whats the likelihood of scotland separating from the union?
scotards would you live in an independent scotland?
Whats the likelihood of scotland separating from the union?
i want them all to start bullying the welsh again
Scotland and ireland need to chad up and kick britain out of the uk
Scotland's in Britain you fucking mong
Scotland would only leave uk if they could immediately switch to eu.
Being ruled by England is preferable to being ruled by the EU, as much as I dislike England. I have noticed English people are more rude and hostile than ever towards Scots since the referendum. I hate the Welsh more. I think we can all agree we need to get rid of the pedos in Westminster.
We aren't more rude though, I think the issue is that the second someone hears a scottish accent they immediately go 'it was fuckin one of yas' or 'disgustan!!' like yeah yeah come on now
Not a britbong, but Scotland leaving the UK would create a Greece-tier wasteland of rapidly-disappearing social programs and unemployment.
>independent scotlans
>SNP wants to bend over for brussels
I would have hoped that the scots were smart enough to see past this misappropriation of the values of nationalism and independence but maybe not
Scottish girls have the best accents. I'll never get one but a man can dream.
Imma take the pics to fap
Or maybe they just see that being part of eu is better for them than being part of uk.
If they do leave, Spain will stop them entering the EU to discourage Catalonia from doing the same thing. So they would be even more fucked than if they'd stayed in the UK.
Yea maybe celebs but if you've ever spoken to any locals you're cock will go softer than a freshly shaven arsehole
member countries aren't ruled by the EU
I want independence but no way would I want it under the SNP being in charge of it. They claim to want Scotland to make its own decisions but also want to rejoin the EU which is a shitshow of 27 other countries with varying cultures and different attitudes ranging from ultra-liberal to ultra-conservative trying to agree to anything. I think one way that could work in easing people wanting to go independent is if all the home nations worked in a federal way like in the US where states make their own laws and taxes (which we already do to a lesser extent with Scottish Parliament) and get rid of the House of Lords, make it the English Parliament, reduce the British MP's by half, we don't need fucking 650 MP's even now.
TL;DR yes to independence but not with SNP leading it.
Sorry cute Wada-poster, but Scotland without the UK would easily be able to maintain its welfare programmes even if it were to enter more serious debt - you must realize that political parties (especially on the left) tend towards over-spending then letting which-ever party supplants them deal with the issue. Of course there are times where that doesn't work out so smoothly a la the 1976 IMF Crisis though in the United Kingdom its the norm; essentially debt becomes absurdly high and either austerity measures keep it down or politicians make false-promises under the idea that interest over time will nullify the issue. Besides that Scotland has potential to survive without England, its generally richer than most of the country and could easily foreign investment as something of a tax haven in much the same was as Ireland. I'd personally prefer Scotland to remain in the union and I don't see any flaws in doing so though I think most almost apololyptic predictions of a Scottish secession do not justice to reality and are blatantly scaremongering. Its a shame Scotland itself seems dominated by social liberals and civic nationalists who have steered the country into becoming identical to the English and reducing its people into funny-speaking tourist attractions for holidaying Chinese. It'd help if the socialists were actually socialist and weren't merely trying to replace their own people like faulty machines parts and cram people into universities to keep them off the streets.
Brexit is happening. Won't the UK, when it crashes out of the EU, have a very changed trade relationship with Scotland when Scotland remains in the EU? 60% of Scottish exports go to the UK. There will definitely be an economic contraction and I think a decrease in the standard of living. I'm not that much of an anglophile but the British Isles are best united.
Not really, the media like to exaggerate though if Scotland were to somehow become independant and join the EU just as the UK is exiting, it is more than likely both countries would make countless deals to keep the status quo, its not like they'd play by the rules at that point, most EU countries exploit the system with little regard for its rules - that's one of the major reasons why politicians want the UK to with-draw, why tow the line when others are going to walk all over you? Obviously there would be an economic contraction, perhaps even sharp for a year or two, though it wouldn't really dent standards of living that much and whence things stabilize stagnant growth would resume per usual. Also you're talking about a country with one of the highest standards of living in the world; some of the most prestigious univerisites, universal health-care, pensions, youth clubs, highly-regarded police-force (if underfunded), rich history and literary tradition as well as enormous amounts of assets in other countries; I don't think a contraction is going to turn the country into Venezuela.
>it is more than likely both countries would make countless deals to keep the status quo
Doesn't the EU disallow this? Isn't the big deal over Brexit an inability to figure out the trade relationship between the UK and EU (both in general and in case of Ireland)?
And I never said Venezuela, I said Greece! I don't really think any European country can go Congo-tier or Venezuela-tier breakdown until something huge happens.
>enormous amounts of assets in other countries
wouldn't that be the UK's asset?
im polsci-let btw
With Brexit happening and Boris as the PM, I can see an independence referendum succeeding this time. I voted no back in the day but I'd vote yes this time around.
Depends a lot how you define ruled. If you mean they make up the laws, decide what is legal or not, then EU rules over member states.
Underrated post
you're right about this country