This is what femanon panties look like at the end of the day hahahaha fucking nasty

this is what femanon panties look like at the end of the day hahahaha fucking nasty

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I want to lick it

Sorry my step mom was a literal faggot in a dress who didn't teach me shit about female hygiene.

I wanna know how it smells

Femanons panties smell like paradise

is vaginal discharge real?

Can you smoke this?

>tfw didn't even grow up with a mom
I'll learn all about female hygiene once I get a bf but otherwise I don't care desu.

t. femanon who read as much about reproductive health as possible when she found out sex was real

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Post sticky femanon fingers

>>tfw didn't even grow up with a mom
want to trade? nothing is better than a pozzed mentally ill faggot that hates you and hurts you because you can theoretically have infinite amount of sex without getting cancer or losing the ability not to shit yourself.

Post your used panties, femanon

Hah. I already got that with my dad. Good luck surviving life, femnon friend.

This please
Gib us a picture of your discharge on your fingers pls ty

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>hairy legs

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It's cute smol hairs

I want to kiss those legs

>sex was real
wtf its real? no way

go poop and don't wipe, then post a picture of your shitty butthole.

Everybody in this thread should be ashamed of themselves.

sorry boys, I'm menstruating it's all blood
you do know that in a healthy person there shouldn't be anything left, right?

Shut the fuck up.

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kill yourself tranny
before you leave HIV squirts on the public library's computer chairs

Women are just as gross as faggot doodoo butt sex

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shit is full of harmful bacteria

>someone insulting me must be a tranny
Whatever helps you cope you braindead roastie

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you're retarded. I used regular soap down there in the shower every night because no one was there to tell me it was the worst thing to do to your vagina. All because a fetishist like you had no problem using other people for their fetish. I hope the next nigger you try to fuck kills you for being a dude.

based femanon with the bants

You were retarded enough to not just search it online? What does fetishes have to do with anything.
For the record, it's funny you assume i'm male or a trap when i'm a femanon too. I just think using a step mother as an excuse is fucking pathetic desu

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That's actually pretty pathetic femanon, just use the internet to learn, or is it that you only learn stuff from your house?

regular soap is bad for the vagina? what?

>implying niggers molesting me at a young age didn't bring me so much shame that i would be too ashamed to bring attention to my body enough to ask the man filling in for a mom to buy me what i needed to clean my privates
trannies shouldn't be allowed to raise daughters unless they are married to a real woman
yes it dries it out and affects the pH levels

Well, I apologize that happened to you user. If your stepmother truly was a tranny and you aren't larping... genuine sympathy here.

i think this femanon needs a big hug

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i need about 11k so i can die with dignity in Germany

theres no dying with dignity in germany. You must be talking about switzerland/netherlands

they opened one in Germany

If this doesnt make you hard you arent a robot and need to gtfo

Come to Odessa Texas and be my gross womanchild GF. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can spend it all on replacement panties to ruin with your rancid gash.

Come to Odessa Texas and be my vaginally educated GF. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can spend it all on workshops to teach young women about their pussy sludge.

the madlad is back

Come to Odessa Texas and be my newly cleaned vagina GF. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton ans you can spend it all on accessories to groom your snatch for me.

Come to Odessa Texas and be my bloody poon GF. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can spend it all on diva cups to collect your menustration

I'll make this user my husband someday

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Come to Odessa Texas and be my angry sperglord GF. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can spend it all on therapy for your outbursts.

Come to Odessa Texas and be my BBC rapeslave GF. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can spend it all bailing Tyrone and Jamal out of jail to pound your dried out pussy

Come to Odessa Texas and be my dramatic suicidal GF. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can spend it all on your suicide plans

>that time that creepy old dude came to /b/ showing his underage daughter and then her soiled panties, followed by close up shots of him sucking them clean

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tfw you've had a chronic vaginal infection for years that no amount of antibiotics can cure and the acidity literally bleaches ur undies

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i wonder what would happen if i leave my penis in you for a week straight

>hears about a disgusting, chronically infected vagina that has been foul for years
>"... hurf does that mean I should fuck it for a week straight??"

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its not my fault i have a penis and it wants to do things

i don't think it would hurt you or anything. though, i have heard cases of guys having sex with girls with vaginosis and they're unable to get rid of smell from their penis for days afterwards..