Is being pudgy worse then being fat? If I was fat I would at least appeal to men with fat fetishes

Is being pudgy worse then being fat? If I was fat I would at least appeal to men with fat fetishes.

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being pudgy you can appeal to regular men since its not a deal breaker

Just lose weight fag

I have chubby thighs and a muffin top and my stomach bulges out. It's not very attractive.
Dieting makes me tired and weak during the day and exercise never works.

nah, pudgy is fine. i dont like fat girls at all, but a little overweight is fine
chubby thighs are nice and comfy.

I don't have a nice ass to make up for it tho : (

Don't worry, being a fat woman doesn't mean anything. All you need to do is show the slightest amount of effort to get dicked down. If you were a man and overweight you would need to be proportionally more rich to attract women, and it will never be real affection, just greedy thots.

Being a chubby girl is not even a problem, most dudes will want to date you anyway. The only bad aspect of it I can even think about is that some ugly dudes will find you approachable, and its barely a problem in current year (most ugly dude are shy autist, they dont approach).

You sound like a whiny bitch. Just eat less

ugh, get rid of the muffin top and belly. that shit is disgusting. i thoroughly like pudgy girls, but an overwhelming belly is too much for me.

It's not overwhelming but it sticks out

well what do you look like? something like this? bigger, skinnier?

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Height and weight ? Also read the Jow Forums sticky

It's gonna be hard for the first couple of days/weeks but once you have the momentum it becomes easier. If you keep staying fat just realize you have no one to blame but yourself.

5'9 and 163 pounds

you're good, that's barely overweight. does most of the weight go to your thighs? because thats even better

Most guys balance between skinny to chubby. Anorexia and fat are fetishes.
I'm also pretty sure fat fetishists are into some weird shit like rubbing bbq sauce into your lips so unless you're willing to roll with that....

Nah that's fine.

If you're a girl i like pudgy.
>soft and cuddly
But also if you're a girl you can fuck off and die

My stomach and my thighs

>meaty thighs and a tummy

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Youre fucking retarded, no thin person diets they just understand nutrition, like me I look at my plate and I see what is carbs, protein and other misc stuff that gives vital nutrients such as veggies... JUST DONT EAT FUCKING SUGAR, THATS ALL UOU HAVE TO DO, NO CANDY, NO CINNAMON BUNS, NO SODA... ITS THAT FUCKING SIMPLE!!

No matter how desperate I get, I willnever fuck a fat girl

everything you said was true but you are missing out on some amazing blowjobs.

But that'll make me miserable

Fat girl is no different than a guy, both repulsive

I really dont understand fat girls, like how is 4 seconds of mouth pleasure better, than having guys stroking your ego and vanity on daily basis, or even on a more practical level have actual quality non beta males offer you financial security... (them wanting to be with you)

I guyess Im lucky my parents never bought me any fast food and I grew to enjoy regular food and never developed addicting tastes towards sugar, I feel sorry for you but I dont since I never developed social wit and charisma (mainly flirting with females)... I guess Im the fat chic in that regard, since females expect and judge males on their social smoothness

For a time, but you're clearly miserable long term in regards to your body. Sugar is an addiction, if you want out of the current pit of self doubt that you clearly have. Long term goals weighted against instant pleasure with massive side effects.