If you could summon a Happening, what would it be?
If you could summon a Happening, what would it be?
summon the great mighty poo from conkers bad fur day and watch as the world drowns in shit
Snap 70% of the human population, aimed more at 3rd world countries.
After the mourning, literally everyone left would benefit if they worked together.
>big mighty poo
No sweet corn for you tonight
Green apocalypse. Plant would go wild and kill all humans that hadn't led the green lifestyle.
All across the world, mysterious Gates begin to appear, connecting this world to a multitude of others. Their existance casts all that we know in doubt and the future of humanity is uncertain. Many choose to live in fearful ignorance of what lies beyond, but Truth can only be known to those with the courage to pass beyond the Gate.
Western civilization becoming a chaotic mess
You cannot summon existing Happenings
Probably a pandemic since I could stand to benefit greatly from a sudden drop in the population
Military would round those up in no time and let nobody other than government approved squads across.
A world wide case of Rickets
How about mysterious assassinations of heads of state and a few high-profile business leaders? Worldwide, by a wide variety of methods, continuing at like one a day for several years.
mom buying pizza
artificial intelilgence will bring about a happening
the singularity. automation of all jobs will render all of humans worthless
it will happen, just stay alive long enough to see it
Worldwide NazBol revolution
A: holocaust 2.0
B: waifus coming to reality
Nick Land posts here?
Every human being on Earth become adorable feminine constantly aroused hermaphrodites over night.
I summon Meteor
Theodore motherfucking Roosevelt comes back from the dead, gets relelected for that much deserved third term, and fixes the corporatist shithole that America has become. The rest of the world shits themselves in fear and respect and appease humanity's savior with anti-corporate, conservationist, republican (not the party) laws.
The Bull Moose party takes America to colonize space within decades.
Selective genocide.
>All niggers
>Half Hispanics
>2/3 Chinese
>Any one with iq under 100
india, china and africa collapse into the sea for no particular reason
Forgot to say
>All trannys
>Sterilize all gays(it's a choice)
everyone here dies
Nuclear bombs for whatever reason won't explode. No matter what. You can't work around it by building a civilian reactor and "accidentally" making it go Chernobyl. Anything nuclear built for the express purpose and intent of causing harm to others will not, no matter how many layers of subterfuge its hidden under, detonate. I want to see what happens when MAD is taken off the table.
id stop peoples ability to give birth
final generation has a lot of resources and says goodbye then its all done
This the government would be on that shit ASAP and would immediately push out propaganda saying it's all fine and dandy and there's nothing to worry about
>Half Hispanics
Come on man I don't want to die
zombies dude, you guys trying to eliminate niggers and spics instead of seeing survival of the fittest do its work
I would be excited, imagine conquering unknown worlds, finding new riches, technology, even starting a new country with fellow settlers.
virus that wipes out all black people and arabs
I have like 40+ rolls of toilet paper just for that
Cthulhu maybe? I dont know I think that would be cool
Zeke posts here?
>conquering unknown worlds
More like getting gangraped by inhuman monsters
It's not rape if it's consensual.
I would summon a happening where all life of past, present and future existence is granted eternal lives of pure joy and bliss.
biblical apocalypse because it seems exciting
Id kill the demiurge and take its place
So much civil unrest it causes ethno-states
Are you enki's sister im pazolite+++++++++++++++++++ OF PROOFS
Cuba saying something like "Hitler was right, we must unite all of our people under one banner" before invading Guantanamo Bay and kicking out all the yanks, and launching campaigns to oust the colonial governments of the rest of the Caribbean
or China invades Taiwan while America sits by, only for Vietnam to intervene and kick maoist ass
scratch that
i want acceleracers 5
I would summon the Envoy of the end
Nuclear war that involved all the browns and no european countries.
You puny wannabe dragon could never beat my Blue-Eyes
I would slowly increase the level of carbon in the air whilst destroying the biosphere. So slowly no one would notice until it's too late to do anything about it.
>normal monster
So basically a second Carboniferous.
This is already a happening
a plague that kills only liberals in a 3 month long painful as fuck death.
ruin what little fun i have left
well die you faggots
Not as slow as it took then. Slow by human standards (just 200 or so years)
Get over this one if you can, fagget
You can't attack me now kaiba not for 3 turns your dragon is useless.
based as fuck
overpopulation is the greatest problem this world faces
>Running a shitty spell that can just be MST'd
lmao. I'll just use number 38's quick effect.
We... Dont use.... that format tho..... arrghhhhhhhh.. Arrgghhh
Might as well play fucking goats.
And even then I can use MST. And besides, Caps Max shouldn't exist
>Inb4 muh movie
>tfw I'm 21 and live alone and when I'm drunk I larp with my dual disk
Either a World War Z type happening or The Stand. Really I'd be ok with either, zombies might be more fun though.
Sauce on pic related? Please mommy I need it
Become god emperor of mankind then sell us out to aliens in exchange for free real estate
>mfw iktf
Some day we'll be happy user, some day
Damn bro do you even pretend too get hurt when you lose LP
The Fappening part 2.
Nope. Haven't done that since I was kid(i.e. since the last time I ever felt any happiness).
>any one
I guess you're one of the ones who will be killed too .
The sun would vanish, only to return after a year. Anything that would survive deserves to survive.
>tfw I still fucking do
Never lose your childish enthusiasm user. Please.
Based and wholesome pilled I won't user thank you.
No problem user, thanks for talking to me.
Make it 95% get rid of ghettos and white trash in first world countries too.
i guess you should have thought about that before being born half hispanic
another populist, authoritarian president is the very last thing the America, or the world, needs.
I would summon the female domination of society.
Release an incurable STD with one symptom, Infertility
All incels found dead with cum dripping out their asshole
HRT pills turn trannies straight
cringe as fuck
underpopulation of white people is the greatest problem thos world faces
I'd hardly call Teddy authoritarian. He held great disdain for communism from the moment of its conception.
It was that bastard Wilson that ruined America and the rest of the world with his proto-Bush bullshit.
The Second Coming of Christ Jesus