I got an asian gf but she doesn't make me happy...

I got an asian gf but she doesn't make me happy. No matter how much she tells me she loves me and tries to get me to have sex with her I just feel bored and as though she's faking everything. I just want to be alone honestly, but then I'd feel lonely again.
Wtf is wrong with me?

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WHAAAAAAT!!!! (O.0)/

You're emotionally stunted. Just keep on trucking.

you should seek therapy user

You're a fucking retard that's what's with you.

No don't therapy is gay

this. i'm sure a therapist will sort your stuff out.

How am I retarded?
She a foreign Chinese girl and literally sounds like she's faking everything she says. The sex is nice, but it's really nothing that special and she keeps saying how much she loves it which is obviously a lie. I guess I thought a girl like this would be an easy route to happiness, but instead I feel no connection to her at all.

what makes you think she's faking, user?

come home white man


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Probably wants to get a green card from him

Take her to lunch and just ask her if shes truthful you autist.

not him but first of all, why would you get in a relationship with somebody you didn't feel connection to? to boost your self-esteem? no shit you are unhappy.

secondly, there's also literally no reason to fake wanting sex more than you do, so she's obviously not faking it.

This is probably true, and not 30 minutes ago she got me to put ky my dick in her raw after cumming 10 mins before
If she gets pregnant I think I'm gonna rope

>there are retards who are falling for this bait

i second this, i dated a chinese girl over the summer a couple years ago and it just felt like we were talking about the same shit

i may try to re-connect with her since i have stories and now i'm not fucking autistic with women (especially since i'm not a virgin anymore) but it's just a low-risk thing for fun unless she actually likes me, then who knows?

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That's sad, user. Maybe you need to find a nice Jewish girl who won't be your doormat.

It sounds like you're either very insecure or just not interested in her. It's fine if it's the latter. Even if she's your dream gf, some people just aren't made for each other. Either way I encourage you to talk with her about it. It's not good if the relationship is just one-sided.

>chinese girl
>everything about her is fake
well, yeah, user

She probably only likes you because you're white and not totally out of her league. Dump her before she traps you with an Elliot Rodger.

a fat rice cock will set her for life

Then leave her, you stupid retard. Why stay in a relationship you aren't happy with?

Shes putting effort into the relationship, trying to make you happy. Either break up with her or fake it yourself, faggot