Well this is it Jow Forums I've officially become a cuck. I worked with a girl 3 years ago at a retail store. I had a crush on her the instant I laid my eyes on her. We chatted a bit during that time period for a few months then she went to jail for breaking her probation so she lost her job. We didn't talk again for a few years up until two months ago.
I was feeling lonely due to fights with my girlfriend at the time, and I remembered the girl I had a crush on. I looked her up on facebook and saw that she was begging for financial help so I sent her a message saying I can help her. She took a few days before replying, saying that she needs a car to transport her goods to a storage unit, I helped her that day, she said I can come hang out with her anytime I want. In hindsight I should've realized this was a sign that she was interested in me. Me and her spent the next week hanging out during all of our free time. I didn't realize she was romantically interested. She said she needed a place to stay so I offered her my place. The day she spent time at my place she got in my bed and held my hand, I grabbed her and pulled her to me, we cuddled that morning and she wanted to fuck before I went to work but I turned her down because I had to go to work. She was begging for my dick all day, when I came home from work we showered together and she wanted to fuck but I couldn't get a hard on. We slept together again that night then the next day she got on my lap and said that I make her happy so she wanted to make me happy. I told her I decided celibacy was the key to happiness(I was deep in nofap at the time), she freaked the fuck out and broke down crying, saying that she wasn't talking about sex at all.
She got over it a few days later then thanked me for not fucking her because I wasn't the type of guy she thought I was. I continued to support her and paid for her groceries, weed, and cigs. I let her stay rent free at my place since she had no job. In return she cleaned my house, but that's about it. I bought up that I wanted sex a few times, she turned me down. I didn't let it affect me because of the benefits of nofap/celibacy was sure to come (they haven't come yet, but I have seen it come before and they really do add something special to life, I'm still on nofap.) I decided all was fine, she even said she was going to interview for a job so that she can save up money for a car. She's been using my car and using my gas for joyrides, hundreds of miles on my car. I was like whatever, some day she will pay me back. But today this bitch bought home a boy and now they're together in her room with the door shut.
Liam White
She's a shoplifter, I'm afraid she's going to steal from me if I try to kick her out. She has copy to my house keys, copy to my car key, she knows where I keep my financial records. My plan is to just tolerate her having a guy in her room and just let whatever happen but as soon as she gets a job she's going to have to pay for her own shit. I do not think she will steal from me just for refusing to give her money when she has a job.
Ian Lopez
I hope you're baiting, you stupid fuck. either way, you've managed to piss me off
Christian Reed
I'm not sure what you were expecting to get out of all this.
Hudson Perez
I have lines where I will not allow another person to cross. Physical violence. Saying words harmful to my mind. Interrupting me when I am speaking even if I talk all day. No stealing or destruction of my property
She never crossed any of these lines. What's someone going to do if his roommate who cannot be called his girlfriend gets another man in his life? She made it explicit to me multiple times after I turned her down that I am not her boyfriend, and she's right, I'm not. I can't touch her. I can't stop her from getting a boyfriend.
Jayden Thomas
You need to tell that bitch that your car is off limits, she can take the fucking bus. Also buy a safe and put all your financial documents and important items in, and when she gets a job change all the locks. Simple as
Jaxson Wright
I thought to myself that I could bring her closer to enlightenment, and watch her grow as a flower when I solved all of her material problems. Sex never really was the goal, but it would've been nice to have from time to time. I saw her actions and her problems and I saw the solution to most of them, I thought I could teach her how to change her ways.
Ayden Jenkins
You need to Green text that shit or something
Austin Allen
But start by changing the locks to your bedroom
Nathaniel Martin
I could do that, but I need justification for it mentally. What right do I really have to be outraged that she got another guy in her life? I wondered to myself about what I would do when this happened and every time the answer came up to be...nothing.
Tyler Taylor
There were repeated explicit conversations that I was NOT her boyfriend and that she was open to finding another boyfriend, I never raised any objections during those conversations. I didn't see any logical reason why I should.
Elijah Hughes
Justification to protect your belongings and plan to keep yourself protected after she gets a job and moves out? Have you forgotten that you're bringing her back to her feet? Isn't that enough satisfaction for you? You're not her father/brother/lover, you're an old work friend that has graciously offered his house, food, car to this person. Remember there's only so much you can do, you're a good person user but don't let your kindness become weakness
Aaron Sanders
If celibacy is the key to happiness, you sure don't seem happy with this arrangement. I'm guessing she felt shitty when you straight up refused her, and she immediately found another person to fill that validation she was seeking from you. She wanted to fuck you because she has nothing to offer in return for your kindness except by giving you what she thinks is a relationship or something, but with you refusing that put her on the spot, and shes got nothing else to offer. So you made her into the bad person, but she's clearly been bad before, and instead of sitting there feeling guilty for herself, she quickly embraces the change and takes advantage of the changed rules to get something back in her mind. If shes gonna be made to feel guilty about leeching off you, then she might as well go as far as she can and get something out of it emotionally/physically that she can't find with you, to smooth over that pain.
