Vidya Game Designer

Why did Jow Forums not opt to get a job at a game developement company out of high school? I hear they train you while still paying you. Seems like a good gig to me. I missed out, but Jow Forums still has a chance.

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Thats first world country shit where i live you have to kill 10 guys and sell your ass to satan to get a medium paid job as a codemonkey with the fear to be replaced in your first month of work

Game developing is fucking awful and the only reason people work there is because they want to be epic ideas man and they had no other personality besides playing video games. They prey on starry eyed nerds to do code monkey shit for them and it isn't even useful shit, you won't even get payed well and you will also get overworked

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>but Jow Forums still has a chance.
r9k never had a chance

Where do you live? The Ukraine under Putin?

You do not have to do coding. You could go into story writing, level, or character design...

>hear they train you while still paying you.
lmao no one does that in usa

If Todd Howard can rise up, you can do the same, gamerz.

The industry has no talent so fill the gap.

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I unironically did, but I hated the environment so I quit.

I did not know they had internet in the US. That place is a 3rd world apocalyptic right wing dictatorship.

New game is not real, nobody gets a job at a game developement company out of high school

>low iq libcuck newsoy
checks out

hear they train you while still paying you.

Actually Ive talked to many developers and they said it is pretty accurate. Beyond the cute girls.

Game dev is bar none the most shit gig you can get in software dev ESPECIALLY if you're working at the industry level. How anyone puts up with the shit hours on top of bog-standard pay is beyond me.
If you want to be trained on the job, find the most generic company possible. Healthcare in particular basically throws money at you for programming certs and training.

Maybe in countries that make EA, Blizzard and Bethesda games. First world countries are different and care about their people.

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Only America is first world.

Hifumi is my girlfriend! In an original way, because I've posted these exact words before

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>high crime
>no borders
>no healthcare
>stagnant/declining economy

Do I need to go on?

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Why did you make her get a boob job?

What are you talking about user, I love her the way she is

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Todd howard has no talent piss off

It's what I wanted to do when I was a kid growing up until I got older and realized the reality of it is a bunch of tedious bullshit with math, plus if you want it to be exactly how you want it then you need to have great skill in art. Others will never get what you envision exactly right. Plus my favorite part of games is discovery and exploration. If I made the game I already know everything about it and that's boring.

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