Your crush is swallowing Chad's cum right now

>your crush is swallowing Chad's cum right now

How does that make you feel, user?

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so cute. if pic related, i hope she helps herself to several more helpings

I dont have a crush , origogono

I gotta stop using this site before I kill somebody.

C..c..c..can I have some?

mmmm warm

I wanna strangle people who say the word crush.

Who is this girl?


Kill women


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Utterly defeated. The first and only time I had sex was with her, because she was drunk and she pitied me. She has told me multiple times since then that she regrets it. I want to get wasted and shoot myself.

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I never expect to succeed with women so it's impossible for me to feel incel rage like Elliott Rodger. What I feel is disgust that results from my feelings for that person dying.

> utterly defeated
> still had sex with her

But people say that incels feel entitled?

You should have cut your losses when she said she regretted it. You have the "I fucked you anyway" trump card.

invite expired bud

Don't do it kid, I promise you I will avenge you without bloodshed

Sorry sir, I don't have a crush

Joke is on you

I have no crush

Whats that on her lip? Did she bite herself or does she has herpes?

But you had sex dude, you know how it feels like. Good for you CHAD

Me and elliot have a lot of things in common exept I am not narcissistic and I believe I actually deserve my current situation

I don't care anymore. I feel like I should, but I just don't. Perhaps that's the beta cuck in me talking, but I simply couldn't care less. I never had a chance with her in the first place, and even if I did I would probably ruin it. I think it's better to live with the feeling of "what if" rather than regretting every interaction with her.

I don't care because I don't have a crush anymore

I've never had a crush and if she's been with is with someone else I feel nothing towards "her."

And even on the off chance I did it just means she'll grow old alone after Chad dumps her and her spawn begins to hate and resent their whore of a mother. Makes no difference to me.

ha ha jokes on you I have no crush


this desu

chad will have it

I've seen my Oneitis' boyfriend, he's a fag and I could easily knock his ass out. He just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

don't have a crush unless you count fictional characters lmao

my first crush actually just got married

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she is fat
let the guy have her

Pretty horny ngl
I'd love to watch

wasn't always fat, she gained weight when she got with him. guy in this pic died

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implying I have a crush

nice try, slut

lel that made me laugh. thank you based humor user.

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I wanna crush people who say the word strangle

That fat whore sat on him?

She was fat here too