I'm bored with no one to talk to please talk to me thank you have a good day
I'm bored with no one to talk to please talk to me thank you have a good day
Other urls found in this thread:
Anyone who posts cute Karens must be a good person, so what do you want to talk about friend?
Yoko is still my favourite though
I used to not appreciate Yoko back in the day, and I feel like a fool now that I am wiser!
>so what do you want to talk about friend?
I am boring so let's talk all about you and what makes you great and special
I'm boring too, theres literally nothing great or special about me. Im just a lonely student and my only happiness comes from anime and getting drunk. This thread has now reminded me that im pretty sure I never actually finished watching the second season of kinmoza.
user, don't be so down on yourself. You already seem easy to talk to. That's something
>im pretty sure I never actually finished watching the second season of kinmoza
That's where the cutest of Karens are, though!
Eh I enjoy being alone anyways, and I dont mind being not very special. Im a simple man so I dont need much in life.
I know Karen is so cute, I think I got half way through the season then ended up watching other anime and forgetting to finish kinmoza oops. I will start rewatching the series this week now!
But! user!
It's 2019!
E V E R Y O N E is special!
I dont have a kyoot avatar or a tripcode I wonder if I'll get a reply anyway
Thanks... Guess what, you're special too. Tell me about yourself now Karen friend. What other anime do you like? Why do you like Karen? What do you like to do in your free time?
>What other anime do you like?
Honestly... not much... I don't really watch anime anymore. But I've been watching Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo this season. It's funny.
>Why do you like Karen?
She is so GENKI and I LOVE it and her VOICE is to DIE for. Seriously just listening to her in a separate tab is enough to make me smile!
>What do you like to do in your free time?
I like to talk to people! Online, of course... I'm very social so long as I am behind a screen. I love calling people on discord and doing whatever it is they want to do. Often times it's lewd but that's cool too Usually it's geemu and I'll play whatever. I'm very much more of a follower.
What about user?! Is there anything besides drinking and anime?!
>Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo
I havent started watching that one yet, but maybe I will pick it up ive been watching other stuff this season.
>her VOICE is to DIE for
yes! no joke, her seiyuu is one of my favourites (might just be my number one favourite_ and I love listening to the characters she voices so much!
>Is there anything besides drinking and anime?!
I dont have much time during the school year to do anything else to any great degree. I try to pick up different hobbies but end up dropping them soon because I cant muster up the time to get real good at them feelsbadman
>but maybe I will pick it up ive been watching other stuff this season.
It is very good, I recommend.
>no joke, her seiyuu is one of my favourites
Very good taste... You know who else has a good seiyuu? Pic related!!!! Definitely my second favourite voice ever.
> I cant muster up the time to get real good at them feelsbadman
Are you at least studying something interesting/fun?
Im not really hardcore into seiyuu stuff but whenever I hear one with a nice voice they always stick with me.
>Are you at least studying something interesting/fun?
Chemistry, I find it interesting. But being a scientist is kind of a meme, I feel so over worked and under payed. Oh well I know there are a lot of other shit jobs out there too so im not the only one who can complain I guess.
What do you want to talk about Bandage?
How was ur day user
>tfw no smart scientific bf to financially support me
just listen to her
You will either LOVE or HATE her
I like online human interaction
Today was mixed. Bad start, but decent rest of the day.
What about you?!
>I like online human interaction
So pick a topic, any topic fren, let's talk
It was really shitty thanks for asking Ive been really heartbroken lately I spent my day all alone in my apartment took my dog on a walk and then started drinking around noon. Why did you have a bad start?
do you like stories?
yeah... I'm actually pretty bored too.
>classic tsundere voice
I like it. Im a nerd and love tsunderes so her voice is really nice to listen to.
I'm not good at picking! I like it when other people pick. I'm a follower, not a leader...
Aw, at least you have a cute pupper to keep you company.
I had an appointment downtown and it was anxiety inducing to get there, be there, and get home. And I got misgendered the whole time of course so that feels bad.
She is also just such a dummy ditz I love her and feel like we are kin
Whatchu ponderin
so are you a cute tranny or an ugly one. reminder: your answer determines whether i give you a (You) or not
Pondering is for people with brains
Very, very, very, very, very, very, very ugly. I look like a man, and an ugly one at that.
>I'm a follower, not a leader...
So am I desu, we seem to be at an impasse here
We can follow each other in a circle all day long until we get tired
Everyone be pondering something
I ponder why I'm so ugly reeeee
But what will we talk about while we follow each other?
We will talk about what each others' butts look like
Pure sex come for the best nudes, hot females andd trapss heree.
discord gg/dmB39ty
Maybe that means you are meant to be a man.
