Born conventionally attractive

>born conventionally attractive
>get trauma and never have a bf
>have everyone tell you that youre so pretty why dont you have a bf

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why does the trauma stops you?

>born ugly
>everyone assumes that I don't have a girlfriend
>easy life, just write code and don't worry about getting a girlfriend

I make so much money. I donate a bunch of it because I have too much. Life is so meaningless.

>watch father abuse mother
>left alone all childhood
>bullied in school for not knowing how to socialize
>have brutally toxic relationship further increasing past ptsd
>grow into attractive male
>kicked out of military for depression
>kicked out of college
>leave monastery because of depression
>smoke weed, dmt
>everything is right again

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stops me bc i think everyone is going to leave me for someone better

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When you have a good friend(s), you only really need a bf for intimacy. I'm a guy that would probably just remain single if I didn't have a gf currently, night time cuddles are nice but so is having a whole bed to yourself.

i agree i just personally hate the bf questions and every time i talk to someone decent my insecurities just get the better of me, fuck

everyone gets that to some degree you just got to keep it under control and find someone you can trust i think

Thst happens to everybody, we just have varied ways of coping with it. You'll be surprised how many things you feel are "normal", we're all a fucking mess. Even the best looking of us.

> Born disfigured
> My whole life is one big string of trauma's

i have friends but i dont really trust them and we dont even bond outside of hanging out, it feels bad man bc everyone says im too intimidating to approach even though i look like a baby

>he doesn't know
if you need something succinct, bpd is almost always the result of trauma during childhood. In any case, it'll fuck you right up.

ey op, want to read some, likely, related longpostin'?

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what if you just trust them for no reason and accept the fact that people could leave you?

dnt have bpd just a fucking sad retard thx tho

>just stop being mentally ill

guess I'm making assumptions I shouldn't but...

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>dnt have bpd
me either

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What do you spend your days doing? What are you even hoping for out of life?

Do you have bpd or any mental illness, akko poster?

What trauma? Molested as a child?

i spend my day with friends just hiding how i feel all the time until i just shut down, im just hoping to finish my studies and settle down and live a stable life

just grew up in a dysfunctional household, first boyfriend i had when i was 12 tried to rape me (wasnt raped thankfully) led to me thinking the same ab everyone due to all the shitty experiences ive had with men

why wont you link to the post you're replying to?

>I want to know the venerated akkoposter's mental health stuff
well, alright. I wrote a novel over here:
>not reading yer longpostin'
fine. Don't have bpd (probably). Fucked in every other way possible outside of schizophrenia

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>why wont you link to the post you're replying to?
i didnt even realize i wasnt replying now i feel like a tard :(

yes thats very tard of you

im srry Tman ill try harder next time to not disappoint :(

thank you, i'll be keeping a close watch

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So you want an ordinary life, family, kids, etc? If you look fine, you'll have that in time. Just don't rush in and commit to it like most girls do, they find a guy, fuck, and that's it; they've settled down and are going to have an ordinary life. But the reality is you won't really know your partner and have no idea if he/she is a cunt or not without going through some events together.
I don't really know what point I'm getting at here, but your problems seem largely like the same thing most people feel between the ages of 14-21, or whenever you start working and trying to live on your own. You're right to be weary, and your trauma is definitely adding to these problems, but enjoy what you have now and try not to care as much about a bf.

Donate it to me, I have plenty of things I could do with money.

i would say the next step would be trying to get a closer friend you can have an easier time trusting

i agree with what you are saying, and i kinda hate myself for bitching about such nonsesicle things id like to think im less shallow than this

Same for me as a guy. Girls tell me im attractive but i can't feel pride or shit from this. Im 18 and virgin & never had a genuine relationship with anyone because i'm mostly alone and don't want to deal with people

felt this too... sex is so uninteresting to me maybe bc i just havent found anyone that stimulates me not just makes me horny

Similar situation but as a guy, I had low self confidence because of my disability but most women dont care.

what disability if u dnt mind me asking

Bpd doesn't prevent relationships, only healthy ones because the girl is manic, conceited and narcissistic.

>tfw semi-attractive
>constantly get bugged by parents
>"when will you get gf" and stuff like "are you gay or what"
fucking boomers cant fathom that someone doesnt want relationships

>be ugly
>contsantly bugged by everyone
>why dont you have a gf are you gay:?

Aww poor baby.. do me a favour and get your tits out or stfu crying.

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(semi-)attractive people thread

>tfw attractive-ish
>people i am interested in have never been interested in me
>never been interested in somebody interested in me
>don't want to date around because "muh true love"

do people who fall mutually in love with each other really exist bros?