How do I make my cock limp permanently?

How do I make my cock limp permanently?

Is wearing a tight chastity cage almost full time for a few years gonna do it?
Will tying up my balls for up to an hour per day help?

Is it possible that if I do this for many years, my dick will also shrink in size and eventually become tiny?

P.S. I want to do this while maintaining relatively normal testosterone levels.
I want to be a normal man with a little secret.

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Chastity cages aren't proven to do anything, but they will most likely cause your tissues to atrophy. I wouldn't recommend it but I mean if that's your thing.

I've heard bending your dick backwards/downwards while erect will wreck your ability to get an erection. Only telling you this so you regret it and kill yourself in a few months

I'm interested in the opposite of making my cock limp

post more nelf thots

Do you think my tissues can permanently atrophy?
What are the limits?

Attached: 9a229ffd958f6d4ad20f2da7a57ab71f.jpg (811x1064, 117K)

>I want to be a normal man with a little secret.
You're definitely not normal
Why would you want to do this?

I was never interested in penetrative sex, and it's also my fetish.

Start with putting a rope around your neck

can confirm, did this for a bit now i barely get erections anymore although i recovered a bit thank god

How does this work?