Why do incels rage when theyre called out on their shit?
Why do incels rage when theyre called out on their shit?
>Why do incels rage when theyre called out on their shit?
because they are fucking stupid that's why
1. Stop plugging your own shit faggot
2. Many MGTOW are men who had girlfriends or wives but got chewed up and spit out by the system
not clicking on that link but you are probably a faggot anyway
So basically they were low tier men
>If your partner decides to leave you,
Love this mentality, perhaps you'll shoot yourself in the head when your divorce gets served, honestly, only some divorced from reality 0 experience wannabe PUA incel would actually adopt this kind of mentality "iF sHe UnhAbby It's Ur fault For not BEINg the BEST man SHE deserves"
Don't get married, retards.
man you type like a retard. Why would anyone take you seriously? Fuck off incel manlet virgin
This is the most feminine post i've seen all day. Not a single argument to their points.
Could you suck on the very end of my penis, ma'am?
No mgtow is an entirely incel based movement
Yeah fuck basic biology where men pursue women. Let's all go our own way even though we weren't ever on a path that led to women anyway!
Nice! You called him a chick. That'll teach him. A little gay to want sex from a man. That part is more of a burn on you.
Found the inceI
Yeah. They're all mgtows
You didn't even deny that you're an incel. Nice.
Oh I'm not an mgtow. You're confused.
Whatever helps you temporarily stop feeling suicidal, you incel.
I'm not suicidal. I'm not sure why mgtows all being incels triggers you so much.
What problem do you have with them exactly? Sounds like they want to keep to themselves. If every game must have winners and losers why do you care if they want to stop playing it means more winnings for you
Lurk moar. This is obviously your first day here so I'll be nice enough to recommend going to a mgtow place, like their forum, to get a clue what they are. Almost all of them are normalfags.
t. robot
checked, m'dude
Why do incels trigger normalfags so much?
Thye didn't stop playing they just lie and say their virginity is a choice. It's so transparent.
So what if they're lying. So what if they're bellyaching.
Why do YOU have to care? Would you rather they all committed ritual suicide? Would that make you feel better?
In a perfect world, nuclear holocaust
It's not. A lot of MGTOW happen to be pick-up artists who regularly get laid but refuse to commit to modern women.
>"real men"...
Fuck it I'm gonna go buy myself a skirt now.
Imagine thinking that every single person in the world see things the way you do and feel the way you do.
Found the white knight cuc.
they shatter delusion using statistics
why do normies and white knights here cringe when men go their own way and live a healthy and happy successful lifestyle ?
lol, look at me how chad am I working on strategies on how to get them bitches instead of focusing on my own good. fucking loser. Talks shit about MGTOW and puts them in the same pot with incels.
Ikr, imagine how nigger you have to be to compare incels with MGTOW, MGTOW means men who don't care about dating, while incels are pieces of shit who are desperate to get laid.
inb4 > both have in common fighting the white knights.
mgtow are largely a bunch of 30-60 year olds that got completely destroyed by some whore because she cheated on him or he got ruined in a divorce
not clearly fag, I bet most MGTOW are also younglings who just want to live well.
If they were good with women then they wouldn't be MGTOW. The only ones who follow it are virgins who don't need-no-woman. Just upgrade your character stats and complete the girlfriend questlines and you will be fine in life.
>>tfw I have a girlfriend
>>tfw she cheated on me once *barf*
>>tfw they look too happy !
>>tfw happyness not allowed ! Every man in shackles ! relationshit.
>>tfw ,braincel commenting at my post pretending to be successful with women. Fuck off nuthead.
hurr durr, divorce women, dedicate to becoming reach and getting money, fap. self improve , repeat. we don't need no bitches in our lives and we happy.
My former co-worker used to be a mgtow before he killed himself.
>be 25
>finds a wife and have 2 boys with her
>always out of home because work is in another country
>one day come back home from business trip
>locks are changed and some of his things are waiting for him outside the house
>she told him she wanted a divorce and that she was taking his kids
Fast forward 20 years
>at this point he was 45 (circa)
>finds a younger gf who seems very loyal and hardworking (31 yo)
>some time later they marry and 2 boys are born
>gets diagnosed with some sort of birt defect disease that makes your heart weak
>has medical procedure and has his heart replaced with a plastic fake one
>lost ability to have erection
>lose well paid job due to not being able to deal with the stress
>find a shit job for people with such diseases
>life goes on until one day she tells him that she is seeing somebody and wants a divorce but that he can keep his two kids
>she dumps him for a younger guy and starts some small company with the guy
>co-worker is left boys aged 8 and 10 and a shit paying meme job while both women he trusted and loved are fucking somebody else
Heh. Till death do us part, right?
Had to call loads of bullshit on this one, of course you might feel like shit but thanks to the MGTOW philosophy you'll have the possibility to evolve into the better and see the true nature.
Stop coping with all that shit, no girl will ever love you forever if you don't have something to give back. Either convert to Islam or go MGTOW. the clear chad choice.
we really need sexbots so we can finally ignore the roastie menace once and for all
fuck off with this tough guy psychopathic bullshit, you're even more disgusting than the whores in that story
what lmao. I am all for self improvement. Just don't use your lack of chad-hood status as an excuse to not improve yourself
I dont really care if you believe me or not. I believed him.
I dont think that he was a 100% saint but come on, this is just fucked. I dont think a woman is going to love me forever but I feel like they should oblige their part of the contract - marriage. He was there for her when she needed it and she wasnt. I just hope he has calm eternal sleep now.
why do sluts/whores rage when they get called out on their bullshit ass double standards
get fucked op
Believe it or not, bots will do.
I'm all for them over women.
why do normies and whiteknights even come here if they are so satisfied and fulfilled with their own vain lives ?
you're full of shit and I hope you die a violent terrible death sometime soon.
the only reason incels are incels is because they are physically ugly/unattractive by birth default and genetics and there isn't a goddamned thing they could have done to prevent it or change it. No one asked to be birthed into this shitty hellhole of a world in the first place, but speaking for me personally my self preservation instincts are deeply ingrained and its like mentally impossible to will myself to an hero, I've tried it numerous times, it wont work. so now im stuck here with you awful, evil retarded fucking breeding sex having normalscum apes until natural death/fate/god decides its time for me to die. Now fuck off and go back to twitter or whatever cesspit you crawled out of
>tfw MGTOW and still had sex
marriage is just not a fair arrangement lol idk why retards have a problem with this
im no incel but you gotta be a massive puss to disable comments
there's definitely some inbreeding going on here due to white knighting apes that crawl here daily or incels crying about the shit that happens to them.
Why do you think normies are here? The whiteknighting is all done by incels who are incels because females despise male feminists