
Comeback August is fast approaching edition

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>tfw no transpuppy gf

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comeback august is a myth, things will never improve

Are you that autist that flips out when you get beaten to making the OP or if someone doesn't put the "right" OP image in like that daylad/nightlad palava?

Isabelle is not trans you fucking degenerate
join the 40%

only 54 days until autumn

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this sounds exactly like me
t. 18 year old zoomer

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Nth for cute americhinks

>a guy obsessed with death offers 30k to anyone who can prove the afterlife exists
I liked most of it. Didnt seem to know how to end but the beginning/middle was enjoyable. Not as good as Yellowbrickroad which these guys also made

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*installs a new fruit machine in the thread*

>Why yes, I do eat a staple diet of baked beans, how could you tell?

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Fascinating MTG video


She's a transpuppy and she fights for all of us

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I think he is lad

>a dead retard comes back to life to get revenge on the 4 men who shot him for something he didnt do
enjoyable enough as a background movie, obviously made for tv in the 80s so all the gore and deaths are implied

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Looks like campy fun
>Vincent Price liked it

> annoying comedy skits
> fat bearded prick wearing skinny heans
> also fat long haired smug bastard in a waist coat
yeah, fascinating.

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any thoughts on late night greggs?

well this needs updating

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>message my mum
>she responds once and then ignores me

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buy the 4 pack of take home sausage rolls, heat them at home

sorry she's a bit busy atm haha if you know what i mean haha ;)))) she's having the sex with me ;))

daddy is having her roast beef for dinner

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Right that's four weeks of uni work done in four days, time for a beer I reckon.

I like Magic AIDS.
The guy is obviously not normal, but the videos have a nice mix of deck techs and gameplay.

Tbf I basically sit inside all day myself now a days because I don't have proper mates but when I was a few years younger I went out with a group of mates at least twice a week. Best days of my life were going to shitty concerts, getting pissed up in a field, going to house parties and generally having days out with mates having a laugh
I had some mates that would sit in all day and not bother with rest of us, I thought they were right sad cunts. I don't know why people can't play video games and have a social life, you can do both. people who play video games literally 24/7 are odd.
Now I only go out when someone from the past is having a get together, which is like once every few months.
Your zoomer brothers sound awful. Tell them to stop being mongs, they can play their games and have days out
I didn't see the new thread

So glad the rain has come back, now I can actually put jeans and a shirt back on and stop wearing shorts.

Any other fans of Winnie the Pooh in?

would love tigger to peg me with his tail

No lad, not today.

Just think Winnie the Pooh is comfy lods

My lungs feel completely fucked and I don't know what's causing it

Censor cartoons

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I wonder what Ian Huntley is up to right now

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Hi friends. If I'm being accused of racially aggravated common assault, but they have no evidence of it and it's just their word against mine, can they still prosecute me in court and send me to prison?

Used to love playing pooh sticks on woodland bridges as a young lad.

>can they still prosecute me in court and send me to prison?
yes but most likely no

*emails this to all the lads*

But they have enough evidence to bring it to trial?

Fucking kek lad.
That is hilarious.

what did you "allegedly" do?

they have evidence of a common assault (which btw is very very minor and is only going to court because they lied about the racial part), but not racial. that's just their word against mine.

They're saying I hit some chinese kid with a stick and called him Lu Bu (which I did) but they've no proof.

pushed a bin over on their driveway as it was half on mine. they claim the bin hit them and that i said racist stuff

Is this ebin? Sounds very ebinny.

Yeh because I hit him with a chopstick that was lit on fire.

Why did you hit him helper helper? Was the pizza wizza chilly willy?

no im serious. i was confused also when the police told me to expect a postal summons. i dont know why its gone this far but this is seriously what im accused of

Sounds really stupid. I'd have you as not guilty if I were on the jury

are they by any chance nigerian

well its obvious theyve lied quite a bit seeing as the bin didnt hit them and i didnt say anything racsit.

no. theyre white and from poland

>heard one side of the story

durr not guilty

did they have any marks/cuts when they made the complaint? Have you had issues with them before?

*goes to get a fresh LARP jar*

impossible. the bin didnt hit them at all. if theres marks then they did it to themselves after

Feeling just completely out of sorts lads. On a right downer.

No worry mate. Go have a wank.

what good cause did we donate the last one to?

>durr not guilty
Good argument, paki

Fucking hell, this general still about is it

Trials are decided by evidence, not stories

Yeah, it is. Don't like it? We'll set the resident hard bastard (Poleaboo) on you.

Listen to ambience sounds and curl up in bed then have a wee sulk till your all feeled out

bit windy today
*gets blown away*

we sent it to are tommeh

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same lad. Having a drink trying not to think about it

We all paid for a night shagging your mum. A good few lads lost their virginity

pays for the thread/britfeel towers upkeep

*puts on All Feeled Out by Alison Moyet*

Donated the guardian newspaper to support quality, investigative journalism

Let me make this clear: You will NOT go to prison for racially aggravated common assault as a first offence. PERIOD.

You'll get a fine if they find you guilty and that'll be it. You are not going to prison.

>buy a shitload of stuff on amazon
>forget to do that amazon charity thing
damn shame it is

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>racially aggravated common assault
my uncle got a 1000bong fine for this and he already had previous for similar things

anyone find it funny how monis resorted to calling people benefits scroungers for attention
guess the sexual offenses have worn people dry

got chucked out of an indian takeaway the other day for saying i was english

*slaps a 'Poleaboo Transition Fund' sticker on the new LARP jar*

>had a dream i was on a date with a girl and she got up to "go to the bathroom" and never came back

cant even get a GF in my dreams lads

That's as far as the courts go for common assault charges. Racially aggravated or otherwise.

From my experience, you're more likely to grow another arm than go to prison for common assault.

>he donates to charity
why? I close that amazon charity shit everytime it pops up

dreams are product of your subconscious which is an extension of your reality

if I eat 2 curries in one day will I die?

tax-deductible and a good deed

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Do you also have Islamic Aid set up as yours?

I'd rather piss on my money than give it to some charity cunt

>desperately job hunting
>applying for shit like minimum wage call centre jobs
>get interview for 26k a year government office job
Jesus christ please let me get it

just spent 100 squid on a pair of headphones even though i mostly just listen to podcasts and spoken radio shows
am i retarded?

No. But you will turn brown, but if you down 2 cans of carling straight away sing the national anthem and fall asleep in the bath wrapped in a giant union jack, you should be back to normal in the morning.

Nah, that's not too bad. Which ones did you get? I have a pair of Philips Fidelio X2s.

What podcasts do you listen to user?

whats it aiding, cube construction?

Infiltration and domination

Sennheiser HD 4.50 BTNC
mostly comedy podcasts desu

Civil service will take anyone mate

Ah noise cancelling ones, yeah they're perfect for podcasts and talk radio. That was a good buy.

>called him Lu Bu
But thats a compliment, Lu Bu is the toughest general to kill

state of you lassie.
nobodys infiltrating shit and the only thing getting dominated is your arsehole

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Welcome aboard Malaysian airlines flight MH370. I will be your Captain for this flight

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yeah i think its as i was talking to my zoomer co workers about modern dating like ghosting etc earlier in the day

Not him but I don't think they'll take anyone for a 26k job mate

my gf is chinese
her name is lu boob