I chose to be with doll as my gf and companion over another human since I fail at getting another human to like me...

I chose to be with doll as my gf and companion over another human since I fail at getting another human to like me after the age of 40.

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Going to get a doll at some point when I can afford it. Had a foid tell me I shouldn't do it cause it is creepy and sad. I asked her wtf should I do women don't like me anyways. She just says idk. Swear they just don't care at all.

maybe your friend liked you. Did you ask her?
Why would you go telling others anyways?

>tfw, no bf to treat me like a flesh doll

do you talk to a woman?

When I do they turn me down and get ghosted. But you don't go around telling others you're getting a sex doll. People will judge you in real life. It's better to keep your sex fetish secret tip you find someone who's into it.

Are you a male?
Females can be used like a fleshlight by just about anyone ar amy age. You can be 50 years old and get gang banged. But a guy won't get that kind of treatment.

how does it feel to hear a female's voice

No, I'm not male, why do you ask?

I've already explained it. so is it your fetish to be used like a sex toy? guys who owns dolls treat their dolls like a real person.

No, it's my fetish to be used like a toy. Of course I cannot be 100% like a doll, but I'd try.

it's nice to hear but when it's directed in a negative way, like, "you're really creepy: or "leave me alone!" is not nice to hear. The older a woman gets, the more negative it gets.

But thanks to voice actors inline, that's no longer needed to hear a female organically say nice things.

grats to you, op. tell me, have you ever tried some asian country? how about prostitutes or the like?

i dont think i will ever get a doll because im sure if i wanted to enough i could get a real girl, but im basically committed at this point to die a virgin

what kind of doll? like a dress up barbie doll or a actual sex toy?
what made you want to be treated that way?

Can be cute clothes, something like a nip lolita, some restraints would help to keep me immobile, no problem having sex... but I'd also do other things.

prostitutes are okay. I tried them. None of them looked good at all. Like fucking a old fat pig that just laid there. Wasn't worth it.
but you can get addicted to it if you find the right place. And those might give you a pretty bad STD. Not recommended but not against it either. After awhile, you'll want more than just sex. Spending 5 mimutes with a prostitute and then leaving isn't as satisfying.

Sounds kinky. Why can't you find a guy like that? I think most guys might be secretly into that kind of thing and easily be found anywhere locally.

Guys are kinky until they try to do anything, most cannot slap a girl irl without crying like a bitch.

are you cute? What are your measurements?

1,51m, slim body, nothing special, sorry

want to chat on kik or discord?

why are you faggots like this?

Normally you need to have some strong resentment to be able to nonchalantly slap another person, or be a psychopath. I don't think I'd cry about it if my girlfriend wanted me to do it, but I'd rather not, and I'd probably think less of her for having such a pleb fetish.

See, cowards like you are the reason I could not do it irl.

hit me up on discord

If you can't hit a female you aren't a man

I'm not against doing it because I'm afraid of beating a woman, I absolutely believe that a lot of women would be better off getting regular beatings, but I'd rather have a girlfriend that has some dignity to her, and someone who gets off on being slapped or beaten is not very dignified. Choking just barely gets a pass.

>this kills the femoid

it might be from some deep seeded repressed childhood memory. some people grow up like to be spanked because it reminds them of better times. Like how cutters cut to feel something physical rather than emotional.

Pretty much this...
It's not about being sexy, it's about having a pair.

Just ordered the same model as in the OP. My qt elven waif will soon arrive. This is the future bros.

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Congratulations you're a doll Chad now.

Nice. very good choice. Don't forgot to take a ton of pics when you get her. We'd love to see her.

Based and dangerously redpilled

You better post pics

I know people don't develop fetishes because they want to, but they can still be shit. If I tell a girl that I like, among other things, futa, they'll start rolling more eyes than they ever thought they had, and never stop the not very subtle suggestions that I must be into fucking other men.

Fuck off retard, I'm sure there's a gang of chilly pimps on Tinder who will be happy to slap the shit out of any woman. Even a 3/10 cat lady like you.

Men can compromise when it comes to sex. Even if they aren't specifically in to doll roleplay, they will improvise. Don't post dumb "tfw no horny bf" shit on r9k bitch

>have a girlfriend
>But fuck a doll on the side at a storage unit
Fucking amazing, girlfriend is starting to get suspicious but she doesn't smell another woman.

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I already have the factory pics. She's being delivered. I'll make a thread once I have her. Here, a teaser:

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Na she didn't like me. She was just a "friend" and I really stress friend. We talked about all kinds of things.

Just some chick from whisper. Her husband wanted to be cucked, but couldn't tell how much a loser I was. She could so nothing happened. We just chatted.

mods/janny it's not nudity, just a piece of plastic, so pls no delet

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Dolls are superior to women in a lot of ways. If I need women, it won't be for sex. I can just pay a prostitute for 'the gf experience' which is a thing I learned a while back. Most of my money money goes to pimping put my doll.

she looks super realistic. And she's petite, 145cm with small breasts. I can't wait for her to arrive.

