So lads, I decided to try tinder and after almost a week I've matched with some qts and already fucked 1...

So lads, I decided to try tinder and after almost a week I've matched with some qts and already fucked 1, but it seems very devoid of anything worth your time in the long run.

>most women on it are thots or chavs drenched in makeup
>have their tits literally hanging out or nips visible
>there are a lot of foreign Uni students who want to fuck as many men from another country as possible
>slags basically just advertising their shitty Instagram account
>even if you meet a wholesome looking girl the conversation turns to sex withing an hour
>none are interested in anything more than casual fucking, which means you'll probably catch god knows what from the 10 other guys she has taken dick from in the last week
>a fuck ton of them seem to have a kid already

How are you supposed to find an actual gf, not some slag that just wants a few quick dickings in this day and age, as a post university adult male? I feel more depressed after using this and emptying my sack in a girl than I did before I installed it.

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Have sex incel. Have sex.

Bait or not bait? How do you meet them? I used for a while and started texting. I only have success with offline bitches though so deleted and felt like was wasting time.

I know where you are coming from, I separated from my spouse of several years, exactly a year ago next month. Started using dating apps in November, the first girl I met on there I tried to court traditionally, talked entirely too much about my ex and where my life was at with her for months, we went on a date, kissed and she rejected me thereafter as far as pursing a relationship which in retrospect probably saved my mental health.

Since then I have used it for hook ups, I would say from this time on average I meet one or two new girls from it in a week for drinks/sex.

It is okay, I like the undeniable dopamine rush of meeting an attractive stranger and using word play to get them in bed. I am lonely though

Really fucking lonely, which is a horrible mindset to try and get in a relationship with; I have accepted I am most likely going to be alone forever. At least I have my niece I can spoil, that is basically my only family that has not been abusive.

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Bait, but if not where'd you live in UK and don't look for a gf on tinder.
What other apps do you use ?

Tinder and Bumble are the only ones I have liked so far. Tinder is by far the one where I am most (popular) but Bumble has better looking girls in my experience

Bumble seemingly only works for me like the first day though, after that I never get matches

How exactly? Either you've never used it or you're a virgin/both, everything said was 100% accurate.

I use it, the fact that he's looking for a gf on a hookup site is what makes this bait like.

Fuck you normalfag tea bitch

Tinder? Nigger what are you doing
Make yourself a favor and try TanTan. I made a catfish account with the picture of an average random guy I found on Facebook and the chinks says "you're so handsome"

Forgot pic
And typing an original fucking comment. I HATE CAPTCHAS.

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Tinder was meant to be a prostitution app op. You'll never found anything wholesome in that jewish shit.

I don't understand, here in france the girls on Tinder are only looking fir serious relationship. Or once I fuck them they think we are in a relathionship. If you start to talk about hookups you get unmatched. How do you find he hookup girls?

It must just be the cultural difference, while I do not have anything on my profile denoting a desire for a relationship I seldom mention sex until I know pretty much all there is to know about an acquaintance. Usually after 6+ hours of texting that is when they typically tend to initiate sending nudes and such

The only girls that seem to want a relationship here that I have come across tend to be black, which I am attracted to them but would prefer someone white

You're on tinder retard

Incels: this clearly boring and autistic person can get a girl. You have no excuses.

Why no one is interested in long run with you is because you're a fuckboy.

Try bumble, user. And put up long term dating as your requirement. We women need more men in bumble.

There is literally no one on Bumble

I never ever got nudes send to me. Maybe French women aren't like the American whores or I don't know how to bring it up. Most of the time we end up speaking about music, culure, literature, jokes, travel etc Also most of them have degrees and high status job like engineers, management, marketing, dentists, doctors. Men are fucked we cannot compete with women anymore, we're clearly lagging behing.

Wtf where are the whores?

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Trade places nigga, I would love to talk to a bitch that wants to talk about more than black dick.

My last match is literally a cute blonde girl telling me she already loves me because of my funny reference to Moliere in my profile.
Why can't she love me for my fuckin dick? Stop projeting women, I'm a 29yo student loser, geez. I'm not a fuckin intern like you with a brillant career ahead. FUCK FUCK FUCK !

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Lol I think it is hilarious how we are polar opposites stuck in the same situation.