>misgendered (ya, it's a word spellcheck)
this really happens? I'll admit to being a bit awkward around the subject, but I'm perfectly capable to using "they" if all else fails. Sorry that all signs seem to point to people continuing to suck...
Would you laugh at me if you knew I get so nervous going to appointments that I often take 3 or more wrong turns? I'm just trying my best, lmao
Thats my doggo. I have been really depressed since my ex gf left me 7 months ago. We were with each other for 6 years. My dog is really all I have now that is keeping me here
>he is also just such a dummy ditz I love her and feel like we are kin
>tfw no 2D tsundere gf to get all flustered and call me "b-baka" even though I know that she really loves me deep down.
I literally cannot feel this kind of emotion towards 3D women, only 2D for some reason.
My butt is not a good looking butt, there isnt much there. I'm doing squats now in hopes to change that. What does your butt look like.
What is this, 2013?
Which of your features are ugly? Which features attract you to other people and why?
I understand that reference but I cant pinpoint why, elaborate please
I can't do it!!! It makes me too suicidal!!!!!!!!!!!
>this really happens?
Why wouldn't it? I look like a boy man dude bro!
>Would you laugh at me if you knew I get so nervous going to appointments that I often take 3 or more wrong turns?
No because this is literally me.
Actually, my problem is not making wrong turns because I'm lost or confused, it's because I'm too anxious to properly change lanes if there's not an easy opening, and driving in the city (which I had to do today) is impossible unless you are an aggressive driver!
This doggo is a fren! Love them unconditionally. I'm glad you have something while you look for more.
>tfw your love for 2D women (outside of Karen) has completely died down
Have I... become normie...
If you look really hard in all the threads on the board you can find a picture of my butt that someone posted without my permission
My trip is only from 2015!
My browbone is very protruded. My chin is big and round. My shoulders are super duper wide and my ribcage is 999999 inches in diameter. I am a giant ogre and I hate it!!!
haha, I laughed. Can I answer? Has anyone ever recovered from mental illness here? Can you tell me how you knew it was over? Did you feel like you were betraying your former self to admit that whatever you were dealing with was gone? Pls help based ape.
>i am a gaint ogre and i hate it
You sound like a big attractive manly hunk to me
>If you look really hard in all the threads on the board you can find a picture of my butt that someone posted without my permission
Can you just post it please? I was nice when your feets were posted I'll be nice now
Tfw the seiyuu of one of my favorite anime characters fucking died
I don't get it, are you a girl? Or a wannabe girl?
But it was in that exact thread how did you not notice
NO!!!!!!!! Who!?
Wannabe girl
very suicidal
want death die
No you don't want death die. If you havent already started taking hormones you can go back now.
I'm 17 months in on them but they haven't done ANYTHING anyway!
Look op Im not exactly friendly with trans people but you seem nice dont join the 40% have a good night
Miyu Matsuki
Thank you this is kind of you
I do not know her but this is sad I am sorry for your loss user
aaa why do you want death
I didnt stay in the thread for long lol
Looks like a good butt, and your skin looks soft. Good job user
>this is literally me
oh no... not another one afflicted with this curse. It's so hard to make myself drive even a little aggressive.
>I'm sorry othercar-chan I really do need to turn here : (
he thinks as he observes a car on the other side of the road blaring on it's horn while crossing 15 lanes at once, lmao. Other people are a bit better at this than us it seems.
>why wouldn't it
nah, I don't care if you look like the (very cute) ogre you insist you do. People still know what you want to be addressed as and they're just not doing it... Maybe they're awkward too, but probably not. Just shit.
Maybe nothing visible. Be careful man it's like playing russian roulette with your brain chemistry. Also, damn this thread is fast
Add me on discord. Not for sexual but for friend
Because being boy is AWFUL kill ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you fren, everyone ignored it so I thought I had a very bad butt or something
I literally will just make 3 left turns instead of forcing myself to cross too many lanes it's very bad I did that today
>People still know what you want to be addressed as
No not really. Like, random people irl don't know that.
My brain chemistry is already fucked so lets go full kamikaze!!!
>Have I... become normie...
maybe you've just moved on from your 2D loving phase. Im an autist so relationships with 3D girls dont even cross my mind. Anyways it was fun talking now I sleep, goodnight (or morning) friend.