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pretty cute desu. post contact

damn she's a cute one. How much did you pay for her?

which company is that? ive always liked the look of some of the DSdoll's but ive not really looked into others

2300 eurobux
Incredibly costly, especially for an eastern europoor like myself, but what else am I to spend money on anyways? To me it's worth every penny

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It's DS Doll. A respectable seller, I bought it from the EU vendor. I really liked the Nina Elven head, so I just went for it.

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Now that is some doll ass I can get behind

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is that 145 or 145 evo?

Oh, you two just fuck already. And What the hell ever happened to the tits or gtfo rule?

It's the 145 Minus. They don't sell it anymore though unfortunately as the EU laws are fascist and label anything with a cup size smalled than D+ as child porn.

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wow! I want one now. I can definitely see the appeal.

I decree

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hope you enjoy them. i reckon i'll be broken enough at some point in the next few years to join you.

Thanks, I'm sure I will. I can't wait to love her, cuddle with her, spoon her at night, dress her up. It's the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I don't care how pathetic anyone thinks it is. I'm just happy. I just hope the EU bordernigger guards won't seize her because of some BS.
Either way, godspeed brother. I hope you can find a perfect dollwaifu one day as well and can find happiness

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You made the right choice user
I'm proud of you

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why did you choose to buy a doll over getting a gf? serious question.


for the fact that he has fun and you still come here to ask this stupid question. Obviously because he finds it more attractive than women. Screw them.

noice, the best use for a doll is dressing up

>tfw no Domme pegging doll gf

A number of reasons. I spoke with several women. I have even gone on a date. I felt disgusted by their personalities in some cases, others just were bland and boring, some unattractive. They require effort, you must talk with them, you must give them attention, they have needs, they want you to be ambitious, to have a job etc... It just seems like a giant pain in the arse. I just want a qt girl to cuddle with at night, have sex with when I'm horny and that's about it. I don't want to deal with any other BS a real person requires. It simply requires no effort on my part. Passive obedience is in my eyes superior to active disobedience. I'm incredibly selfish and would want a real woman to never meet with any friends because I'm incredibly possessive and jealous. If she had guy friends I would probably break up with her immediately. I would not want for her to go drinking or on parties or anything like that. It disgusts me.

A doll will do nothing like that. A doll will just sit or lay in my room looking pretty. Ready for use whenever I feel like it. If only she could cook, clean and do laundry and she's be perfect.

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Got anymore doll pics dude?

I've got plenty, but r9k is a pain in the arse. Not only a captcha, but also a need for an original message to complicate my existence

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I wish this board didn't have this retarded limitation. It's of no use to control one's shitposting

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Post in Jow Forums, just said something something future of mankind something, I'll bump it

I cant wait for my doll wife. She's just too cute

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Eh, it's fine, Jow Forums has tard captcha as well and in the blue board they delete that shit because janny has hemorrhoids

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Well yeah, you really are too old to find a good mate now

I would buy a doll harem if I had the sufficient funds, but for now one will do nicely.

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The best thing about dolls is that they never want anything from you. They are just happy to be yours and do anything you want to.

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What about /s/? They probably wont care or mind

They look so real, it's almost unreal. I'm thankful I live in this age even considering all the bad things.

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>women getting cucked by sex dolls
is this why women are so angry at men that have sex dolls?

Nah, I'm done posting for today. Going to bed for today.
There are some pics on dollforum.com made by the users/doll owners themselves, if you're interested.

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Which doll is that on the left? That one is cute.

is that where you got these pics? I MUST HAVE THEM

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>tfw have doll fetish
>especially for ones with balljoints
>will never be able to afford one
>just like I can't afford a real women

It's the DS 145 body with the Nina head. It's the same one I've been posting, but without the elven ears.
Some, yes. Other I got from twitter, some from professional doll photographers, some from websites. It's varied, I usually only saved the ones of the doll I ordered.

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except talk, or love you back

>except talk
and that's a bad thing?
>or love you back
A real woman wouldn't either lmao

What an odd fetish.. you mean like this

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Or this? Odd user

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Is everyone one here a pervert?

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cute, CUTE!!

original salami pizza

Cus it seems odd that you want to fuck a cute Dollie

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I'm going to embace the doll lifestyle in time.

But how do you deal with it once your doll eventually wears out?

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You want to shoot salsa on them odd. But we'll get there...

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They should make these with a fleshlight inside their tummy

They are quite adorable I admit. It's cute to see them hug you

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Why... What an amazing idea... If you're a pervert.

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Gosh aren't their eyes gorgeous?

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By the time you wear it out, it'll be 2-5 years later. And there'll be new bodies and models or better materials by then. Just replace them. You can just store your old doll or use it as a model/mannequin

Almost to the end. You'll want to see it... probably.. at least a pervert would

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Small ones last less unfortunately...

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lmao you have a picture of her tiny cunny and her hugging your manrocket printed out and hung out in the open

How based and perverted can one man be

Very so it seems

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Based and redpilled, fren.

The hero we need but don't deserve.

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hot, you should make a thread on /gif/

I wish I could buy a petite doll without getting vanned. Fuck living in the UK.