Gave it a thought for a second and what it may be is while I am 25 people regularly ask me if I had made my Facebook when I was younger making my age incorrect today. I look like I am going into high school or college at absolute oldest so it could be we are just attracting different age ranges of women with different goals in mind

Maybe when I am older I can find me a good girl

>the first girl I met on there I tried to court traditionally, talked entirely too much about my ex and where my life was at with her for months, we went on a date, kissed and she rejected me
jesus this is a blackpill
>try to not be an asshole
>get rejected because tinder sloots want to fuck random assholes

anglo civilization is circling the drain

In fact it's heartbreaking because I realize that if my life wasn't fucked up I could have literally settle with a cute doctor gf because it seems they dig my profile, but I'm a loser and it would never work in the long run. So I would rather chase whores out of despair and loneliness.

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My brother married a doctor but she is black and very dark, which was not his type at all before he married her. I am not saying he is not attracted to her, but I need my next wife to be white

post your profile, maybe it's the way you present yourself

>the matches who I'd like to fuck have "no ONS! serious relationships only" on their profile
>the matches I'd like to date have "open for everything" on it
damn, why do whores gotta be so cute

if you aren't getting nudes or fucking them, whats the point?

If by my age (29-30) you have your shit together, you can hold a conversation, and look good and quite tall, you are golden.
If I had a career right now I would be drowning in quality pussies.

It's in French you couldn't read it

We want to see your pics, not the bio; you already told us what was in it
>quite tall

True I think I will be alright, I am 6ft 3 its just a matter of meeting that person

Nothing crazy, I'm not a Chad

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Therefore it confirm the r9k theory that there is a surplus of high status women and a lack of men that can stand up to them. So you have legions of those women on dating sites

Dur dur negro.

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>got laid
fuck off nigger

There's no Asian people in my country, so I could not have sex even if we wanted
If you are mutt or european should be easy for you, lucky bastards

maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate are you studying languages?

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Yes I do sir, trying to learn your fuckin language, literature and civilisation so I can flip burgers with more efficiency

SACREBLEU Stop right there lad, I am sort of a cousin for you ethymologically speaking

I just wanna fuck generic sluts but all I can attract are """unique""" red haired pseudo-intellectuals FUCK

Anyway, burger flipping may be considered an art. Not as much as rotating pizzas, yet it might deliver the idea of an artist showing his best skills...

Women refuse to fuck burger flippers though.

I am just about to trap a girl to have to be with me off Tinder, most of them dont day anything if you dont wear a condom anyway

With the new GA abortion laws I am just going to straight up nut in the next date I have then she will have to stay with me and love me

True, actually the frog I am love the english language

That's so true and sad at the same time...... Why can't they be a little more open ?

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>Get like 3 likes
>No matches yet

I just like the girls I know I'd like to have a relationship with, so I mostly filter out anyone with no bio and thot pictures.
Also, I probably have the most boring bio of all Tinder, because is just "I like this, this and that". Any tips on writing a good bio?

*am in love with the ... , my fellow linguist!
Keep it up, you will be going places with your language skills!

Me not said I was good writing the English.

Are you some kind of a brain exiled yoda?

>tfw Jean-Luke's training wasn't completed

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Here's a redpill for you OP
>Tinder has made getting casual sex super easy
>Casual sex isn't fulfilling
This creates a benefit for finding a GF actually, but not on Tinder.
>Girls who left Tinder are now expecting most men to be into hookup culture. Since the girls are ex-tinder users, they are MORE open to talking and dating guys they meet in public. A guy approaching me on the train? He must just want sex...Wait, he says he doesn't like the hookup scene? IS THIS MY FUTURE HUSBAND? YES HERE'S MY NUMBER
and also B, girls who never used tinder but are aware of it and are surprised when they meet guys who aren't into it.
>I wish I could meet an user who doesn't care about Tinder, hookups, etc. I just want a nice guy. I guess I'll go to the bookstore and read some sad books. Oh who is that guy? He looks nice! I'm gonna smile at him as he walks by. Omg he smiled back.
Few minutes later just go approach her and say something casual like you would say to any stranger. Then talk to her casually until she opens up and then ask more personal questions and get her number before you leave.
Girls who like you are just as eager for you to ask for their number as you are to ask them. If you sense there's a spark, don't be afraid. Girls are hungry for actual boyfriends in 2019. Good luck.

