How did Trump get rich? I don't know shit about politics, but the dude sounds dumb from what I've seen. Tell me how.
How did Trump get rich? I don't know shit about politics, but the dude sounds dumb from what I've seen. Tell me how
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by not being dumb
He was born to a rich family. That's the main requirement for 99% of rich people.
So you're saying that spoiled brats can maintain and expand the wealth?
His grandma lived in a time when it was legal to scam people. So she scamed a lot of people and just passed down her wealth.
>the dude sounds dumb from what I've seen
thats what he wants you to think
Inherited a lot of money, made a lot of bad investments and a few good ones.
>father worked as a kid making frames for houses
>got rich
>gave Donny a loan
>Donny buys an apartment complex with the loan
>sells off the complex
>reinvests his money purchasing cheap apartment buildings and selling it at a profit
Your goblin family should get chopped up and decapitated for posting false information
How tf do you get rich from making frames for houses? Or was it different back then?
Here you go faggot:
>While raising their three children, the early death of her husband in 1918 required the 37-year-old widow to manage their properties. She founded the real estate development companyE. Trump & Sonwith her son,Fred Trump.
>6 bankruptcies
He inherited it. If he invested his inheritance in index funds he'd be richer than he is now
His father gave him a smol loan or something
You take 500$ you open 10 companies with 50k equit. You go to mr goldsteen , godfather of your beloved daughter ivanka at shekelstein bank. You make 10 million loan on each company. You transfer the money to the trump organization, you file every company in bancrupsy. You fuck off.
Voila you just made 9,5 million dollar and went 10x bancrupt.
Who is the idiot now?
>implying trump is actually rich
He just plays the part of a rich man, so everyone believes he's rich. It's why he won't release his tax returns.
>Who is the idiot now?
The "President" of the United States.
this. he actually only has a networth of 15 million.
Nigger, 15mil is still a millionaire therefore rich.
>he thinks millionaires are "rich"
Ain't that cute.
Define rich then pls.
Yeah, and he spent it all on his campaign. He is LITERALLY broke, and needs to rely on his children to survive. How did we let this man in the white house...
Are they implying they could have chucked the tranny at the missile, but offed him earlier instead?
This is not how intercepting missiles works.
Can't be too much of an idiot if he's managed to remain rich throughout several bankruptcies and has occupied the most powerful position in the entirety of the world.
Same way you will let him in again in 2020. Your lefties are, unsurprisngly, retarded.
He's going to drop out in 2020 before the election even happens.
yes, he's implying that a tranny would suicide himself into the missle thereby maintaining tranny suicide rates. it's both brave and powerful
Pressing X for doubt.
Doubt all you want. Just remember that some faggot on Jow Forums told you it was going to happen.
>implying he will even get to the debates before he is impeached, imprisoned, and hung for treason
Lol okay please come back to reality grandpa retard. Your expiration date has clearly arrived, please do suicide with shotgun mouth kiss.
Why is the left so violent?
Trump isn't dumb, he's just good at pandering to dumb people.
If every time some faggot on Jow Forums's shrieks of "IT'S HAPPENING" were true, we would be living in a postapocalyptic hellscape by now.
Your favorite lefty faggots suck each other off when not busy fucking kids. You are anti-American, and increasingly irrelevant.
>goblin thinks its tranny goblin opinion matters
I'm not saying it's happening, I'm saying it's going to happen. Late next year, just a couple months before the election. He's going to drop out of the re-election, not get impeached or anything like that.
Trump is the only business man who could fucking LOOSE money owning a casino in Atlantic city. That should show you how retarded he is. Also hes not rich. His assets are probably below 20 million. But he self evaluated the "Trump" name at a billion dollars...m because hes a retard.
>Who is the idiot now?
you, and Jow Forums
Being able to live off interest/dividends
he got the money from his father and after that from people that are even more retarded than him. That are quite a lot in USA.
Go read faggot and stop being a tard over politics. Or a tard in general. The presidency is silly to care about.
I hope you guys are being ironically naive.
>I don't know shit
Truth from OP
The majority (almost 70%) of American millionaires (defined as 'a net worth of over $1 million not including the value of their primary residence') are self-made (defined as 'received no more than $50,000 total in inheritance, gifts, etc.'). Over 60% of American billionaires are self made.
pick up a hammer, lazy
>Whatever I read on Buzzfeed is true!
Thomas Piketty says otherwise, he says that 60% of america's wealth is inherited
>Whatever I read on Buzzfeed is true!
Different user but it depends on two things, a) if you believe Trump that he inherited just 1mil and that b) his current networth is 10bn. If he inherited the 40mil that Forbes calculates and had margined it the same way he did with his other businesses, then yes he would be richer today if he had just put all his money in the S&P.
I'm not saying that to shit on him, that holds true for 99% of people, almost no investment beat the S&P consistently through the last forty years.
The legacy of orange faggot will be that he opened up Jow Forums to shitlib normies and newniggers telling me to have sex.
"have sex" posting did not exist in 2015 or even 2016. Now it's on all boards.
Thank you Mr President.
>the dude sounds dumb from what I've seen.
His father was a legitimate real estate agent. Fred Trump was a legit rags to riches story of a man who pulled himself up by the bootstraps.
Donald went into massive debt that he got out of by marrying his daughter off to Jared Kushner.
Read "Kushner Inc" for more information.
His Dad gave him 100 million. if he'd put it on the stock exchange and left it he'd have done better than he did