Goodnight user-sama!
sorry for posting your pics bandage i regret it now and the file is too old to delete ahhhh
I don't really care that much but I don't understand why you did it
>Thank you fren, everyone ignored it so I thought I had a very bad butt or something
I think the general rule is that if nobody responds to it then you can assume the reaction is leaning towards positive. People are more likely to say a negative thing than a positive one
You think so? I always assumed it meant people are just being nice and not saying anything or they really just think nothing of it/it's not worth typing a response to
I guess maybe since this is Jow Forums things are backwards cuz everyone likes to be meanie pants
i don't understand why either . sorry again !
>my brain chemistry is already fucked
Thats pretty reckless desu you should value your brain more
I hate myself and my brain
it is time for utter self destruction
>want die dead extremely gone
I dunno, isn't there some relief in knowing you're doing everything you can to be feminine? Committing to that must feel far better than the alternative? I'm not sure I know what dysphoria feels like but...
You're on /soc/. You've seen the /boobs n buttz/ girls get only 3 replies after posting their boobs n buttz. It feels super awkward to just reply "nice bobbers." N-not that I'd know or anything.
I actually did just literally reply "hello, nice bobbers" once. I think it's still there, actually
Do you adopt different typing styles depending on who you're replying to?
>I dunno, isn't there some relief in knowing you're doing everything you can to be feminine?
No because despite my best efforts, it's a failure. My time and money and effort is all wasted. It feels awful and completely, utterly hopeless.
I don't actually really use /soc/ I just posted my picture a couple times to see what people think that way I could prove to everyone that I am OFFICIALLY rated an ugly ass bitch that looks like a man. Because over on /lgbt/ they argue that I am a girl and I use that as proof that I am just a regular dude
When I'm on Jow Forums, everything is a drama and an act! Nothing about my personality is real and I'm actually just a completely empty brain and soul.
>When I'm on Jow Forums, everything is a drama and an act! Nothing about my personality is real and I'm actually just a completely empty brain and soul.
That was the most self aware thing I've ever read from a trip/avatarfag
Does that make me impressive and cool
If so does that mean I have earned the right to suck your pp
Yeah youre pretty cool but i wont let you lick my divine sausage
big brain post, actually. My guess is it's unconsciously related to replying to dummy avatarposters and anonymous. Put another way, typing differently when it might be a continued conversation with a known entity vs a one-off post.
>most self aware
>it's sarcasm
for myself, I promise you I'm the same person in real life as I am on here. No clue why you wouldn't believe that, actually.
you're the only transanon that's given me... pause... I guess on /soc/. It was an honest, uncolored reaction (I didn't know it was you), and I stared at the picture for a full 30 seconds trying to figure out if you were a cis female or not. Gave up. Only conclusion I had was that you were probably just a sub-average female(!).
No clue how to make you believe me, but I think I'll try bullying next. My guess is there are still a lot of things wrong with how you speak and carry yourself that give yourself away vs your appearance.
Well some other people on /soc/ said they couldn't tell either. So I guess this just means I'm at least approaching andro status. I guess I should be happy about it but I'm just so disgruntled and tired of being called man all the time irl!
It does give me hope that if I were to have makeup on and use angles and smile that it would have made me pass tho
>disgruntled and tired
that's alright. I've realized that I may be robbing you of a space to vent by being too serious. Please do post
>want die deceased not exist
(your wordings always make me laugh a bit, actually)
just don't do it pls. You'll be ok.
>typing differently when it might be a continued conversation with a known entity vs a one-off post
Thats a good idea and it explains why their style seemed to change after the majority of the conversation. I would imagine the other person's style is a factor too. Im posting from my phone right now so i dont put effort into punctuation and shit and just let auto-whatever-settings-i-have-on do its thing. If i were on my computer id make everything perfect because its easier to type on a keyboard. Also when i want to say something snarky id exclusively use lower case letters. I guess because most smartass replies ive received have been typed like that. So i guess i also take into account the purpose of what im typing and base it off of similar posts.
>no clue why you wouldnt believe that, actually
Well because im more timid and less open irl silly. Also larping helps you get a point across to people sometimes. Like giving yourself fake credentials. Not as a female though cus thats cringe
I'm being unfair, really. I don't actually think I've ever met anyone like me in this sense. I don't lie, and I don't hide anything. I won't shove random inappropriate facts about myself into conversations, but I wont hide a thing if asked either. I think literal decades of constant fear have made me numb to a lot of the things others care about. I've embraced naively throwing my true self at everyone and seeing who likes it and who doesn't. It's not that I'm not shy (I am extremely so) it's just that if everything's gunna terrify me anyway, nothing really does. Does that make any sense?
