Would you ever consider dating a disabled qt?
Would you ever consider dating a disabled qt?
>The moment she notices
I almost had a panic attack also yes.
yes imagine the footjob she could give me with only one foot
Why does physical disability determine someone's attractiveness?
Unless its an extreme aethetic deformation, i dont see why any non-normoid person wouldnt be together with a handicapped cutie.
Stop making you-bait threads for lonely losers like us. Fuck off.
Yeah absolutely. It'd be funny waking up before her in the morning and stealing her leg while hops after you trying to get it back lmao.
my choices are already non-existent so why not
I kek'd unironically.
she is actually cute. do we know how she lost her leg?
>you'll never polish your girlfriends metal leg for her and make sure it is properly maintained
I don't need this feel right now
Constantly, without hesitation yes I would
I'd definitely do it if she had a bionic replacement that's shaped like a normal limb. I see tend to see them as normal people who just happen to have a robotic limb. I think it's cool.
People would fuck a disabled girl and probably still have orbiters fighting over her but a guy is fucked if he doesn't give off an impression of being a capable protecter and provider.
>all the actual bait on the board
>being pissy over hits one
It doesn't even rank as bait at this point and we've had such threads for many years faggot. It's a desperation pie in the sky ironic sort of dream we have.
>burn victim
>want burn victim gf so she won't think my scars are weird
>tfw no lightly roasted gf
I'm dating a girl with macromastia, that's a disability right?
like hitomi tanaka?
I would date any human not repulsive, so yes
The robot leg just makes it cuter.
Tho they look strong having your leg chopped off fucking sucks my brother says he gets really messed up pains and he say he sometimes feels like he still has it attached
No, disableds are a burden on society. De Sade was right that they should be killed.
it's a staged video, her boyfriend is recording it.
It can be a genuine question, for example I probably wouldnt date someone in a wheelchair. It severely limits the things we can do. I love hiking and stuff so I'd be devastated
I actually tried, she was the one match I got off bumble
We only talked for one day, she talked about her ex bfs and how she got an abortion (she was 18 when I talked to her), was pretty obvious about wanting to send me nudes but I wouldnt download snapchat for it, talked about the other guys she was talking to on there, and her only interests were normie tier TV shows
I told her the next day that I no longer wanted to talk and she said I couldnt handle her disability
Only if she lets me cum on her stump.