What's the highest get you've ever gotten? For me it's quints

What's the highest get you've ever gotten? For me it's quints.

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I got quints when I posted "quints and i kms" once

Octo but the thread died. Well, I didn't call it, but I'm assuming that's not what you meant.

3peat and drink drink

Attached: gets3.png (887x2004, 945K)

I called my own trips once like this

Cant remember, probably quads but nobody even cares anymore kek

Not really repeating digits but I got a 12345678 get once.

So even in death you're still posting on r9k. Sorry to hear that user

quints but no one checked them. I was so sad i walked to the liquor store and slammed a bottle of wine on my way back while listening to dashboard confessional. Lads, pls always check anyone who gets trips or higher

I've gotten a lot of quads and so many trips i stopped screenshotting them. I still ss my triple dubs tho. I seriously don't want to know the total number of posts i've made on this shithole over the years i'd prolly kms

Attached: quints55555.png (1022x350, 50K)

unironically dubs

Like my duds

I've gotten quads several times over the years but every single time it was always at the end of a thread that was pretty much dead so I barely got anyone checking them.

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unironically checked

quints, i forgot what the post was but it had "RMAO" in it on Jow Forums.

The quints I just got now

Lol uh I ment dubs

Fuck originallllyllll

trips and kms

give me titty milk mommy

Flush octals, on multiple occasions :^)
[flush octal]
[controversial flush septet]
[flush septet]
[final flush septet]
[flush octal]

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Full portfolio

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6 numbers iirc

How can one post be so fucking autistic

You quite literally asked for it

kind of a waste of decent numbers, but i was still happy nonetheless

Attached: THOSE NUMBERS.png (419x122, 7K)

But who the fuck keeps track of their gets?

I was deliberately trying, see the timestamps. Aside, you'd probably screenshot them too of you got big GETs. That I'm a webdev doesn't make it any different.