How do I make my cock limp permanently?

How do I make my cock limp permanently?

Is wearing a tight chastity cage almost full time for a few years gonna do it?
Will tying up my balls for up to an hour per day help?

Is it possible that if I do this for many years, my dick will also shrink in size and eventually become tiny?

P.S. I want to do this while maintaining relatively normal testosterone levels.
I want to be a normal man with a little secret.

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Chastity cages aren't proven to do anything, but they will most likely cause your tissues to atrophy. I wouldn't recommend it but I mean if that's your thing.

I've heard bending your dick backwards/downwards while erect will wreck your ability to get an erection. Only telling you this so you regret it and kill yourself in a few months

I'm interested in the opposite of making my cock limp

post more nelf thots

Do you think my tissues can permanently atrophy?
What are the limits?

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>I want to be a normal man with a little secret.
You're definitely not normal
Why would you want to do this?

I was never interested in penetrative sex, and it's also my fetish.

Start with putting a rope around your neck

can confirm, did this for a bit now i barely get erections anymore although i recovered a bit thank god

How does this work?

A limpy slug cock won't turn you into a girl

Lmao, it's not about being a girl.
Learn to read, faggot.

Try this op it should work.

OP i don't think stuff like this is really safe for your health i think you'll loose testosterone since your killing part of genitals.

What do you think could be some of the safety concerns?

I'd be fine with losing around 25% testosterone.

Is there any science behind this?
It's just a video from some random guy, who is still able to get hard, mind you.

i think what you do is break the upper muscle thing in your dick controlling how and how much you dick becomes hard and uh when you break it you cant control it anymore and so you stay soft sorry for autism reply

That sounds painful and dangerous.
Isn't it?

maybe slightly but not as much as things that actually hurt, you're not supposed to force it down until it cracks you're supposed to just bend it down with some force
if lifelong ed isnt dangerous for you idk

Well yeah, I'm worried something will crack which will cause a lot of pain and bleeding and I'll have to go get a surgery.

But yeah, I want to make it permanent.

as long as you dont go retard on it nothing (too) painful will happen, and im sure if you do it over a longer period of time it will be permanent

So basically, taking it easy over a long period of time, right?

Do you have links to other videos or something else which confirms this method?

sadly no, i can only tell that after doing it for like 2 days i couldn't flex the dick muscle thing anymore and i wasnt getting as hard as i used to so gl you can try to ask some discord trannys maybe they know more

Do you think I will still be able to stimulate my dick well and orgasm?

I can't imagine getting horny, but staying limp.
Yet, it must happen, since my T levels will remain the same.

Unironically, I've actually been wondering this too. I lack the money to buy a chastity though.

not sure desu original

take a bunch of adderall and beat your dick into oblivion. no joke.

>I lack the money to buy a chastity though.
Oh, a fellow useless NEET who shouldn't procreate?

How can you lack the money to buy a chastity cage?
They're not actually expensive.