>lose fat
>keep thinking im fat
>avoid eating or get anxious about it often because feel fat
>keep losing weight
any other anons hae some weird dysohoria???
>be dumb kid
>keep thinking I'm dumb
>keep studying because feel dumb
>go back to school
>get master's degree
free shrugs
have you reached skelly mode yet?
How does she have big tits while so skinny
It's part of the body's gainz survival system
>have you reached skelly mode yet?
Nah but I used to be skelly see and then got fit and then hikkidom and self destruction made me fat but I never seen I was fat until I was like 115KG and then I fasted for ages and now im 63KG.
I work out everyday though, I want to get back to lean fit like I was with nice abs etc.
you fatfuck, how tall are you and why are you using the metric system?
would you give a fellow fatty a hand on dicksword?
thats a lot of dedication that you have, good for you
user you have anorexia, that's what the dysphoria with an eating component is called.
I just realized I've started doing the same thing, minus the exercise.
>you fatfuck, how tall are you and why are you using the metric system?
>would you give a fellow fatty a hand on dicksword?
183 cm and idk man, just eat no carbs for 3-5 days (until full ketosis) and then you quit eating and only eat 0 carbs plus only reason you eat is to get salts.
If you can go without eating and drink snake water (google it) do that.
good uck
>user you have anorexia
that is what my mum says, I show her how I still have fat on me I need to lose and she points out I have ribs showing.
Fuck me, one step foward one backwards.
Just give up milk and sugar. Been on that diet for less than a year and feel great and much less sluggish. I have bad MS and it really helps the fatigue, I've gotten pretty cut from just that and basic exercise and I'm crippled, went from 280lbs to 190 in 5 months, feel good man.
I'm sorry someone on Jow Forums had to break it to you user, but you definitely have anorexia. You should see a psychologist (therapy) about it, not a psychiatrist (pills)
I want to loose like 20 pounds because I want a cute flat belly. I have a slight gut after getting addicted to achohol. I also need to fix that.
I have been intermittent fasting, I have never been fat in my life but also never seen my abs just a typical skinny fat dude who was only ever athletic in college/military.
I would like to just be incredibly lean, have been doing one small keto meal on a childs plate per day and water. Hungry as all fuck if I do not drink a ton of water but I am liking the results and do not feel as anxious lately
I also have very porous skin that is prone to cystic acne if I eat dairy so that has helped as well
>until full ketosis
man i have a job and ive heard ketosis makes you stink but i do believe its the best way instead of half assing it with low carb diets. how bad did you smell, like was it bad enough that even you noticed the change?
makes your breath smell a bit at most, you will eb fine dont be lazy
I was 145kg or so about 10 months ago
now 84kg or so (goal is 80kg)
I don't see any difference in the mirror. I mean I KNOW I am not as fat since I can wear smaller clothing and the scale says so, but I don't see it (I do in progress pics though).
I am worried I'm going to keep dieting once I reach my goal until an unhealthy weight.
hoping the dr will cut off my loose skin and I might be able to see it then
Gonna attempt this tonight
A salad? We do stuff like that at work all the time (never understood why people buy them though). If you want a couple tips, boil eggs an hour before making the salad as they'll be literally boiling when you take them out. Recommend cutting cucumber in half length-ways and then cutting down into thin, semi-circular chunks so they aren't thick or irritating to look at. Make sure you put quality olive oil and toss the salad so that you get more nutritional fats and stuff and grind black pepper on top - for something with magnitude I recommend having some salad cream on the side (avoid putting it on top of the salad so the lettuce/ rocket) doesn't go soggy, rocket is best salad btw, most lettuce tastes metallic if you don't get it fresh. Don't bother w/ avocado, its just an un-necessary expense. Good luck anyhow!
People like you are one's idol, keep up the good work~
that sounds like a you problem. me? all i have to worry about is whether or not i get to kill chinamen today
I still get called dumb all the time because internet
free shrugs
I've always been obsessed with my weight but I'm stuck at 65kg while being 175cm. How do I lose weight fast. I can do extreme diets, no problem but I want it to last
are you a girl? Lets lose weight together. I've lost 10kg this past 6 weeks, and I plan to lose 30-40 more. Fuck being a fat useless cunt.
Appreciate the advice user
How the fuck do you lose that much weight in this short period of time? You must be obese.
139kg to 129kg.
it isn't hard. you drink water, you eat 1 meal a day and smaller foods as offset. you lift weights. you walk.
It is pretty brainlet how easy it is, I should've done this 10 years ago.
Yep. So you're obese. No wonder it's so easy.
I'm 173cm going from 65kg to 56kg now. It took me 4 months.
>300 god damn lbs
How the fuck do you guys get the money to eat like that anyway?
>Yep. So you're obese.
i-im doing the best I can user
drink soda and dont move for 10 years.
salad is literal meme food if dieting.
Just learn to not eat food and you do not need to eat food.
>How do I lose weight fast. I can do extreme diets, no problem but I want it to last
just quit eating and only take in electrolytes
dude im a guy and im not fat at all man.
im like skinny lean just mentally ill
>How the fuck do you lose that much weight in this short period of time? You must be obese
you can lose literally kilos in a few days with fasting, also first bit of weight you lose is usually all liquid weight FYI.
I can lose about 500G a day while being skinny from just fasting, usually around 230-400G.
losing weight is so easy man, just quit eating, why are you eating once a day when you have fat on you?
Yeah, grats for losing water weight from starving yourself.
Did you take any vitamin supplements during your fasting, bud? Bit worried about that, a fatty has energy stored in him but not vitamins and all minerals.
>Did you take any vitamin supplements during your fasting, bud? Bit worried about that, a fatty has energy stored in him but not vitamins and all minerals.
none at all but I am very weird.
I lived for past 6 years with no actual sunlight and my vitD levels are fine.
I actually got blood tests near the end of my fasting and the doctor was in his own words astounded.
I was not low on anything.
As long as you eat healthy (I used to be acoholic and eat trash) you should have enough vitamin stored in your bones for the fasting.
Check with doctor if it was free.
Keep in mind I would ony fast for 5 days at a time as could not use salts needed.
here is what I would eat when I did eat.
or just one steak, also I would put vegemite under my tongue if I felt low on salt levels.
9 days and no food made me feel less hungry than 2 hours after eating carbs
most likely implants.