What's the first thing that goes through your mind when you see this picture?
What's the first thing that goes through your mind when you see this picture?
>these girls are cute but they kinda look like kids
Left to right: IQ rapidly rises then dips, much like a parobola.
>how cute! they took a picture before the filming began!
"Literally what kind of person not only wastes time on Jow Forums during normal hours, but also posts garbage like this?"
A thread died for this.
>tfw low iq niggers can get some cute white girls but the high iq white man is a virgin
Good looking teenagers, makes me wish I didnt spend my teen years entirely with my future ex wife when I could have been with multiple white girls
I doubt either of those bimbos have IQs over 100.
I bet everyone in that picture has iq over 100
Yeah something along those lines.
What a shit thread, who fucking cares.
Fucking enraged at the sight of these whores not having white evropan children
based niggers
they will replace the subhuman wh*te race in 5 decades
mark my words
I am white supremacist and Nazi, also KKK, love Trump and I hate niggers. Yet, I must admit that they are superior in most every objective measure and our women were born to be bred black.
Despite my biases this is clear to see
That I'm going to save for trolling white virgins/incels later, even though I'm white. Followed by me loling.
Whoa dude, it rises from 65 to 75, and then drops back to 65.
Damn, it rises so rapidly.
those girls threw away their future and will deal with a lifetime of 3rd world poverty
kill yourself nigger
>What's the first thing that goes through your mind when you see this picture?
"this thread again"
You must have me confused with your damn mama, I dont appreciate you levying that kind of accusation at a white man.
mumble rap
you really think hot roasties are smart? a girl that looks like that literally doesn't have to know anything in life other than how to spread her legs
How did this low quality thread escape my filter ?
>those girls threw away their future
If they were to marry those young men who are probably under 20 years old, they'd probably have a better life than they would marrying you.
Intelligence is heavily correlated with attractiveness, if you are so smart why dont you figure out a way to get some pussy?
Those girls aren't even hot lmao, right one looks like a turnip.
That they are luckier than they can imagine, their ancestors were whipped and enslaved, while their decendants are fucking the cream of the crop. They know they have a good deal going on, but the wider perspective only whites can comprehend is lost to them.
>implying whites have ever been without and could truly understand rising from subhuman to superhuman status
seething desu lol
More like you're seething cause i don't find some 14 year-old football head attractive. Dilate.
reminder that all race bait belongs in the 'trolling outside of b' category.
>Oh its this thread again...
This user speaks the truth
What is your/your wifes ethnicity?
I need to see their feet first anons.