Nobody has been friendless as long as me. I refuse to believe so. If you claim you have, you're lying or exaggerating.
Friendless for 11 years
You haven't even had online friends?
Fucking loser. Kill yourself. XDDDDD
No, not anyone I've talked to.
I have schizo genes so I don't feel loneliness. I can't connect with people. I have extreme fear of others. I have extremely low self-esteem. Everybody seems to hate me
I also have genes for autism so I am not very spontaneous, not very humerus, very awkward.
Everyone has friends. I'm as incel as it gets. I still have to a fucking job.
Well, if you've sincerely not had a single online friend, you've got me beat. I haven't had a real life friend in 16 or 17 years.
who told you you have autism and schizo genes? Google?
Seriously, people just need to stop listening to the internet. One of my best friends is 70 Vietnam vet. I'm in my 30s.
You can find friends anywhere.
Gene test, psychiatric diagnosis (psychiatrist says I have strong symptoms of autism and schizoaffective disorder; I am diagnosed schizotypal).
I cannot consume caffeine or eat high protein foods due to an inability to break down glutamate. Same is true for tryptophan sensitivity. Glutamate is glutamate and tryptophan makes serotonin. Autism is characterized by overactivity of serotonin and glutamate.
When I was a kid I used to say that I hate kids. Same when I was a teenager. Always preferred older people. I've also always hated partying.
I don't feel loneliness, which is due to underactivity of gaba A receptors in the median prefrontal cortex and elsewhere, and overactivity of glutamate. This is a feature of both schizo and autism. I used to also prefer being alone but mostly due to anxiety.
I have fear of eye contact, which is due to underactivity of gaba B receptors and is a feature in both autism and schizo.
I have cognitive dysfunction associated with autism and schizo. I have for example very low visual-spatial intelligence as officially tested by a certified neuropsychologist.
My speech and thinking and interests tend to be overly specific and overly focused which is a feature of OCD as featured in autism.
And there is much more to add
Not him, but I sequenced my genome and found them manually.
i refuse to believe you've been friendless for 11 years. you claim you have but you're lying or exaggerating.
Go find to group of guys doing a clean up, introduce yourself. You'll find a job, friendship.. and if you try real hard. A woman
Did you do a full genome sequencing or just a cheap ancestry test?
how old are you user? asking for comparison to my experiences and some data i've gathered.
t. autistic that could have made your post
18 years, get fucked nerd.
Autistic used to be a badge. Now reddit fags make it a disability.
No. I was removed from home at 13 due to violence in the family. I was placed in a housing for troubled kids.
Shortly before I was removed from home I lost my friends. I used to isolate myself and playing WoW in my room. The pediatricians at the place unsuccessfully tried to force me to socialize but the other kids didn't like me either.
At 16 I moved back home and started at a specific type of school we have in Europe. I made no friends there.
At 17 I started 10th grade but made no friends at that school either, and people didn't like me. Girls refused to talk to me. So I dropped out.
Since dropping out of 10th grade I've been living on welfare and sitting in my apartment contemplating suicide.
23, will turn 24 in August.
i think user was saying he refused to believe you for no good reason like you refused to believe anyone else for no good reason, like a joke
autistic used to be a disability, now it's a meme word that you use against things you don't like
8 years here, not joking or exaggerating. This includes online friends because I know you faggots love to claim you're friendless and have wide online social circles. I've got none, zero, nada. I'm starting to feel subhuman and unsure if I'll ever be able to connect with another human being, male or female doesn't matter. I think the mental component of this is not there anymore.
How old are you, OP?
23, 24 in August.
How about you?
The fuck year is it ?
Since 2008 for me
11 years as well
It was summer 2008 when my last friends betrayed me.
27, 28 by the end of the year.
If family doesn't count then I honestly don't think I ever had a real friend
I don't know what real friendship is in the first place honestly
I assume you're khhv too?
Actually no!
I had a big fat white 6/10 (not considering BMI) girlfriend once in high school. She did shoot me down a couple times before finally a hanging her mind a couple years later after regular contact.
Anyway I was about to fuck her virgin pussy but the combination of anxiety and condom fumbling completely killed my boner and she took it the wrong way and things deteriorated after that. Late 90s.
Technically I am khhv but I'm not because I visited escorts for a while right after turning 18. I just wanted to fuck a girl, never really cared about getting a gf. It seemed too tiresome and pointless to me early as back then.
So you ARE V but not khh?
The only place penis has ever been was in her mouth 3 times and the first time wasn't even an actual bj, it was a tease during a handy.
no, you're right, user. You are the robotest in this respect. All I have is my older brother, but we've been close since the beginning of time. I'm all he has too, where friends are concerned, and I think we both don't mind at all.