
This thread is for trans and their allies to chat. no bullies allowed

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you are a freak and nobody will ever love you

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Did you read? It says NO BULLIES ALLOWED

Why have a never met a girlyboy with "girlyboy pride" as shown in your pic. I've only ever met trans who hate the bodies they were born with and strongly desire everyone to use feminine pronouns and such for them.

Because they have dysphoria and want to be female

Sauce for tranny thread pic please

i don't know I just saved it from here

I understand that, I guess what I'm asking is why do all girlyboys have dysphoria? Shouldn't there be some boys who identify as boys but just eschew gender norms and present as sufficiently feminine to cause confusion?

>ywn be cute and/or passable

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You'll still find someone for you. I knew a tranny who never took pills yet or anything and "he" got a big dumb cute lesbo a month after school started

I can get all the gfs I want but I want a bf!!!!

Fuck off you attention whore. You post some variation of this shit all the time

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I just want to pass as a woman, and if lucky, even be pretty or cute!

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Yeah but that applies to everyone in r9k

Get on vrchat I guess

Vrchat doesn't help me feel any better

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Man I love every one of you avatarfags

Wow, really? Thank you so much user! You're so nice.

Bandaaaaage why won't you be my girlfriend

Which one are you
Are you greencard user

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Cause not even a tranny would date an incel

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official ally reporting in. now accepting gf(male) applications.

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desu ne baka

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Hey bandage when we have the technology to actually change sexes you're gonna be my gf k.

Ok sounds good
Too bad I'll be 70 years old

How old are you now? I'm sure it won't take too long we already have the ability to make men pregnant apparently.

By then de-aging technology will probably exist

I turned 23 last month

Maybe... there is hope... maybe I shouldn't kms...

Idk about that, but there'll probably be a lot of things to keep people healthy.

Yeah you're not even that old, worst case scenario you'll be hitting 30 by the time this shit comes out

You better not forget about me by then...

You already have a board you fucking disgusting freaks

>cried because I wasn't a girl at four years old
>tried to cut off my balls when I was 11
>first came out to my best friend that I wanted to transition when I was 15
>got kicked out of the house for wanting to transition when I was 17
>started hormones at 19
>28 and still haven't transitioned because I'll never pass and I'm still too afraid of others

I won't, but by then I sure it'll be fairly easy for you to get a guy, plenty of dudes who are to spergy to talk to girls

I know your pain fren and I'm sorry you had to go through it all

Lots of boys already talk to me but I'm pretty sure they're all gay and that feels bad! I want a bf who ONLY likes girls!!!

>decades of steadily worsening body and mental health issues combined with attempts at self mutilation

Not a mental illness!

Gender dysphoria is recognized worldwide as a mental illness you dummy

That'll change when this stuff comes out I imagine, but don't you kinda get the irony of your statement?

No I have no idea what you mean

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Hardy har, good luck at least I guess.

>hardy har
no user I really do not understand what you meant

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Why does it matter so much if the boys into you are gay/bi?

Cuz if they're gay that means they see me as a boy and that feels bad because that's now how I want to be seen

>I want a bf who ONLY likes girls!!!
>u r a boy
>said bf can't like you because you're not a girl

But there are plenty of tranners who get straight boys who only like girls because they LOOK and ACT like women

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And you don't so you gotta settle for bi/gay men stop being so picky

maybe i should just kms instead

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I wish I had hormones.

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Well, I don't really get that one, I'd like a girl to take care of my kids, kinda hard to do that when you don't have the proper organs for that.

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Same, but I'd only end up being a gigahon so I just repress.

ew I wouldn't want kids even if I was a cis female

So basically, your an attention whore?

straight = attracted to cis females only

Huh???? How does that add up? I just don't want kids because I'm too emotionally unstable to even take care of myself as is.

What is attracted to cis and trans girls only

>What is attracted to cis and trans girls only

it's time to sui

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Then what the fuck is even the point of being female? Sort out your fucking emotions before you decide what your damn sexuality is.


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Fukakai na Boku no Subete Wo

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Should probably go to therapy dude.

happy tranner here

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Therapy has NOT helped at all

what's it like to pass and actually be a girl

Why not bandage?

I boymode so I wouldn't know
but being a cute tranny still beats being a man so I'm happy for that

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Because the desire never goes away no matter what and there's nothing therapy can do for me otherwise

wtf boymode is hell and I wanna kms
I guess if you're actually attractive it might not feel as bad but I wouldn't know what that's like

Well, then maybe one day we'll understand the differences in the brain that cause this? Its actually an easier fix that just straight up becoming a girl.

I hope so because I really am not happy about going the transition route it was literally my last resort once I started trying to kill myself. I don't want to transition, I just want to ease my constant, horrible discomfort

>Because the desire never goes away no matter what
Except it can buy then you'll just doubt yourself forever

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I honestly can't tell if I'm attractive or not due to my BDD making me think I look like an ogre most days but the worst I've gotten so far from people who've seen my face was "you look fine" and that was a shitty dark picture with my phone camera too close to my face

anyway, you wouldn't be happy just becase you passed
your biggest problems are on the inside not the outside

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No my biggest problems are related to not being able to live like a woman due to looking too much like a man

>Got called "pretty" and "beautiful" at work today
>They were being ironic

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and what to you constitutes living like a woman?

where can I apply for finding a qt transgf that will play strategy games with me?

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I know it sucks, but you just gotta have faith, there are plenty of people with all sorts of fucked up mental issues, you gotta find your own way to deal with it or work it to your advantage.

Justify your masculinity.

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Being treated like one socially for the most part, presenting as one and being able to go out and buy the things I would need to do so without being gawked at as a weirdo/creep. Just blending in

Well it's only gotten worse with time so my faith has dwindled to nothing

so, just looks then?
that's very shallow but I get it

Looks enable the ability to act femininely, otherwise I wouldn't care about them

in public perhaps

It honestly seems to me like your lonely, but idk

I act naturally/femininely on discord with friends and stuff but to have to hide away in my room for eternity is sad as hell. I want to go out with friends and experience life in comfort, not in boymode where I feel like puking the entire time.

Of course I'm lonely. No one accepts me for who I am

I'm considering making either a 'trannies will hang' post or a 'finally a thread for me' post
which one is more damaging to the board?

find friends you can act feminine around then

You need higher quality bait m8.
I suggest making a thread about why girls love horses so much. Even trannies like horse p*nis. I know I do.

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This is easy online but impossible irl

making friends irl is hard yes but not harder because of this

>implying people accept trannies
>implying people don't form partially unchangeable first impressions based on your (masculine) appearance

>implying people accept trannies
plenty of people do and those who don't you wouldn't wanna try to befriend regardless
>implying people don't form partially unchangeable first impressions based on your (masculine) appearance
doesn't matter in the long run, they're far from unchangeable

go join the other 47%

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Fuck yeah trains thread finally, knew this meme'd stick.

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literally no one has ever made this joke before user

I already joined the 41%. Now what user?
Don't tell me you forgot to read the paper.

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Well who are you bandage?

What do actual trans people think of the sissy fetish?

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A literal original retard

Name some user

I knew that much, we're on r9k arent we?

Daily reminder that trans people are not robots and never will be just like women. Also you should go to the faggot board.

Trannies in denial. It's like when I used to think I was "just gay"

You should be six feet under then