What is the furthest you've gone with Tinder and what are your best stories?
What is the furthest you've gone with Tinder and what are your best stories?
im making a tinder account tomorrow wish me luck boys
You can do it user. Drop a train on em.
I tried it back in 2017.
>swiped right for two weeks
>two matches only
>ran out of swipes
>had to upgrade to the paid version
>started getting gold likes
>most of them didnt respond
>arranged one date
>she never showed up even though I showed up (despite agreeing to it)
>one other girl said I was too far away to fuck
>another was a fake or a prostitute
>only one was consistently responsive and willing to talk to me
>we managed to setup a date
>had sex with her on the first date
>lost my virginity
I dated her for a month but I was just not into her at all. She was not my type physically and personality wise. I did not find her attractive at all but she was very nice to me which is surprising because I have always felt most women were mean to me.
I would not go back to it. I was pretty disappointed with it overall.
Few matches on Tinder, zero on bumble. Today, I deleted both of my accounts, created new ones, swiped the shit out of both, and still 0 matches.
I got a girl's number, but then she refused to set a time for the date? Like wtf
>virgin at 19
>spend two weeks on tinder
>swipe right on thicc azn girl
>we go out the next day
>amazing time
>second date
>we fool around and i spend the night at her place
>tell her i want to wait
>third date
>lost virginity
>she asks "what are we"
>tfw lost my virginity and got first gf in the span of 15 minutes
your mileage may vary, user
Why the fuck are you here then?
ive used tinder on and off for 5 years and im 22 now. i used to get hundreds of matches but when women turn 21 they just become the biggest fucking scumbags. its crazy.
90% of my luck has been with black women
ive gone on about 10 dates over all and never fucked cuz i cant trust these hoes
t. 8/10 white doomer
i broke up with her two months ago and it's fun to post here
i know everyone hates normies but hopefully i can add something to this place :^)
Got curious, but didn't really find anyone interesting so swiped left most of the time. Still got 3 matches and a couple of likes, but never sent a message to anyone. got bored quickly and deleted it.
All women on tinder look like carbon copy of each other, it's at least amusing watching their empty faces.
To flex on you incel niggas.
also this
t. was once one of you
I sleep with a woman per week or so via the app, I may be picky but I have not found anyone to love
Wow, this thread. Didn't know we had a lot of chads up in here.
dated two different people after months of swiping on tinder. One was a BP girl who was mad cute and so much fun for a few months then was terrible for the rest, now i'm dating this blank slate of a human with no personality who doesn't care about me. been together for 8 months
Got like 5 matches over the course of a month. One of those is my current GF tho so I guess it worked?
out of all the matches I've had, I only managed to go on a date with one. We had a great night, we spent it together until 5am and sharing our mutual interests. I made out with her and fingered her. I never saw her again after that though. She was real cute but I think she hates me because I had a girlfriend.
this is what happened to me the first go-round, heh
>matched with this 10/10 redhead
>seemed intelligent, was doing a difficult college degree
>talked for fucking hours, until like 2am
>she was actually interested
>message her the next day asking her out
>no response
>didn't even delete me, just never responded
This one hurt, ngl.
how does one even manage to start a conversation here? I get a lot of matches yet I never even bother to message any of them because I just have no idea what to say or what to talk about and when I do, they're so bland and don't even try to keep the conversation going.
just go into their bio and find something marginally interesting. ask them a question based on it
>be me
>be 27
>match with some 7/10 thicc 21yo blonde at some neighboring college
>we banter for a bit and she invites me over
>we order sushi, drink wine, and watch some murder mysteries
>we start making out on her couch
"shhh the walls are paper thin. everyone can hear everything in this building."
>try to be smooth and push her gently into her room and shut the door
>throw her onto the bed
>she rips off my belt and starts deepthroating me
>push her head down
>she throws up all over my dick
>starts screaming in embarrassment
>her roommate runs in
>sees me sitting there with vomit sliding down my balls
>she starts screaming
>hear hallway doors open
>someone knocks on the door
>roommate answers
>hear "ewwww omg"
>cackling in the hallway ensues
>i dart to what i thought was the bathroom
>turns out it was another roommates room
>my dick is drooling vomit all over her floor
>she starts screaming at me
>find the bathroom and lock myself in it
>clean my dick off in the sink
>sink kind of gets backed up
>fucking panic while trying not to take to long
>run back to her bedroom
>wait for shit to die down cuddling her
>she fucking finishes me off
>we both pass out
>wake up
>"did you clog our fucking sink?!"
We're reaching levels of degeneracy that shouldn't be possible here.
I raped a retarded girl in her own pool.
i try that but I don't think I do it properly and end up coming off as a weirdo or something. my social skills are shit.
i have never had a dating site or app account because i'm not a degenerate/female