When did you realize that looks is all that matters?
Girls don't care about personality at all if you're ugly.
When did you realize that looks is all that matters?
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if girls really only wanna fuck the top 20% chads why aint 80% of all people virgins and incels? Why is the average age where u lose ur virginity in the us at 17 if woman only fuck the top 20%, do they fuck them when they are 4 or how does that number come?
>caring about aesthetics
>not embracing your inner sleaziness
doomed from the start
>average is 17
>just turned 20
Holy fuck.. i didn't think it was that bad, my life is fucking over.
7/10 guys can easily fuck 5/10 girls, 5/10 guys can easily fuck 3/10 girls.
Also real life isn't quite that black and white, there can be a tendency for people in general to do something even if not everyone acts exactly like that.
3/10 guys can easily fuck 7/10 girls.
Because 75% of men fail to find a partner.
>there's one or two 3/10 guys with extraordinary social skills that can get 7/10 girls
Ranking things on female majority's radar when seeking a man:
#1 Money
#2 Confidence
#3 Facial attraction
#4 Dick size
#5 Height/Weight
#6 Strength/Fitness
#7 Personality
Ranking things on male majority's radar when seeking a man:
#1 Personality
#2 Similar interests
#3 Facial attraction
#4 Money
#5 Everything else
Are you so sure about that? Got a source?
How does dick size work? Surely she won't turn you down once you're already in bed provided you're 5+ inches?
why do you think people exchange nudes? if you don't acquiesce she'll know you're a dicklet, if you do and it's small she breaks it off
Surely people exchange nudes after the relationship has started?
depends on when dating/fucking evolves into a relationship. for many normies, especially those on tinder, their relationships start sexual and emotional dimensions develop later
Ranking things on female majority's radar when seeking a man:
#1 Facial attraction
#2 Height
#3 Status
#4 Money
#5 Dick size
#6 Fitness
#7 Personality
#8 Confidence
Status is all that matters to women, looks are just a bonus
Didn't brad pitt struggle romantically and didn't have a single girlfriend his first two years in LA?
Another deluded tallfag virgin.
Yeah dude, height does not matter to women at all.
Girls often say I have a cute face, I am very tall, my hands get called nice, I get compliments on my voice, I have a really big pp, I am wealthy and my dad is a multimillionaire, am quite fit, and I have a lot of hobbies and life experiences. I am still a khhv who has never had a gf. It is all about personality op. Without the right personality you are doomed to not have a gf no matter what you do.
>looks is all that matters?
about the time Zyzz poasting was really getting into its stride
t. oldfag
thats if all you care about is what girls think of you
in reality most anons are alright or average looking but screwed by having vapid computer addicted personalities
do we really need to post the chadfish shit where women are getting wet over a hot child rapist?
I was 21 when i lost mine you're fine my dude
You keep posting this dumb meme chart that is not based on anything but wishful thinking. How do you explain the fact that the most attractive male heights are all below 6'? How do you explain all the tall incels?
It really doesn't though it's way more complicated than that. Lets say women are forced to choose a husband who they cannot cheat on or leave for life, and her choices are:
>A 10/10 Super Chad whose sexual skills are from the fucking cosmos but works a decent job making 60-60k a year
>A 5/10 autist whose sexual skills and body are subpar but is a wealth business owner or investor making over 100k a year
Most women will pick the latter because even though the sex will be garbage and he doesn't have the looks of a model, his financial position severely outweighs her sexual desires.
Even then you'll never be truly normal, like how are you gonna live life knowing you didn't get young love?
The chart you posted is from online dating, irl believe it or not not many women give a fuck about height
You get over it like everyone else gets over stuff
And as soon as they get married, they'll stop fucking number two and cheat on him with GigaChad.
Let me translate that:
You cope.
If you haven't had sex before you turn 19 life is over and you'll forever be a worthless freak filled with regret.
Money is the one and only thing that can grant you any woman you desire, period.
Indisputably #1.
meh I'm 21 and about to visit my bf again and lose my virginity.
19 is early as fuck to say its over
>projection: the virtue
>looks are all that matter
Holy Jesus you guys are fucking retarded. This board is like the blind leading the blind.
>How do you explain the fact that the most attractive male heights are all below 6'?
But they are not, did you not even see the chart? The most attractive height range for a male is 6'1"-6'4".
>How do you explain all the tall incels?
I literally explained it in this post when I said that it is a powergap between the importance of facial attraction and height. Face is king, it is vastly more important than everything else to women.
And yet, ask any woman if she would date a man shorter than her, or even equally tall as her. And if that is not enough, ask her if she has actually done so.
>Implying that all women on the planet are golddiggers
Even if what you said was true, that still does not make them sexually attracted to you, it just makes them socially attracted to you. They will be with you for the money and the lifestyle, but if you became poor they would leave you asap.
With women, clearly, it is literally never about unnconditional love. They "love" you for your face and your money, for the mask you wear and for what you can get them.
But if you need to cope, cope. I am not going to force you to swallow the black pill, it needs to be your own choice.
It's not projection if it's accurate.
Have fun getting unwholesomly assfucked before waking up for work at 6 the next day. Doesn't even COMPARE.
Lots of reasons you retard.
1. The bottom 20% of women are spread around a lot. This helps since monogamy is dead
2. The lower 80% of men aren't all virgins. They may get laid once a year, or even an occasional GF. But most of their time is spent single.
3. You are pulling those average ages out your ass. Male virginity has risen sharply lately, in some places even moreso than USA. IIRC roughly 10% of men between 21-35 are virgins in USA whereas the number of female virgins is less than half. However in Japan over 25% of men between 21-30 are virgins, whereas female virgins are still rare.
4. Hookers, ect
of fucking course I realized it dumbfuck, it was all anyone would talk about in grades 6/7/8 of middle school and beyond. how come whores are never expected to date down but average or ugly males have to settle for bottom of the barrel crap; some of which STILL think they're too good for the average-unattractive male?
double standards like these make it easy to see why 'certain' people snap and go berserker sometimes desu..
I hope it happens more and more
>If you haven't had sex before you turn 19 life is over and you'll forever be a worthless freak filled with regret.
t. underage pretending to have lost his virginity