There was a thread about BPD a couple days ago. There was a lot of people spreading disinfo. I think when some people on this board feel sad or angry, they think that they'll feel better if they can tell a lie that causes someone else to also feel like they do
I have BPD and I've never cheated on anyone. I have been cheated on several times though. I was bullied as a kid, but never physically, sexually, or mentally abused. I don't do drugs, and I don't sleep around. I've thought about it, letting my life get so out of control it doesnt even matter anymore has been tempting, but I've never done it I don't manipulate or hurt people for fun. When I feel low, starting arguments distracts me from it. When I'm stressed, lashing out at someone can help me vent, and if they get mad then I know they care what I think. If I feel suicidal, pushing everyone away means its okay if I die because I don't matter anymore. At the same time I'm terrified of being abandoned. People around me always leave eventually whether I push them away or not. I need reassurance that people close to me still want to be close to me. Saying it isn't always enough and sometimes I create situations where they'll show they care Sometimes someone trying to care about me can be irritating, if I just want to be left alone, or can't see why they'd care about me. It can even feel like they're being manipulative, especially if they recognize my patterns of behavior and use that against me. I get extremely attached very quickly, even when I know it's going to end in disappointment or disaster. I feel toxic, like I'm just bad for everyone around me. But being alone is scary. BPD is a huge meme on this board and a lot of what is said is either overly emotional or flat out untrue.I just wanted to share how it actually feels
It's not much fun. I'm aware how unpredictable and annoying I must be. It not only makes things difficult for intimate relationships, but family too
John Hughes
Try to control it bitch Im sure youve ruined poor boys heads and hearts. Attaching yourself to people quickly hurts those youve known
Eli Rodriguez
>try to control your personality Doesn't work that way chief. I meet someone, I get attached, I never want them to leave me, I need them to tell me they love me constantly, and then they cheat on me Has happened 3 times now.
Julian Rivera
You know how to get attention. Post them titties.
Isaiah Garcia
You seem to know your problem you have to try to act on it. Most bpd chicks dont have a clue or just dont care
Evan Gray
>Do not post pictures of yourself on Jow Forums. >Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users. I'm aware but I still can't control it. And I think a lot of accounts of BPD girls from here are either extremely one sided emotionally driven bids for sympathy or flat out lies. The portrayal here tends to be that BPD are deliberate psychopaths who want to hurt you
Leo Howard
The problem is that they dont do it on purpose (so they say) and can ruin someones life by getting attached quickly then hurting them in many ways
Nathaniel Howard
I wouldn't trust anyone's account of BPD girls on this board. As I said in the OP, I think a lot of people on here are sad and angry and feel better by making you feel sad and angry. They want to give you reasons to hate and mistrust women because they hate and mistrust them, even if it means lying to convince you
Noah Perry
BPD is the most disingenuous fake problem I've heard of, right up there with autism. You don't have a disorder, you're just a cunt who thinks the world should tolerate your childish tantrums. This is what comes of not giving kids a hard slap when they act up.
John Wilson
Didn't mean to double quote there
Joshua Cooper
Get a therapist wet hole
Jayden Cruz
You can post them on /soc/. You have posted nudes there before right?
Andrew Price
Will your depression be cured if I just tell you to cheer up?
I know there's fundamental problems with the way I think, but it's nothing to do with immaturity. Here. This might help you understand the thought process better than me telling you
You guys are right I'm pathetic I guess I should just kill myself...
Benjamin Cooper
You said yourself you play with peoples emotions just so you can feel better dont you see how shitty that is
Charles Martin
Yes you should. One less roastie
Parker Collins
I was in counselling for a while but only ever came out feeling worse I don't think there's much therapy can do about BPD. The solution is essentially letting people know so they can treat you differently, which isn't what I want My butt has been on /s/
Bentley Anderson
nope not going to now, blame the ASSHOLES who are telling me that I'm not mentally ill and my problems are actually my fault because that's so untrue it makes me sick
Jack White
I don't think I did say that actually. You make it sound sadistic when it isn't Don't reply to retards who get mad at the idea that people might believe women aren't monsters. The fact hes trying to derail the thread and pretend to be me is evidence of how these people can't just let BPD people tell the truth. They have to interject and convince you they're crazy Fuck off my dude
David Anderson
You cant blame an illness for things that you have done. Its your fault accept that. Maybe youll understand better
Jason Brown
You're replying to bait. If BPD girls are so crazy, why does he have to pretend to be me to convince you of that?
Luis Peterson
It's literally not though I'm mentally ill and it's because of my parents so how the fuck can you say that the things I do because of an illness that was thrusted up me are my fault
James Nguyen
You're wasting your time gaylord.
