT SAME WAY

just mega exposure, it really shows when we get to vote on particular representatives out of 10-15 people from each political party. only the ones with the most TV exposure get the votes, cos that's what normies watch, so if they're popular, das good.

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>First you call us incels, but when we attack were not incels anymore?
That is such a left-turn from what you guys are talking about, I honestly can't figure out how you came to that conclusion. I assume you're first language is an East Asian one? Where they have slight nuances and inflections to their meaning that the English language doesn't have?

>When a shill is defeated.

Didn't even read your post past the first few words to be honest, statistically safe assumption I didn't miss anything

I can't tell if you're talking about the left or the right wing

both sides of the same brainletism

I've come to realise that movie villains who wanted to destroy the world were actually doing the right thing

>right wing
>the movement right now

right-wing violent??
>>I wish

Not him nor do I agree with him but no, it's not everywhere. Migrants have tended to move into western societies and group up keeping their culture preserved rather than assimilating lately. That and the fact that these middle eastern shitholes are a few centuries behind, still using honor killings and mutilating young girls. There absolutely is a culture war against western values. I just don't believe violence is the answer. The falling of once great places like California, London, etc. are the examples needed, it's only a matter of time until people wake up, no violence needed. Only time.

gangweed this is really society nigga

Well I mean most of they leaders and philosophy of these political positions are like that so it attracts them simple as

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Lmao, and they tell me to watch out for blacks. What a joke, whites are a bunch of chimps and nothing less. They belong in camps or zoos.