What the hell do people mean when they say "we need better mental health care" every time there's a mass shooting? Do they want to magically track down every lonely nerd and force them into mental hospitals forever?
What the hell do people mean when they say "we need better mental health care" every time there's a mass shooting...
They want people they consider to be undesirables to be locked away so they don't have to see them.
its a meaningless canned response
It's a ploy to add anti-psychotics to the water supply.
to reduce the stigma and inaccessibility of mental health care, mostly. I can't tell you how many mentally unstable dudes I know who refuse to consider professional help because it's "gay" and makes them "weak"
It's just something people say to feel like they have an answer to the situation. Even if everyone had access to a psychologist it still wouldn't stop people from wanting to gun down this miserable society.
It's just an excuse, same with any gun control arguments. The truth is that society is failing, falling apart at the seams, and everyone just wants to point to a problem they can throw more money and police at instead of actually fixing this incredibly broken society.
In short, it's just a distraction from the real problem that most stupid and unaware people will fall for.
Also to throw people off the trail lest they follow it back to the CIA's doorstep and realize who was responsible for a lot of these.
What is the actual real problem then user? And how would we fix it?
Mental healthcare refers to one's access to psychiatry/therapy. Mental healthcare is expensive and it's not covered by most insurance policies. There are several other flaws with the mental health system, however:
>Mental healthcare and treatment for the mentally ill is a for-profit business, and often abuses, overprescribes and damages mental health patients, exacerbating their problems.
>Mental illness is highly stigmatized, making the general population believe someone is either mentally ill or they're "normal". This false dichotomy makes no room for someone who has been traumatized, or acute depression, or other mental illnessed thtat are not chronic
>The mental health field is a small field, unable to treat the many patients that require treatment. This comes from low wages, poor facilities, and the stigmatization of the mentally ill.
>Untreated mental illness leads to mass shootings, as clear from the Chantards that commit these sorts of acts
People don't go to therapists for the same reason they don't go to the dentist, it takes time out of your fucking life to deal with problems that just aren't that important to you. The fact that it doesnt actually fix anything, is extremely expensive and can result in you being forced into a hospital and group with legitimately insane scary people and hostile staff, cost you your job and generally make your life hell is just icing on the cake. Even if they dealt with the myriad of problems with the mental healthcare system I highly doubt more men would seek help considering how few of them go to the doctor.
Sending Jews away would be a relatively simple way to start but would be far from enough
>Society is falling apart at the seams
>and a single government agency is to blame!
Conspiracy theorists always try to look for simple solutions to macro problems because their sub-50 IQ doesn't allow them nuanced perspectives.
Dude, I know my whole life was ruined because of the mental health care system but I'm just saying that's what people mean and they're kind of sort of right. It's better to make the time to talk to a therapist for an hour a week than have everything build up til you're either dead or have your face on the local news. It sucks but it's like, if you obviously have a broken arm but refuse to go to the doctor then you're an idiot
it is gay tho
>society is collapsing because girls don't want to have sex with me
Well, aside from everyone having broken dopamine receptors, human relationships reduced to mindless casual sex and business transactions, everyone having at least one kind of addiction, and other symptoms of an over sexualized and over commercialized society, there's always the issue of having a broken economy on top of all that, seeing as housing prices have tripled since the boomers were young but wages have stagnated. Oh, and the alarming number of people willing to trade their rights away to live in an authoritarian illusion of safety.
I meant that government fuckery isn't helping anything. The whole Vegas situation screams of glownigger, and it's not like the government has been innocent in the past. They seem content to sit on a broken system as long as it makes them money, not caring about the long term sustainability of it.
This is a good example of what I mean by an over sexualized society. Your mind jumps directly to sex even though I never mentioned sex, incels, or anything else. It's very telling.
Mental illness is not real and the meds professionals give you pacify you and fuck you up with their side effects
Fuck you. Ive seen what the mental health care system has done to my brother. Hes become a shadow of what he once was. You know nothing.
One of five is considered mentally ill but there's not enough psych majors to handle that. That's why.
They dump it all into various police officers then get surprised that fire equals fire.
Now that they have both the domestic and foreign wanting to attack the powers that be they are obligated to keep adding more wood to the fire to keep things in 'order'.
It's a shit show.
The only way we could make it better is to make it free, conservatives might be willing to meet the libs halfway on that since they insist it has nothing to do with easy access to firearms
>The CIA is making money off of staging mass shootings!
>It's not JUST the CIA, it's big gubberment altogether
>NoT sO cRaZy NoW, aM i LiBtArD?
I, personally, can't afford a therapist. I have dogshit insurance in burgerland.
In addition to that, no involuntary detention for self-harm. Therapy should be provided at no cost, in addition to automatic supplemental income in the case of tragedies that leave people emotionally distraught. Online/remote counseling with optional anonymity. Texting to schedule. Access to groups of local people seeking help at professional establishments.