Tfw manlet

>tfw manlet
hell on earth

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Stop being a manlet and fuck bitches and acquire currency.

im 6'2 and short people disgust me

I wish I was a manlet instead of baldcel. At least I'd look like a human (mini human, but still human) instead of an ogre

>tfw match with 7/10s - 8/10s on tinder
>All because i have good pics and they dont know my height
>Meme some women onto a date
>Visible disgust when they see im 5'6
>most are taller than me anyways

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Some of the most powerful men in history were manlets. It's not your height, it's your insecurity.

>just be the most powerful man on earth bro

Weak bait. Most girls are shorter than 5'6". And there would be no "visible disgust" since you're not 4'6".

Female hivemind, imagine not being able to bro out with guys of any height

Same here, i'm 6'4 and "men" who are under 5'8 are no different to me than children.

Nah dude i believe it. No decently attractive girl is going to settle for a guy who's under 5'10.

Pretty every attractive girl I see is with a guy 5'10" or shorter. Almost never seen one with a tall guy. Attractive girls don't want to settle for ugly lanklets.

I;m 5'6 but i'm also a faggot who loves being thrown around and fucked.Works for me

its ok you can be short and do well for yourself if you just learn to be charismatic/funny. just look at tom cruise, danny devito and robin williams

Where im from (northern europe) average grill height is 5'5-5'7

>average height for female
>too bad I'm a guy

6 foot averagefag here laughing at you all

I'm probably more depressed tho

imagine being held back by physical trait
>t. 6'0

Meaning a 5'6" guy is still taller than half of the girls.

it could always be worse

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He has nothing left to prove, he's just waiting for death now.

>mfw I'm 6'3
>mfw this thread

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>I'm unironically 6'6, thin and a virgin

Height doesn't get you pussy, personality does

You can see disappointment in a girls body language

You see what you want to see.

Look at this pathetic nonanswer. It is objective fact that woman hate guys who are shorter and that being taller is objectively more attractive.

Attached: woman cute but short.jpg (527x768, 68K)

I used to laugh at manlets (I'm 189cm) but that bagel shop guy actually made me start to realize how unlucky short people are. Now I feel disgusted by women who hate shorties even though it doesn't affect me in the slightest.

You do not understand what "objectively" means. It does not mean "in my fantasy land". In the real world statistics show otherwise.

That bagel guy was simply pathetic. Even so he's managed to get girls before. Tells you something.

>managed to get girls

only because he has the money to do so given at how he spent 750k on a bitch who did not even fuck him

I think you are the one with the head up your ass if you actually believe that manlets are uglier on average compared to taller guys. You could have a decent face but how small you are already takes you down a notch or two on how attractive you are. One of the main reasons why girls like tall guys you hear it all the time when they are with them that they feel "safe" and "protected"

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Height screws your chances with women. Personality is secondary after you pass the hieght check

Source for him not having fucked her?

Girls would overwhelmingly choose the guy on the left you know.

Height check means, you're not 5'4" or below, or 6'4" or above.

Sorry, no they wouldn't

Attached: no manlets.png (577x1024, 715K)

The guy on the left is better looking. The guy on the right looks weird and fake.

No he doesn't, right is objectively more attractive, you can not dispute this.

It's okay bro just stop coping

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The guy on the right looks deformed. He is not attractive to females. This is objective. You cannot dispute this. Just stop coping.

There is nothing deformed about him, he is genuinely more attractive than the left.

>tfw slav german mutt
>tfw same height as adolf eichmann

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>obvious troll profile is obvious

Its like dungeons and dragons. You need to roll a 6 if you want to be safe

See yet another reason why you mutthommed burgers and bongniggers should accept that the bad guys won in WW2. Manlets wouldn't even exist now with Nazi eugenic programmes.

All of the German high ranks were manlets

They weren't manlets for the time. Europeans have been getting taller and taller with each generation. So they were manlets by our standards today but not really back then. Besides it doesn't even matter so much if they were because someone has to take a stand somewhere and turn things around.

How did I get so old?

Some manlets had adequate nutrition and developed properly. I was placed on appetite suppressant medication. I am three inches shorter than all of my brothers who did not use it. My height reminds me of my failure to develop properly