Nathaniel Howard
*upon goddammit you incels are making me so mad I'm making typos
Connor Turner
Seriously user, you clearly hate BPD girls. But if theyre as bad as you think, why can't you let me talk and show I'm crazxy? Why do you have to LARP to make me look bad? Thats pretty unbalanced behavior
Logan Hill
Post tit then instead of getting your thread derailed pleb
Anthony Davis
Nope. I'm here for a QnA thanks. I'm sure you kind find titties on the internet on your own
Zachary Green
Not sure how to feel. I try to be nice to everyone, but my last gf had BPD and cheated on a ton and lied the entire relationship. Don't know how to function anymore because of her
Kayden Moore
Like seriously I'm a funny and interesting girl with a unique condition, I'm not like the other girls but none of you are smart enough to think of questions for me wow just wow do I literally need to start cutting myself to get some attention over here?
Kevin Gray
And I bet you blame her for all of that right? You do realise BPD excuses pretty much any behavior don't you? It's literally not our fault but assholes like you try to make us feel bad for something we can't control.
Hunter Anderson
I've actually had a GF with BPD and i realized she had it when we broke up, because she didn't mention it before. If only i knew, then i would have been more patient with her
Here's a question if BPD girls are like this why did my gf cheat on me so much? I told her I loved her all day and literally did anything for her
Robert Perry
Omg poor thing, I wanna orbit you, can I?
Zachary Robinson
Cheating may have nothing to do with BPD though. Plenty of people without BPD cheat and fuck up relationships. As I've already said I have it and have never cheated at all, only been cheated on Don't you get bored? Thats nice to hear. I feel like I can never be in a functioning relationship because of my BPD. I hate not knowing for sure if my previous partners left me because they were just unfaithful people who wanted to sleep around, or because I was being weird due to BPD Don't reply to bait
Hudson Nguyen
Its NOT OUR FAULT We have a condition, we act out sometimes, obviously she needed more love and patience than you were capable of giving, I can't believe you hurt a sick person the way you did.
Wyatt Rivera
I don't like orbiters, and I don't have Discord. I just want to talk about my experiences and counter LARPing retards who think that even though BPD girls are self evidently crazy they still have to impersonate them and act crazy so people will think they're crazy. Oh look, there he is again
Henry Green
If you BTFO the asshole who keeps impersonating me then maybe
Mason Fisher
Too late, I already replied to that one, dingus
Ethan Thomas
>Thats nice to hear. I feel like I can never be in a functioning relationship because of my BPD. I hate not knowing for sure if my previous partners left me because they were just unfaithful people who wanted to sleep around, or because I was being weird due to BPD Well my issue was that i broke up with her, because she cheated on me. I was kind of angry at her before due to her illness, but the thing is that i was being patient, but that cheat basically broke me out of it It's actually one of the reasons i'm so cautious about being in relationships and barely interact with people in the 1st place
Austin Garcia
Don't even know what tf orbiting is
Grayson Gonzalez
I can't believe you're acting like the victim when you turned your back on a sick person, GTFO of my thread
Connor Powell
All I'm saying is that it BPD girls don't inherently cheat, and just because someone with BPD cheated doesn't mean it was because of the BPD. Plenty of people who don't have it still cheat and theres no point getting irrationally angry like LARP user and trying to demonize girls with BPD o that I'm saying you're being irrationally angry, just giving an example of what this sort of thought leads to
Nathaniel Ortiz
Can I orbit you both then? You two seem very damaged human beings who needs safely distant, sexless platonic love :(
Jason Thomas
People who obsess over a girl, usually on the internet with no hope of ever being with her, therefore they orbit
Elijah Fisher
Because she turned her back on me. We didn't even had sex, but her virginity was taken by another person, how tf do you expect me to accept that kind of person who can't even make up their mind with who they want to be?
Yeah sure, go orbit LARP user, he seems like he needs the attention
Tyler Morales
You're replying to the LARPer again. Here's a protip, if a post seems rushed and focussed on trying to sound irrational, it's LARP user. For some reason he thinks that even though BPD girls are crazy, he can't just let them talk for themselves and show that they're crazy, he has to pretend to be them and act crazy so everyone knows. Pretty sane behavior, obviously
Michael Adams
Because she was SICK and not accountable for her actions but all you could think about was yourself you truly are scum
Gavin James
>she was SICK Then let's just cure her... by killing them!
Jaxson Reyes
The portrayal of any women, of attractive men, and of anyone who could be considered "normal" here, coincidentally, is also as psychopaths who want to hurt you
Jacob Rogers
The most pathetic fucking shit a man can ever do. If more guys would stop feeding so much attention to women you'd be surprised how quickly the male-female dynamic would improve Oregiany
Nathan Turner
That's not what she said at all, you're not even trying.
Liam Rivera
People seem to forget about the males that go through abusive cheating relationships in favor of the femanons...
