Are there any headphonefags around? Don't really know which cans I should pick up
Are there any headphonefags around? Don't really know which cans I should pick up
arent those heavy? why not ear buds
Look at Jow Forums guides for headphones on google. There's a bunch of them.
I have the ATH M50X, it's pretty gut desu
I've done that but most of them were just meme-tier or used for baiting. This one seems alot better though.
Are they really that good too? I've always heard bad things about the m50x.
Have another one.
I don't really know where you've heard bad things about the m50x but personally I love these headphones. The only issue is that the soft bits get sort of ugly after long use but those are replaceable and only matters if you care a lot about the aesthetics. Sometimes it does get a bit uncomfortable but I find that only occurs when I'm at the PC for more than 8+ hours but I usually switch over to my speakers before that happens. The sound is top notch though. It just really depends on what you want to use them for/where/how long.
All over Jow Forums and the headphone generals. From audiophile forums too
I know that those are used for sound accuracy though and music production. I've had back luck with choosing headphones so far. Been eyeing the dt770s
Also thanks for the second infograph
Would get a gun but I can't because I just got out of the psych ward a few months ago
The dt770 is a good pair of cheap and warm headphones, smsl m3 is a decent and pretty cheap dac you can pair with it.
How much money do you want to spend?
around 150 bucks at most. i fell for two meme headphones off Jow Forums and i feel retarded
warm headphones is what i need. my shp9500s sound way too fucking bright for my liking.