Are there any headphonefags around? Don't really know which cans I should pick up
Are there any headphonefags around? Don't really know which cans I should pick up
arent those heavy? why not ear buds
Look at Jow Forums guides for headphones on google. There's a bunch of them.
I have the ATH M50X, it's pretty gut desu
I've done that but most of them were just meme-tier or used for baiting. This one seems alot better though.
Are they really that good too? I've always heard bad things about the m50x.
Have another one.
I don't really know where you've heard bad things about the m50x but personally I love these headphones. The only issue is that the soft bits get sort of ugly after long use but those are replaceable and only matters if you care a lot about the aesthetics. Sometimes it does get a bit uncomfortable but I find that only occurs when I'm at the PC for more than 8+ hours but I usually switch over to my speakers before that happens. The sound is top notch though. It just really depends on what you want to use them for/where/how long.
All over Jow Forums and the headphone generals. From audiophile forums too
I know that those are used for sound accuracy though and music production. I've had back luck with choosing headphones so far. Been eyeing the dt770s
Also thanks for the second infograph
Would get a gun but I can't because I just got out of the psych ward a few months ago
The dt770 is a good pair of cheap and warm headphones, smsl m3 is a decent and pretty cheap dac you can pair with it.
How much money do you want to spend?
around 150 bucks at most. i fell for two meme headphones off Jow Forums and i feel retarded
warm headphones is what i need. my shp9500s sound way too fucking bright for my liking.
if your head is small enough for headphones to fit over them you are not wizard
i have ath m20x i use them for edm production and they are really good, if you are low on budget i highly suggest getting them
Which headphones did you buy lol?
It could be that they weren't necessarily shit but you just need a good dac/amp combo for them.
How do you want your headphones to sound?
I can't give much advice if I don't know how you like your sound, if you could throw in a couple genres that you listen to it would also work.
Definitely go for dt770 and smsl m3 then, you should be able to get the smsl shipped directly from China for like $80
Just make sure not to bend the cable a lot on it because they aren't replaceable and if you do it a lot it will eventually start glitching, but it's like that with basically all headphones.
Detachable* they are replaceable but you'll need handyman skills for that.
JVC rx700 and never look back.
I can also vouch for the M50x, I've been using them for a year and I'm still amazed by the comfort and sound quality. I only wish they were less bulky
Also if you can afford it, a dt880 would probably be better, it's $50 more where I live and idk how the pricing is where you live, 990 pro is also a good choice and they're insanely cozy, I had a pair as some of my first headphones, the 990 is pretty high on the treble though so you would need an amp or dac that can take it down a notch
Dt880 could be a bit bright though so nvm lmao, go with what I originally said
Get these, you won't even need an amp
I first had the status audio cb-1s. I thought they sounded ok but they broke down on me from normal use because they're chinkshit. But they sound alot better than my current cans.
Then I bought the original shp9500s and somehow the sound is less clear/muffled to me than my last ones. Dunno if its my pc because I have a relatively new motherboard and it's 32 ohms. The highs are really grainy and the headphone is fatiguing to wear.
I can provide some examples sure, not sure if you've heard of shibuya-kei or city pop but I listen to those alot.
I don't really know what headphones would suit either of those genres.
I've considered the 880 but yeah I read on alot of review sites that they may be too sibilant at times. And that's a problem with the shp9500s.
I've seen these recommended over the 9500s alot
The headphone is fatiguing to wear or to listen to? The SHP9500S focus much more on the higher, treble end, and the bass isn't as balanced and a lot of people find treble-leaning headphones not good to listen to for a long time.
The X2HR have emphasized lows and highs compared to the 9500S recessed lows and emphasized highs. The vocals in these headphones sound lower compared to the often highs and lows of the instrumentals, but I listen to a lot of music like dream pop so it's a nice effect, some my not like it if they primarily listen to vocal music like singer/song folky stuff
To add, if you don't like the SHP9500S I don't know if you'll like the X2HR, they're basically considered the next level up, similar but an improvement in almost every aspect, the only thing that is extremely different about the sound to me is the better bass.
They feel fatiguing to listen to. Sorry for not clarifying. The comfort of these are nice though and they have good build quality. The most popular eq configs for these don't really make my cans sound much better. Maybe I just have a bad motherboard I'm not sure. But the pair I owned before these sounded just fine on my pc.
Ah, I'm not sure what will really work then. Kinda afraid of going for the dt 770s if they just have an attached cable.
I haven't tried any of those so can't say anything about then lol.
I personally prefer headphones with good highs and treble, but 770's should be good if you want beyerdynamics.
The sound card in your motherboard is pretty garbage just above 100% of the time.
So a dac would increase the quality by a lot
I should probably get a DAC then.
HD598X Jubilee are best bang for your buck at $150
dt770 + smsl m3 is the best combo for a beginner.
Smsl also acts out as a miniamp so you'll be able to drive 250ohm with it if you wish.
Get 32 or 80 ohm if you want to do a headphone first, dac later kind of purchase though
I do not think that you personally would like Sennheisers as the guy above me posted, I don't know about the mass drop version but otherwise they're for critical listening
>know which cans I should pick up
Beats by Dr. Dre
>calling headphones "cans"
First of all, dont ever fucking do that again unless you want to look like a raging faggot and get made fun of by everybody
are both a outdated. Many of those models are either out of production or can be had for much lower prices
Anyway, at the $150 price point the Sennheiser 598/599 model line is going to be your best value.
>Anyway, at the $150 price point the Sennheiser 598/599 model line is going to be your best value.
thanks, i'll look into that pair user.
ive been using Sennheiser PC 363D for 6 years and i cant complain.