Christian Gray
ummm... no. True love is romantic respect for one another, even when they are sick. If that respect is broken, there is nowhere to go anymore and just seperate, she can do whatever she wants and i'm not dealing with that bullshit
Jaxson Green
Ill give u a hard slap for acting up posting shit on my board, son
Elijah Williams
I guess so. But I think this is particularly malicious. I mean there's a faggot in this thread going out of his way to lie to make BPD girls look worse than they are. I don't think it's very fair and I think actually talking about the reality of the condition sometimes is important instead of just perpetuating lies to make other people mad
Jacob Sullivan
It has every thing to do with immaturity. A child has no control, no internal process to understand that the world doesn't revolve it and its immediate id-fueled needs and desires. Growing up, maturing, means understanding that it shares a reality with other consciousnesses that also have the same competing demands for resources, attention and space. Using a fake made-up disease as a crutch to delay this painful but necessary process is another symptom of your immaturity and refusal to acknowledge the agency of others.
Nolan Thomas
LARPanon here, I got you! For every (You) you give me I jam this dildo 1 inch deeper in my asshole, I'll upload the vid to PornHub later don't miss it!
Grow out of your depression then. Why are you even on this board if you think people have full control of their mental illnesses?
Hudson Perry
Imagine, just for one second, being such a fucking failure in life that you feel the need to bully a girl on the internet by impersonating her on a Chilean bicycle-welding forum, but you fail at even that
Xavier Powell
Fuck it I'll just start using a trip since this asshole isn't going away.
You can't hold her to the same expectations as everyone else user, you took her in and made her think you'd be there for her and then literally abandoned her because of how her illness made her act, can't you see how you were the one at fault?
David Diaz
I don't need to be white knighted. Just ignore him and he'll get bored before I do I would never trip in my life. If someone wanted to know it was me I'd ask them to reply to the OP and post my (You) Lame attempt
Anthony Lee
Thank you user if you stay and BTFO him I'll add you on discord
I honestly pity your pathetic need to try to derail my thread, you must be so frustrated.
Grayson Kelly
>For every (You) you give me I jam this dildo 1 inch deeper in my asshole Hehe, bwoi!
Who cares about males, they can man up and love themselves. It's different for my queen
Christian Morgan
You type far shorter messages than i do because you're desperately trying to reply to things beofre I can instead of actually writing out a response. You also say things like "BTFO" "sick" and "asshole" which I've never said in this thread. Careful to take the trip off next time you reply to yourself or you're going to look silly.
Thomas Watson
She abandoned me, y'know. I simply let her have it
and she instantly had a new "friend", so who am i to hold her back?
You. I like you. This is how men should think but they're all so goddamn entitled.
Ryder Wilson
This sperg is unreasonably socially maladjusted, this thread is a fucking comedy
Colton Thompson
Yes she was lucky that a real man stepped in and softened the blow but if you pushed her to the point where she ended it then that's even worse, you forced her to have to do something really difficult, it's not easy to break up with someone so that's even more trauma that you're responsible for.
Easton Butler
I'm not responsible for anything in her life and she can suck his dick off as much as she wants for all i care and females with BPD should just be killed off, they are worthless pieces of garbage anyways, might aswell recycle them
Gabriel Martinez
Wow ok that's reasonable, just kill us all off because you're not strong enough to deal with us well thank you for your rational contribution to the discussion, bye now.
Evan Harris
It is a little funny. I don't think I even care about a QnA at this point. It seems like most people actually already know BPD girls arent as bad as LARPanon desperately wants them to be. Do you bring anything to the table that makes your life more valuable than a BPD girl? Getting so angry you wish people you've never met before is quite irrational. Do you consider yourslef mentally healthy? And if not what makes you less worthy of death than BPD girls?
Hunter Thompson
Kek, you leaving?
Dylan Peterson
No LARP user will never leave. He just thinks that's what a girl would say so he said it
William Lee
you seem self aware about all of these things, like starting arguments to make you feel better, lashing out to vent, etc. You know these things aren't OK, you said it yourself you feel toxic. Why do you still do these things, and why haven't you tried to find a better way to cope?
Jonathan Roberts
>you less worthy of death than BPD girls? Sick bitches get put down
It sort of feels like when you want to cry. Like even if you know you shouldn't and you try not to, it can still happen. Its like that. I know I shouldn't try to make people hate me when I feel suicidal, but at the same time it feels like thats better than killing myself and making them sad. I know it's not always logical but that's kind of what mental illness is. Illogical shit that seems right at the time
Aiden Miller
I know, i simply like to toy with them and make em angery
Tyler Morris
So to summarise, my lack of self control is an illness and isn't my fault and I should be made an exception for whenever I act like a cunt.