Henry Fisher
>Justification to protect your belongings and plan to keep yourself protected after she gets a job and moves out? Not that, but justification for getting angry at her for bring home a boy, I can't think of one, is she in full rights to bring home a guy?
Evan Richardson
I don't regret turning down this bitch's desire for sex.
Ryder Bailey
I have enough maturity to where I can pick and choose either to be mad and show it or to be mad and hide it, and think about it. I'm thinking right now and want other perspectives on whether or not I should rebuke her for bringing home a guy.
Bentley Hill
Well that's the problem, you didn't set the rules and now she's living like a roommate. But try and control this to only daytime visits and tell her no friends are allowed to visit
Ian Green
>having a crush on a criminal
you're both scum
Elijah Watson
Kick her and the loser with her out right fucking now. She can go and bunk at his place. There is literally nothing to be gained by having her there and now she has other dick lined up what little loyalty she may have had will be gone.
Oliver Martin
Her material problems aren't the issue. She's hard wired on a set of rules you don't even understand. She will continue to operate this way until she experiences a worse crisis than the one that made her into this. Youve given her all this freedom, but you don't have any way to change her behavior. The only thing you can hope is that some part of her will appreciate and remember what you've done.
Liam Rivera
Op doesn't want her, he's just angry that she's pushing unspoken boundaries
Juan Baker
You desperately need to remove this person from your life and every trace of them. No fucking about, no second second chances, just kick them out. Change your locks nigga. t. someone who did similar and regrets it
Josiah King
>The only thing you can hope is that some part of her will appreciate and remember what you've done. Women don't work like that, especially one like this. OP is just a lapdog that is there to allow her to continue her shitty ways. She will be planning the next move because she knows it can't continue forever.
Ryder Perry
>You need to tell that bitch that your car is off limits, she can take the fucking bus. Op I'm serious you better put this bitch on fucking leash.
Easton Smith
Asking incels: is there any advice you would take in life from any authority?
Eli Wood
That's why I treating this gently, because I feel she will backfire on me if I try to unexpectedly kick her out by changing the lock. I feel there will be a day where she will sink lower than she's ever been, and I don't want to be in her focus when that day comes. So I'm appealing to her good will to direct her hellfire somewhere else on someone else who has bruised her. With her getting a job things will change financially so this situation will be much more tolerable.
Exactly right, well I kind of want sex once in a while that would be nice, but other than that, you're right, unspoken boundaries.
Don't think he is open to taking her in.
Kevin Rogers
The leash I have on her right now is that she better fucking have her car back to my house in time for when I need the car to get to work. Once she crosses that line, there will be hell to pay and there's no way she can turn it around to blame it on me. She's a blamer, she blames other people for her problems. She literally blamed other people for her cutting herself. That's why I don't want to change the locks and wage war against her just yet, she will blame me and seek revenge. But her having the car back to my fucking house in time for my job is a spoken rule that I have bought up repeatedly.
Colton Stewart
Does she smoke/eat in your car?
Robert Perry
Something is eventually going to have to give, you or her. She will continue to push boundaries even more now that is fucking someone else. Expect to get shit stolen, your car returned late and other bullshit until you do what needs to be done.
Aaron Young
What's the problem OP, you're lonely and she's bleeding you dry, you don't want sex so its win win for eve3ryone, now go and jack it to porn
Brody Jones
>She literally blamed other people for her cutting herself. She's fucking crazy op, you're lucky you didn't fuck her. Get the safe put it in your room, change the looks in your room, buy new locks for the whole and keep them in your room until the day you've had enough or the day she leaves. Op this bitch is mentally unstable, don't fuck your life over.
Kayden Brown
I don't think that's a battle that you can win. But it will be exciting at least.
Jason Cooper
Convince her to move in with the new guy. Tell her if hes not willing to let her move in he dosent care about her
He is a beta bitch who imagined his future with her after he spent a day serving her
Charles Perry
That's something that might come up in future conversations with her yes. Indeed I knew from the start that I wasn't 100% confident with her mental state. My dick probably knew something was up too and refused to give me a boner. I already set the lines with the car being returned late. I won't let her be late on the car without consequences.