Good advice here user, I am going to find a qt3.14 gf to love me and just supplement my loneliness with dating apps until then

this is only a "redpill" if you're extremely attractive

>>Girls who left Tinder are now expecting most men to be into hookup culture. Since the girls are ex-tinder users, they are MORE open to talking and dating guys they meet in public.
oh boy i have had some experiences IRL like this... most recently i went up to a gril in LA's Museum of Contemporary Art and we had a really nice conversation about the art in a particular gallery. then she said she was thirsty and i suggested we hit the cafe. we went dutch. then over coffee she started telling me about how hard it is to date and that she hates Tinder and Bumble but can't stay away from them. and she just "keep[s] getting fucked by assholes" (her exact words). I got her name and instagram account but no phone number.
the problem for me is that i just cannot get over the fact that a women who slutted it up with 20 (or whatever, probably higher) guys is:
1: not gonna pull a bunch of prudish "i already did that with chad, you only get starfish sex" behavior, and
2: actually capable of being in a successful long term relationship after so much casual sex

>how hard it is to date and that she hates Tinder and Bumble but can't stay away from them.
Not a woman but same dog, like I know exactly how every single hook up on Tinder will end (not with a healthy long term relationship) but it is like a game I am addicted to. You never know who you are going to meet next, the best mystery box in all history

This. Bumble, OKCupid, match and so on are all dead as hell if you don't live in NYC or something

OKCupid is live as hell here for me in Atlanta, I had never used it before and I am happy with the results thus far. Bumble pisses me the fuck off though
>first day get maybe 10 likes
>match with 6 or so of them, selective swiper generally
>use my extension on the qtest
>2/6 will inevitably allow the time to expire
Now of the four left these are usually the hottest girl I have seen on any dating site, credit where it is due. But after this first day I never ever ever get liked again

I literally have to remake my account every single time and the same thing happens every single time

What fucking fantasy land do you live in where women date average guys they just meet on a train or bookstore? That practically never happens outside of shitty books/movies...... Statistics based ON REAL LIFE BACK THIS UP. Even if it did, it would only work for Chad's..... Just like every other way of meeting modern women.

Samefagging is for cocksuckers.

Ok but what about Grindr?

i'm not samefagging pal, there are 23 posters in this thread

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Pretty much this. Stop whining about women and go have sex. It'll fix everything that's wrong with you. Sex is literally the solution to any problem or doubt about women you have. And it's so easy to get it.

Sex, bro. Just have it.

Dude i live in germany and litterally no gitl seems to look for casual sex on tinder

I'm in France, have a career, by now I'm 34 but I was 31 when I tried Tinder.

Very few matches.

But then again I'm a foreigner and that shit scares off about 89% of the French girls because "uhh, I am sorry, but my English not so good".

Went on dates with 10 or so women, didn't even get a kiss.

>be german
>go to german tinder
>all you see are girls of these categories:
>a) claims to be atravel/sports-addict who went to college/university with all the epic and wonderful selfies on a mountaintop and exotic places only looking for something serious
>b) self proclaimed special snowflakes with the same quotes and selfie poses everyone else has
>c) good looking sluts with the same poses as categories above but more suggestive cleavage and ass, looking for something serious
>d) single moms who went to college and tell you to fuck off if you dont want something serious
>e) a combination of everything mentioned above

It's hard to find interesting and real profiles. IF a woman replies to you its really really boring because they rarely have something to say. Everyone seems to lead a very special and super exciting life already, finds the time and money to travel everywhere all while performing a highly paid job. And they all are linked in spirit, somehow, because their profile pictures seem so similar.

It's absolutely magical.

Hit the nail on the head, I truly do not understand where these women get all this fucking money to travel literally all over the world for shitty instagram pictures while supposedly working in a high tier management position that would surely require insanely long weekly hours. It's not like they have just a few photos, there's utterly hundreds is every country you can imagine, and every other woman really does seem to have the exact same photos and shit, yet we get shit for taking repetitive photos and being "boring".

I'm just a plain and simple dude, how can I even compete (I already know I can't so I should probably stop attempting at 30 years old). I think I'm just fucked, and I'd imagine so are probably 30 - 50% of other males unless you were lucky enough to meet the love of your life during school/college/uni.

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You can meet people more easily if you are older. You are bound to meet women who look for something more substantial in the real world. Tinder hoes don't know what they want, or just pretend.

>while supposedly working in a high tier management position
The worst thing is that I find a lot of women on their 20s in Tinder who are either students or work on low-level jobs that pay just minimum wage and do this shit plus going to hundreds of music festival and wearing brand clothes.
Why are they on Tinder then?

How do you talk to girls?
>either find some dumb comment to make about their name or bio
>or comment on their bio if they dont have one
>dont know how to small talk
Do I just immediately say "hey lets get coffee" or some shit? What are some good excuses (or lies) for being NEET living with mother?