Leo Peterson
That's not what I'm saying at all. I actually hate how I behave sometimes, it's part of what makes me feel toxic. But what I mean is that just because I know I shouldn't do some of the things I do doesn't mean I can stop it in the moment. it's easy to get swept up in emotion and follow illogical thoughts. Recognizing the issue and actually being in control of it are completely different things
Xavier Anderson
Like I KNOW it's bad and it makes me and other people feel bad but I just kinda do it anyway lol it must be because I'm sick and not because I don't face any real consequences for being a cunt to people.
Samuel Thompson
I've faced plenty of consequences. How I behave has damaged relationships with friends and family as well as intimate relationships. Your posts really seem like you're venting your anger on an imaginary BPD girl that just isn't me. We don't have to talk about the purely nagative side of things. I often need reassurance that my partner isn't going to leave me because I've been abandoned so many times.I get very anxious when they don't reply or if they don't talk to me for a while, even if they had perfectly good reasons and I was just being scared for nothing. That doesn't hurt anyone. It's also not a feeling I can control.
Nathan White
right, i get the impulses are strong, but do you have ANY plan for dealing with it? like training yourself to recognize when it happens, taking steps to try and prevent it when it does, etc? or at least a plan to figure a future plan for these things, e.g. seeing a therapist/psychiatrist? it's probably never going to feel right, since you'll be fighting what feels right to do at the tims, but we were gifted with a higher order thinking system for a reason, and just because it's hard to do doesn't make it OK to not do it (not tryna put you down, but the "there is nothing i can do about it" attitude among the mentally ill to enable their shittiness [whether or not they like it, clearly you don't if you feel toxic] is really vexing)
Adrian Hernandez
I'm not depressed. Why do you think I'm depressed? You made an assumption about me and then your internal thought mechanism was, "I think this is true, therefore it is, and I will continue to act as though my assumptions are objective truths," much like a child would. Except you're not a child, you're a coddled piece of shit. Furthermore, Jow Forums is not the designated Icelandic mental-illness and deep-water rafting containment board, and no amount of sophistry on your part will make it so.
Owen Johnson
Most humans are pretty intelligent and do tend to try and avoid misinformation, though there could certainly be much more effort given to making the truth about such things more collectively obvious. Due to several distinct aspects of human nature, exhibitionist spergs like shawn here just tend to stand out more
Ayden Wright
>Im gay and like dicks Tru
Ryder Cruz
I mean having a relationship damaged because I acted like a cunt is a real consequence. It totally hurts me to see that I've hurt someone by acting like a cunt, and even though I can always move onto someone else and start treating them like shit trust me, it hurts to be an uncontrolled cunt to people.
Anthony Edwards
As you all can see, user here is really clever and figured it all out
Mason Rogers
Even though I absolutely hate you whores littering my board with your attention whoring at least you seem to be down to earth with your issues instead of playing the BPD card to excuse every shitty thing you do. I can appreciate that, still, get the fuck out of my board.
I don't want to see a therapist about it. I said earlier that counseling made me feel worse and the therapy is essentially telling everyone around you so they can be aware of it, and that's not something I want. Besides, I'm actually very functional day to day. Sometimes I can assume the worst intentions behind things other people do, or get anxious, but I'm very good at hiding it and it doesnt publicly affect anyone. It's only very close friendships or intimate relationships where I don't try to hide it and then it becomes an issue. And even then, its mostly something that tears me up inside rather than affecting my partner much. I was very insecure with my last partner and they did end up cheating on me, but I never lashed out or allowed them to see anything too bad, however I would cry in front of close friends and came close to self harming for the first time in a long time. The worst the partner ever saw was me needing reassurance they weren't going to leave me. Eventually they cheated on me. How much of that was because I was too needy, I don't know.
My ultimate solution is just to seclude myself and die alone, inflicting my presence on as few people as possible No, I didn't assume. That implies I thought it was definitely true. You're on Jow Forums the odds of you being depressed are pretty high, so I said that whether it was true or not. The bottom line is, you're in the wrong place to be telling people to pull themselves up by their boot straps and stop calling bad habits illness I'm pleasantly surprised at how rational most people ITT are being I'm not here for you to vent your issues on man. As I was trying to point out in the post you're replying to, relationships can be negatively affected without hurting the other person. I need reassurance my partner isn't going to leave me with no warning or cheat on me, it's a huge source of anxiety for me, and I think this neediness can drive people away. Doesn't hurt them
Matthew Richardson
Glad to have made a difference. Can I stay if I awoo~?
Isaiah Carter
If only people would accept the idea that I'm literally powerless to stop myself from treating people like shit. But at least I'm interesting enough to make threads about myself and center discussions around me and my "illness"gender
Julian Cox
You've got some deep seated anger. I'm not responsible for that though. If you want to go fight a strawman of some BPD girl you're mad at, this isn't the thread for that. I've been very patient and explained how I think and how my BPD affects others and all you do is misrepresent what I say so you can be mad