>people born between 1940 and 1975 basically got guaranteed access to pensions and amazing health insurance plans >accounting for inflation the average price for a house has tripled in the last 40 years while wages growth is stagnant >minimum wage, while still the same if you adjust for inflation, can't pay for a studio apartment with utilities/food included >an entry level job just half a generation ago could afford you a nice starter apartment >your 40 hours a week is worth less than someone else's 40 hours a week 30 years ago >boomers think this is okay
How come faggots born in the 60's had it so easy? entry level jobs were a plenty and you could actually afford to rent a place while saving money. why doesn't working 40 hours a week guarantee you a roof over your head anymore?
Boomers fucked both the economy and demographics of this country
Gabriel Ward
I just don't understand why bloated pensions even existed in the first place. boomers are literally draining the economy with their benefits. Why the fuck is a retired person who made 90k a year receiving a 70k a year pension? it doesn't make any sense. they're not working, they're not contributing, they're just sucking up money.
Charles Kelly
Same here in the UK
Inflation happened and wage increase didn't
>corporate greed is my favourite
Michael Cooper
In 1960 only 3 billion people were on earth. Now there are 8 billion. While resources/ space is finite. That's is why your labor is so devalued compared to then.
Matthew Gomez
Because they werent engaged in wholesale population replacement with sandniggers chinks and somalians
There is literally no other answer, under natsoc we couldve been in a position where noone would have to work anymore in 20 years, but because jews have stolen the future and sold it to >65 iq africans were just going to be in a gross pyramid scheme forever dependant on keeping the farce going
Japan came incredibly close to reaching the utopia stage, but now theyre gonna get niggerzogged like the rest of the world
The planet belongs to useless niggers and there nothing you can do about it
David Brown
Boomers literally do not give a flying fuck about the long term future, that's why they sold out their own nation's future for cheap shit and quick gains.
James Lewis
????? Most of your money is spent on military m8.
Zachary Torres
Yes, globalists want endless warfare and to ship all our remaining wealth to the third world while replacing us with shits who will work for next to nothing. And virtually nobody is doing anything to stop it.
Luke Lopez
well thank all nice guys coming from the third world for that situation. you should open the borders and give a hug and you should be tankful for more fuckers to enter yo racist country.
Carson Roberts
build that minefield
Joseph Ramirez
Why don't you work for 'next to nothing' then? Oh right because you are a neet incel with no qualifications who wouldnt have a job even if there were no immigrants.
Mason King
>why don't you just work for nothing Because western civilization is my birthright, I'm not some chicom bug person.
Lincoln Hall
Wow we are so manly we are going to automate everything and bring in a million immigrants and vote in a fat orange kike grapefruit sissy and then when we drive down your wages just manu up and pull up your boot straps son, wow we are real men we work less for more money so badass and hardcore boomers yeah!!!!! Don't even have to finish highschool for equivalent 20 dollars an hour, what a fucking badass!
Boomers are the biggest voting population, so the people who got elected were the ones who promised them these things
Luis Fisher
>Don't even have to finish highschool for equivalent 20 dollars an hour
it's so true. between 1960-1980 the equivalent to 20 dollars an hour jobs were so readily available to high school graduates. even non-graduates could make a living.
imagine graduating high school and then working in a factory for 20 dollars an hour. houses were pretty inexpensive too. you could actually afford a down payment on a house within a year
aaaaaaahhhhhhh you can't post that on a christian board aaaahhhhhhhh her nip is showwiiiinnnnngggggg
Jacob Perry
We love wojak A LOT more than you, cumbrain hipster newfag!
John Miller
Not at all what happened child. Things like outsourcing and automation and corporate mergers matter much more than that.
Julian Rogers
Stuff is cheaper in other countries. The nignogs get out money and it means something there. They get our jobs then send it back home, the cash, either way.
Silly fuck. He's a silly poltard but still. You're both being simple about things.
Jackson Wright
>be 60s-70s >dodge draft >make fake ID card with literally color pencils and laminate it >make fake checks easy too >don't even have to because jobs were actually there >guys that did do corrupt shit got hired by the FBI to work for even moar cash >Frank is super rich after being super rich illegally
Their lives were literally peak.
>his first victim was his own father >gets only 12 months in jail for being a super villain >FBI makes him rich
I mean, jus fuckin' LOOK AT IT
Versus being thankful (as if) over someday getting average wages after college. Derpy society actually goes for it. They actually do back breaking work out there in a land where more and more is banned and we get less and less rights for a third of average pay as starting pay. WITH the same education that got yesterday's kids average.
They did go through the war shit but back then there was no real all seeing eye even a little.
my friends wife does this. he makes 50k a year she makes 80k. she sends almost 70k a year back to china to her family.
meanwhile they can hardly afford to pay the bills
Owen Williams
They worked for decades for that. What the fuck have you done besides sit on the computer and masturbate? You've done NOTHING and now you want the people who actually worked for what they have to just go die so you can have their wealth. Just admit it bro you're a fucking communist.