Blake Sullivan
Why not tell her if she wants to have sex the men should pick her up and take her for the night. Tell her You dont feel comfortable with stange men in your home
Joshua Sullivan
>I was deep in nofap at the time idiot confirmed
Juan Turner
Yes, you are a cuck
Jason Green
Dude, its your house. You pay her rent, her gas bills, you pay absolutely fucking everything. Why tf you refused sex is beyond me, but youre a literal cuck dude. What on this sacred earth is more cucked than PAYING YOUR FORMER CRUSH TO FUCK SOMEBODY ELSE IN YOUR HOUSE and somefuckinghow still feeling bad about it. Get a grip OP, if you dont toughen up, the world will make you its bitch; she certainly already has.
Logan Torres
That Jason Momoa guy sure looks like an asshole.
Tyler Wood
Based penis
James Martinez
Here's the thing, I have more to lose than she does when we go to war against each other.
Jace King
DUDE YOURE AFRAID OF SOMEONE WHO OWES YOU THE WORLD. STOP THIS SHIT. You hold the power here, dumbass. Set your boundaries, define the limits, or else shell abuse it. You gotta look after number one, cause or else both you and her will take care of her and youre left completely fucked. Shes inviting UNRELIABLE STRANGERS INTO YOUR HOUSE, you have every fucking right to not let her do it, and its honestly just common sense. Jesus christ OP, if you dont man up, itll only get worse. Stop being afraid of what shell do, its your life, and shes abusing the shit out of it; take control of your life, or else i swear on my sweet grandma youll regret it.
Grayson Anderson
Just say "i dont want stangers having access to my house. Please dont bring people into my house. Its fine if they pick you up for a date but you cant just let randim people in here especially without permission or me being home"
Aiden Thompson
OP unironically needs to give us his address so we can come around and sort his life out for him.
Christian Fisher
Yes, you do.
Rebuke? Nigger you are such a holier-than-thou poseur zen master, I hope this situation goes as poorly for you as it possibly can. You literally can't even be honest about why you're posting. You have to hide it behind pretending to be responsible by seeking other people's opinions on whether you have a legal and moral right to protect your property, for fuck's sakes. She's not being cool but it's because you're an absolute pretentious asshole and you deserve it. This bitch probably wants away from you 5 times as much as you want her gone.
I'm gone 10 hours a day at my job, she can go in my house and destroy my property, there's no one to protect my home but me. She can break a window or something. She has done this before to other people's houses, I didn't know this until she told me after she moved in.
Jack Campbell
>have her car back
Justin Cooper
Think of the hiv shes spreading in your sheets. shes doing it in your room like a teenager. Buy a black light!
Evan Garcia
She has him in the palm of her hand.
Matthew Adams
I don't know why people think she's doing it in my room. She has her own room. Yes, why?
Dominic Ortiz
OP gonna need some Ghostbusters shit with a blacklight and hazmat suit for his spare room after that crime pussy get done with him
Grayson Perez
Well at least you realize you're fucked. You've either got to live with her or go to war.
My war left me homeless.
Chase Rivera
>How do I change all my locks at once
Charles Lopez
To get back at daddy. You are the daddy she didn't have, you're basically raising a teen age girl
You realize the entire purpose of nofap is to fuck chicks, right?
Jaxon Perry
You sound like a total bitch op
Gavin Allen
>yes, why? Op she's fucking with you, she doesn't give three fucks about your belongings or your kindness. If she did, she would respect cleanliness of your car (assuming you don't smoke and eat in your car and keep your neat and tidy). You need to act on this op it's now or never, I'm serious.
>sorry for taking so long to reply
Gavin Perry
>Friend asks me if I can take a girl home >Accept and drive her home >Slowly she begins asking me to hang out >We go for a ride once or twice >After a while she began getting bolder and bolder with her requests >Asks me to drive my car >Cave in after a while >At one point invite her a friend of mine and a friend of hers to my apartment >She ended up fucking my friend >Further sending my friend into a depressing spiral >I got somewhat pissy >We still hang out because I'm a retard >She yells at one of my friends and he bitch slaps me in private >Finally somewhat wake up and cut down time spend with her >One of the last time I hanged out with her >We picked up one of her friends >She asks me to let her drive my car >She crashes >She offers to pay for the damages despite not following through >She is also insanely rich >Car is still fucked to this day >Later we go to one of her other friend's apartment to smoke weed >She begins basically fucking the guy right in front of me >Nope the fuck out Ignore her now and no longer spend time with her. Everytime we meet she tries to sweet talk me also she once changed her shirt in front of me and her her fat flaps made me nearly puke. She was also a total degenerate kick her out and don't look back user she isn't worth it.