>scrollin' up the thread again to see what images I already used
hard work being a dumb avatarposter, you know
Yeah it makes sense its like being hardened or something. That degree of honesty and openness is what i wish i had with someone irl. I sometimes think that everyone should be more open and honest but im not like that myself so i see why others dont do it. Im getting there and ive started with directness. I try not to beat around bushes or avoid saying things i know that me and whoever im talking with are thinking
>lied in a post about not lying....
if I'm being /hate myself gang/, saying I don't lie is disingenuous at best... I'm really, really good at deflecting and shaping conversations in real life. It's an old defense mechanism, I guess. I do try to live up to the idea I posted, and the heart of it is as true as a dramatic, exaggerated post like that can be. I guess I kinda hate that I posted it. It's true and not at all true. I don't know...
Well at least youre acknowledging that youre lying to yourself right now. You admitted it to yourself because lying felt bad and thats a good sign that you want to change something i guess
do you ever get the sense that there's a dichotomy to every single aspect of yourself? I don't even think I could tell you what my favorite color is without giving an argument for all of them... If I had to chose one of the two posts to identify with and one alone, it would be the former, but the latter is either a part of me or my own doubt. Seriously, everything about myself is just so... confused.
Actually, now that I've reflected on it a bit, it's kinda cool to see both posts. A real-time picture of my thought process. That's the value of this place, really. Not thinking about consequences, just typing
would you know if you were reading an akkopost if you saw this without context? Someone actually connected my posts a day or more apart without the avatar attached once.
>would you know if you were reading an akkopost if you saw this without context?
No, probably not. Theres a lot of people who type like you, but im unsure if youre referring to identification through typing style or thought process. In either case, even if there are many people who type like you, the use of an avatar to definitively link posts helps a reader analyze syntax, grammar, vocabulary etc so that whenever they read something similar, they dont think, "this guy types like all these other people", they think, "this guy (and all these other people) type like the akkoposter" i think i worded what im trying to convey very poorly
Anyway ive been trying to make a program that analyzes syntax, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, etc. of replies in a thread and tries to predict who is most likely who
catch people by snipping the first and last three or so words of every sentence and every post. If there's a way to do it, I think it lies in there. I keep catching myself using "well, " and ", really" etc... Punctuation schemes will also be found there. How often do you say "No, probably not." Right? Someone caught me a different time from that.
I'm hurt you've ignored the content of my post, but it's ok I guess
I cant reveal my secrets but thats on the right track. Sorry for ignoring the contents of your post. Im off to bed now
Damn I knew I wasn't the only one interested in this. The identifying a person through his writing style with the help of computing was done on J.K Rowling when she put out a new book under another alias. But I'm sure you already knew that if you have an interest on this stuff.
While true I've noticed ESL individuals all tend to have a very similar writing style. There are plenty of them, good luck with that.
Fuck you nigga reveal them you're glowing btw
I-is this a test?
it's a problem that's both really, really easy and incredibly hard. I wouldn't be surprised if there's been quite a few computer science phds earned off studying it. The idea that a person could write in an entirely different way to express each thought seems absurd. Good luck convincing a computer that's true though.
my mind has left me as I get more and more hungry. I really hate having to eat... I just wanna shitpost. Why the interuption?
>I-is this a test?
S-stop mocking me!
>The idea that a person could write in an entirely different way to express each thought seems absurd.
A philosopher once said "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world"... tbf I'm a fucking brainlet that doesn't quite grasp the meaning of that quote entirely I just know I'm easy to read and mold through words.
>Good luck convincing a computer that's true though.
We just don't know, the Big Data craze is only starting.
Google and friends knows everything about me. Who cares at this point right Big Guy?
You seem really cute, think I remember you... I don't really know what to talk about, will hug you *hug*.
You also seem sweet, how have you been this week?
I'll rewrite my musings more succinctly in case anyone wants to assume the mantle, and throw me some musings in return.
What are we meant to believe, the initial thought or the doubt?
Ramblings: have you considered the subtle statement made when psychological testing asks you to not think about your answers. To move quickly; always submitting your first impulse. They believe it is the initial thought, not the doubt, that matters when determining your character.
>philosopher's quote
was probably the inspiration for the movie "arrival." Best guess: since we use our chosen language to narrate our thoughts, it's bounds become the bounds of our mind. Expand a language and you will expand your thinking. I believe this was the conclusion of the movie as well, but I remember a lot of people saying they found it dumb (I liked it).
heh, thanks. I've been alright. Been dealing with family stuff lately. Get's user's blood pressure up and his noggin joggin', but I'm better able to deal with it now than I've ever been. You?
>no file.png
well.. no akkos either so what do I do?
I'll give this thread one last chance before we let it fade into the night
Glad you are improving at something in the least. I'm reading a fat stack of books, read the top two already, going on to the Omar Khayyam book next.